Wednesday, June 30, 2021

B@@K REVEAL: Flawless by Ivy Nelson

Ivy Nelson
(A Diamond Doms Novel, #8)
Publication date: July 27th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Matthew Bruce has a lot of secrets. He’s legally married to royalty, he’s in love with his wife’s little sister, and he’s not really dead like everyone thinks. To top it all off, it turns out his recently deceased grandfather was part of the international underground organization his friends at Club Solitaire have been tracking down.

Faking his death hadn’t been part of the plan, and having Kendall Livingston, his wife’s sister, track him down most definitely wasn’t in the plans.

Now he has to keep them both safe and keep Kendall out of his bed.


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Author Bio:

Ivy Nelson is an emerging contemporary romance author, hopeful romantic, and passionate advocate who is versed in all things steamy, sultry, and sensual. It all started back when she read her first steamy romance novel at the age of fourteen. From that point forward, it became her favorite genre--one she wanted to write in herself someday. Sylvia Day's writing style cemented that passion, and gave her just the inspiration she needed to be an author herself. In December of 2018, Ivy published her debut novel, Power Desired at the age of 32.

Most recently, Ivy completed the "D.C. Power Games" series and the prequel to her forthcoming "Diamond Doms series" titled "Hard" (currently available for pre-order). In a not-so-distant past, she was a student affairs professional at a university and earned her political science degree, which explains her politically-driven romance debut.

When she isn't penning steamy scenes or attending writing conferences, you can find this contest-winning karaoke singer and bookworm passionately supporting human rights or growing her Sims 4 empire. She is also a wine aficionado and certified whiskey taster (no really, she has the certificate to prove it). All that aside, Ivy loves spending quality time with her amazing son and husband of three years at their home in Houston, TX.

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BOOK BLITZ: An Italian Affair by Evie Baxter #GIVEAWAY

An Italian Affair
Evie Baxter
Publication date: May 31st 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


Having suffered through a recent humiliating break up, I wasn’t ready to dive back into the dating game. I thought I was off men, but then along came Sandro de Luca. Gorgeous temptation in a suit. I worked on a ship. He lived in Venice. There was no way a relationship could work between us. But a summer affair might be just what was called for.


My attraction to Ella had an incendiary chemistry that couldn’t be denied. She didn’t want a commitment. I wanted to imprint myself on her soul. I was determined to make her mine, even if life was continually throwing obstacles in my path. Some things were worth fighting for.

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Get it FREE on Kindle Unlimited!


As we descended from the rooftop back to the restaurant, the feel of Sandro’s eyes on my back was visceral. The luncheon had been wonderful despite my momentary discomfort when he had touched my back and kissed my neck. He thought it was because I was leary of men after what Alex did to me. And maybe partly it was.

More like I was so overwhelmed by my reaction to Sandro that I didn’t know what to do. He was a stranger. I had barely known him a few hours. But when his knuckles brushed down the length of my spine, exposed by the design of the dress, my knees had weakened and my breath quickened. It had been so unexpected and so sensual. I just had to think about his actions and the hairs on my arms stood on end and my belly shuddered as I relived his touch.

His lips on my nape? Bloody hell! It was the lightest of touches but enough that I felt their firm press, his breath tickling the little hairs at the base of my hairline, the whisper of a sigh from his lips as they met my skin. The rasp of his beard tickling my nerve endings. I had felt my nipples tighten in response and the surge of heat that flowed through my body and straight between my legs was startling. If that was what the lightest of kisses could do, then what the hell would a full-on assault accomplish?

I didn’t think the man realised the power he had over me already. It was scary, and tantalising. It stirred my interest to find out more. It had been a long time since I had indulged in casual sex, not since my university days. Ships were a morass of gossip and sex, everyone knew everyone, and if you slept with someone it was almost guaranteed someone else on board had as well. There was no avoiding it, so I had been much more circumspect in my relationships since going to sea.

But would I consider breaking all my rules and having an affair with someone shoreside. I had never been tempted. Until now. Sandro brought out my sensual nature in a way that was impossible to ignore. The way I reacted to him was all the more obvious to me because not once had Alex stirred such physical responses in the time I spent with him.

Author Bio:

Evie lives in the countryside close to Oxford where she writes stories, accompanied by her eldest daughter's very fluffy cat. When not writing she can be found ignoring housework, reading voraciously, feeding her family and hanging out with the alpacas at the farm behind her house. Before settling in the countryside, she travelled the world working on cruise ships and doing stuff like jumping out of airplanes, cycling around South Pacific Islands and taking helicopters over glaciers and volcanoes.


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BOOK BLITZ: Code Red by N.R. Walker #GIVEAWAY

Code Red
N.R. Walker
Publication date: June 24th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance

The brighter the spotlight, the darker the shadow.

Maddox Kershaw is the main vocalist of the world’s biggest boy band. He’s at the top of every music chart, every award show, every social media platform, and every sexiest-man-alive list. He’s the bad boy, the enigma, the man everyone on the planet wants a piece of.

He’s also burned out and exhausted, isolated and lonely. Not in a good headspace at the start of a tour.

Roscoe Hall is Maddox’s personal manager. His job is high-flying, high-demand, high-profile, and he loves it. Maddox has consumed his entire life for the past four years. Roscoe knows him. He sees the real Maddox no one else gets to see.

He’s also in love with him.

When the tour and stress become too much, when the world begins to close in, Roscoe becomes Maddox’s lifeline. But as Maddox knows already, and as Roscoe is about to learn, the brighter the spotlight, the darker the shadow.

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“Roscoe Hall,” I answered my phone, out of time and patience. It didn’t dawn on me that it was Ryan’s number until after I’d said my name. It was my twentieth call this morning already.

“Just confirming ETA for 9:00 am.”

I checked my watch. It was 7:30 now and I’d already been up for far too long. It was a big day, and I could take a moment to breathe once we were all together.

“Yeah, Ryan. Will be there, thanks.”

There was a brief pause. “Is Maddox with you?”

“On my way to get him now.”

“See you there.”

I pocketed my phone and did one last check. Phone, wallet, passport, tickets, keys. I grabbed my carry-on, locked my front door, and wheeled my suitcase down to the waiting car. I hadn’t even greeted the driver when my phone rang again, and it beeped again on my way to collect Maddox.

I was organized and efficient, aggressively so.

It’s what made me good at my job. Being the personal manager for one of the world’s biggest boy bands was every minute of my life.

These boys didn’t accept second best for anything, and neither did I.

And I should clarify that while they were classified as a boy band, they were men. They might have started out as boys—they were just kids in high school when they formed their first band. But they were twenty-three now. They’d done the small local gigs, needing their parents’ permission to play in bars and clubs around LA when they were underage.

The story of how the band called Atrous made it to the big time was well-known.

The five boys came from nothing. A garage band that crossed pop with rock and rap, playing small gigs wherever they could, when a well-known radio DJ saw them and uploaded footage to his social media. Platinum Entertainment, one of America’s biggest entertainment management companies, signed them, and they’d been on the top of the world music stage for the last four years.

To the outside world, these guys were the ultimate success story.

They had no idea what went on when the lights went out.

Saying I was the personal manager of the whole band wasn’t true either. Personal assistant, handler, manager. It was all the same. But it wasn’t just me. I was one of three. Ryan Morten, Amber Seratt, and I were the personal managers of Atrous, as a whole. While the three managers looked after the five band members, I was, however, the unstated personal manager of one of them in particular.

Lead vocalist and rapper, main dancer, bad boy, Maddox Kershaw.

Ryan and Amber took care of Jeremy, Wes, Luke, and Blake. But Maddox was mine.

Well, not mine. But mine.

God, how I wished he were mine . . .

Over the last four years, Maddox and I’d just gelled. He didn’t trust easily, and for some reason he’d put his trust in me. And the truth was, he needed his own personal manager more than the other four guys.

Maddox was the face of Atrous. Unwilling, but the face, nonetheless.

He carried the weight of their reputation, their brand. He was the one they hounded, the one they chased, the one they followed, the one that made headlines every other day.

He wore black, he had a full sleeve of tattoos, perfect skin, and he had attitude to spare. His motto was to burn down the institutions, to stand tall for those who had to kneel, and to speak for those who had been silenced.

He resonated with the youth around the world.

He was also incredibly good-looking.

When I say good-looking, I mean hot. Sexy, enigmatic, ethereal, even.

His heritage had been talked about a million times. So much of his life was public. His grandmother on his mother’s side was Japanese, and his grandparents on his father’s side were Dutch. He was a second generation American, a very talented musician, and he was incredibly smart.

He sang like an angel and danced like the devil.

And he answered the door looking like a mix of both. His hair was wet from the shower, he smelled warm and clean, he wore black cargo pants, a black T-shirt, and combat boots. It was his standard attire. Seeing him like that made my heart feel far too big for my chest. “Forget your key?” he asked. He even almost smiled.

It had been so long since I’d seen him smile . . .

Yes, I had a key to his house. But that was for emergencies only. I followed him inside. “You ready? The others are meeting us there.”

He grumbled something that sounded like assent. His house was still dark, open and vast, mind-bogglingly expensive, and it felt empty. It was in Beverly Hills, worth a reported twelve million with incredible views of the canyon and the city, but Maddox had the blinds drawn.

He plucked a black hoodie off the back of his sofa and pulled it on. I ignored how his T-shirt lifted a little, exposing a sliver of pale skin above his waistband. I’d seen him shirtless a thousand times. Hell, I’d even seen him in his underwear. It was nothing new, but it still managed to warm my blood.

I grabbed his two suitcases, wheeling them toward the door. He picked up his black backpack. “Got my passport?”

“Yep,” I replied. “We’re all good. Your mom’s got her key and security numbers?”

“Yeah,” he said with a shrug.

His mother was going to come look after his place while we were gone. We’d be gone for almost seven weeks. Seven long, grueling weeks.

“Come on, I have an iced coffee waiting for you in the car.”

He pulled up his hood, but I swear there was the beginning of a smile before the shadow stole it.

My phone buzzed again, and I pulled it out of my pocket and groaned at the screen. Another message that could wait until we were in the car. I pulled the door shut behind us, made sure it was locked, and wheeled the luggage to the waiting car. I opened the car door for him, I closed the door for him, I loaded the bags into the trunk—it was my job to do these things for him—and finally I got into the back of the car with Maddox.

My phone buzzed again, and I thumbed out a quick reply. We’d been driving for about ten minutes when I realized Maddox hadn’t said a word. He’d sipped his coffee but not much else. I looked at him then, really looked at him, and underneath the killer good looks was a tired man.

“You sleep okay?” I asked.

He scoffed as his answer, then glanced pointedly at my phone. “Did you? Has your phone stopped yet?”

I didn’t need to reply because we both knew the answer.

He nodded because he knew he was right and proving his point, I replied to some more emails and messages on the drive downtown. Yes, we all lived in LA, and yes, we were staying at a hotel in LA because when the tour began, the band and the whole crew would stay together. Mostly for logistical and security reasons, but also for bonding. We were one unit from day one, regardless of location.

As the car pulled into the hotel’s underground parking lot, Maddox’s eyes trained on the people rushing about. “The guys are already here?” he asked.

“Yep. Arrived five minutes ago.”

His shoulders relaxed a little, and for that I was glad. He and his bandmates were like brothers; they’d been through everything together. He was closer to Jeremy than the others, but the bond between the five of them was clear. I was relieved that he’d be with them again. I was pretty sure he’d spent the last few days by himself, holed up in his house. I’d spoken to him on the phone, even came to see him a few times, but getting ready for a tour was a busy time for me.

Before we came to a complete stop, he was quiet and chewed on his bottom lip. I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but there wasn’t time. I doubted he’d even answer that question, or answer it honestly, anyway.

“You excited?” I asked instead. “Sellout stadium tour, twenty-three concerts. You ready for that?”

He met my gaze and didn’t look away. His smile was as brief as it was beautiful. “Yeah. Of course.”

I didn’t believe him, and it was devastating how he could look right at me with those dark, dark eyes and speak so sincerely while he lied.

I spent almost every day with him. I knew him. I knew the real Maddox Kershaw, not the Maddox he showed the world. The private one, the quiet one, the intellectual one . . .

The miserable one.

The Maddox I’d been secretly in love with for years . . . the Maddox I could never have.

“Maddox,” I said, but his door opened from the outside, and people were getting luggage from our car and giving directions, and there was no time.

The commotion had begun. These seven weeks were going to be brutal.

He lowered his head, pulled up his hood to hide his face, and got out of the car.

Author Bio:

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance. She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.

She is many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things… but likes it even more when they fall in love.

She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since…

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Tuesday, June 29, 2021

NEW RELEASE: No More Secrets by Cate Beauman #GIVEAWAY

Cate Beauman’s No More Secrets Release Celebration!

Fresh starts and second chances…

It’s hard to believe that The Carter Island Trilogy is coming to an end with the addition of No More Secrets. Originally, I intended to write Secrets Hidden in the Glass, book one in the series, as a standalone title. As I told the story of Sheriff Nathan Carter and famous stained glass artist Callie Davis, I fell in love with Carter Island and the many secondary characters, particularly Nate’s sisters, Molly and Gwen. They’re so sassy and irresistible. I knew I had to tell their stories, too.

By trade, I’m a romantic suspense author. There are definitely a few mystery/suspense elements in Secrets Hidden in the Glass, but Molly and Gwen’s stories take us into the contemporary romance genre. Nate and Callie’s adventure evolved into the Carter siblings’ journeys as they move through one year. From autumn to summer, so much changes for Nate, Molly, and Gwen, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.

In No More Secrets single mother Gwenyth Carter finds herself betrayed, divorced, and nearly broke. She’s determined to pick up the pieces of her life on her own, but sexy Aussie billionaire businessman Cade Paxton keeps getting in her way.

Gwen and Cade were so much fun to write. I hope you’ll enjoy their story.

Cate Beauman Signature


No More Secrets Cate Beauman


The Carter Island Trilogy, Book 3

Three Siblings. One Year. Everything Changes.

Aussie billionaire businessman and pilot Cade Paxton has struggled to put his life back together after suffering a tragic loss. With his purchase of Carter Island Air and recent move to the small Massachusetts island, he sees his chance for a fresh start. Cade’s sole focus is on growing his investment and avoiding romantic entanglements at all costs. But then he hires Rebecca Carter Interiors’ new assistant designer to help him update the aging airport. Cade quickly finds himself fascinated by the sassy beauty who often speaks her mind, talking to him in a way most people wouldn’t dare.

Single mother Gwenyth Carter has recently been through hell. She’s starting over after several months of nasty surprises. Newly divorced and nearly broke, she’s rebuilding her life one step at a time. Gwen’s certain she has everything she needs: her sweet baby girl, a supportive family, and her dream career. She’s endlessly grateful when the lucrative airport project falls into her lap. But Gwen soon realizes that her new job comes with unforeseen complications, mainly the amount of time she’s forced to spend with her gorgeous client and his sexy accent.

Their mutual attraction is undeniable, yet Gwen tries her best to keep a professional distance, even when she recognizes how wonderful Cade is with her daughter. But it isn’t long before Gwen is dealt another unexpected blow that she struggles to handle on her own. Gwen will have no choice but to turn to the one man she’s determined not to want or risk losing what she loves most.



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“Hopefully, we can do this again.”

Her gaze locked on his as she settled her laptop bag on her shoulder. “You want to have dinner again?”

He shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”

“My evenings typically belong to my daughter. It’s important that I keep her in her routine.”

He shoved his hands in his pockets, still looking at her. “Your frown is back.”

She immediately smoothed her features, trying to decide how she wanted to navigate these dicey waters. Cade was nice enough, but dinners would not be happening on a regular basis, especially when it was impossible to deny that Molly was right—he was incredibly hot and charming. “This was a dinner meeting.”

“One hundred percent. Let me be clear that I’m not hitting on you, Gwen. We’ll be working together for the foreseeable future, and we’re neighbors here on this tiny island. Plus, I consider your family members new friends, which means there’s a fairly good chance we might become friends, too.”

“Men and women can’t be friends,” she heard herself say, regretting it instantly. Why hadn’t she simply agreed to the idea and been on her way?

He rocked back on his heels, his bold green eyes dancing with amusement. “And why’s that?”

She jerked her shoulders, not exactly sure of the reasoning behind the whole thing, but as she stared at the way the lighting played with the angles of his spectacular face, she knew for a fact that it would be wise to spend as little time with Cade Paxton as possible. “Because it’s just a thing.”

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard.”

She narrowed her eyes, her embarrassment growing by the second. “I don’t think it is.”

“I imagine men and women can be friends if that’s all either party is looking for. And that’s all I’m looking for, Gwen.”

She hardly knew him, yet she believed him. But still. She raised her chin. “I’m most comfortable with colleagues for now—keeping things professional. We’ll see about the rest.”

He grinned. “Fair enough.”

She adjusted her laptop case strap, trying not to fiddle. “Thank you again for a delicious meal.”

“You’re welcome.” He moved to open the door for her, stepping out after she did. “Let’s get you back.”

She stopped abruptly. “What are you doing?”

“Walking you home.”

Hadn’t they just discussed keeping things professional? People out on dates did the whole walk-your-partner-home thing. And she and Cade weren’t partners. “I appreciate it, but you don’t have to do that.”

“It’s dark, and there are still people about on the beach. Nate mentioned an assault when I saw him the other day.”

She stood her ground. “That may be, but I can take care of myself. I’ve been walking home from the Sandersons’ without any trouble for most of my life.”

“I’ll walk you home, Gwen.”

“Thank you, but I’m all set. Good night, Cade.” And with that, she walked off, then stopped halfway up the driveway, turning. “I hope you’ll eat the cheesecake.”

“I’m planning on it as soon as I go inside.”

“Good.” She grinned, then turned again, heading home, well aware that he was still watching her in the security lights scattered around the massive property. But as she’d said, she took care of herself.



Cate Beauman is the multi-award-winning, international bestselling author of The Bodyguards of L.A. County series and the Carter Island Novels. She is known for her full-length, action-packed romantic suspense and contemporary stories.

Cate's novels have been named Readers' Favorite Five Star books and have won the Booksellers' Best Award, Maggie Award for Excellence, the Holt Medallion Award, two-time Aspen Gold Medal, two-time Readers' Favorite International Gold Medal, three-time Readers' Favorite International Silver Medal, and the Readers' Crown Award.

Cate makes her home in New Hampshire with her family and their St. Bernards, Bear and Jack.






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BOOK BLITZ: Lessons in Sin by Pam Godwin #GIVEAWAY

Lessons in Sin
Pam Godwin
Publication date: June 29th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

There’s no absolution for the things I’ve done.
But I found a way to control my impulses.
I became a priest.

As Father Magnus Falke, I suppress my cravings. As the headteacher of a Catholic boarding school, I’m never tempted by a student.

Until Tinsley Constantine.

The bratty princess challenges my rules and awakens my dark nature. With each punishment I lash upon her, I want more. In my classroom, private rectory, and bent over my altar, I want all of her.

One touch risks everything I stand for. My faith. My redemption. And even my life.

As if that could stop me. I need her pain, and her heart, and she needs my lessons in sin.

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The sweetest heaven.

My heaven, my salvation—neither of which I deserved.

The lemony scent of her sank into my lungs as I took and took, and she had no choice but to be taken. She was my charge after all. Mine to instruct. Mine to discipline.


I kissed her with all the pent-up hunger of the last six weeks. She echoed my intensity, stroking my lips and tongue with eager, impish caresses as though my mouth held what she most needed to exist. I wanted to give it to her, and I did. With a palm on one of her bottom cheeks, I squeezed the firm curve of it, punishing her sensitized welts.

Her moan shuddered through the night. Her kiss shuddered through me, and my brain stopped functioning. We could’ve been the last humans in the world, for all I felt was her.

Just her, the woman who made me so painfully hard, and the cocoon of darkness that was our freedom from the outside world.

I ground my cock against her, telling her with my body what I should never again demand with words. I wanted her innocence, her pleasure, her pain. I wanted her completely, no matter how wrong.

“Magnus.” My name was a plea, her voice pitched with lust and longing.

It only heightened the ache. I ached with the pressure of hard heat. Ached with the knowledge that I only needed to lower my zipper and thrust beneath her skirt.

The thought made me frantic, and I kissed her harder, deeper, needing more, more, more.

I tore my mouth away and spun her around. The blankets tripped up her legs, and she stumbled. I didn’t help her. I shoved her. To her knees, onto her chest, I followed her down to the tangled pile of fleece.

I couldn’t stop my hands from sliding up the backs of her thighs. Couldn’t stop my fingers from pinching and twisting the welts on her hot little ass.

A scream rippled out of her, spurring me to fall upon her and ride her, grinding, dry humping as my fingers fumbled with my zipper. Mindless, feral, I wanted inside her with every drop of my blood. And hers. I wanted to make her bleed.

Her neck turned, bringing her gaze over her shoulder, her eyes bright with female awareness. Her hair dragged through the mud, her face and hands coated with it.

Everything inside me stilled.

This was wrong.

She shouldn’t be held down like this. Not in the mud. Not in the cold. And never ever with me.

“No,” I whispered. Then louder. “No.”

I shoved away from her, driving myself back across the wet earth while battling every desire to claim her.

“What are you doing?” She pushed up, wincing as she rolled to her butt. “Why did you stop?”

“I’m hurting you.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I will.”

“You won’t.” Breath burst from her lungs on a loud guffaw. “I won’t allow it.”

I sprung to my feet, roaring, “I was seconds from taking your virginity in the mud like a fucking animal!”

“Because I was giving it to you!” She stood, too, her knuckles whitening around fists at her sides. “If you want it, it’s yours. I’d much rather get rid of it with you than with Tucker Kensington or some other fumbling boy.”

“I’m not fucking you. Not now. Not ever.” Pounded by fury, I paced, circled a tree, returned to her side, and exploded. “So help me God, if you so much as give Tucker your mouth, I’ll bloody your damn hide so completely you won’t be able to sit for a month. Do I make myself clear?”

“Oh, Miss girl. Is that supposed to be a threat?”

Miss girl? Did she think I was joking around? That this was a laughing matter?

“No one touches you!” My voice thundered with my rage, scaring off whatever was in the trees.

She stumbled back.

I stayed with her, shoving my face in hers.

“Do I make myself clear?”

Her eyes squeezed shut. Then she spun away without another word.

Author Bio:

New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author Pam Godwin lives in the Midwest with her husband, their two children, and a foulmouthed parrot. When she ran away, she traveled fourteen countries across five continents, attended three universities, and married the vocalist of her favorite rock band.

Java, tobacco, and dark romance novels are her favorite indulgences, and might be considered more unhealthy than her aversion to sleeping, eating meat, and dolls with blinking eyes.

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Monday, June 28, 2021



1 year Anniversary SALE ends June 30th!

“R.E. Hargrave is a new to me author. Wanted was better than I expected! It wasn't a cookie-cutter story. There were a few surprises, and I loved the way the author wrapped it all up.”

~BookBub reviewer


Grab your #99c ecopy here

And/or get the audio here


“I’m not a child, and I’ve been around. You see things when you live on the road.” Gypsy played it safe. “I’ve never listened to an audiobook, so I guess it wasn’t a fair reaction. Just assumed those kinds of books would be read by a woman. I don’t know why.” She cocked her head to the side, considering. “Now I think about it, I guess it makes sense. Women are probably the focus of the fiction audio market, so why not reel them in with a sexy voice whispering all kinds of naughty things in their ears?”

“Smart lady,” he praised. “I should clarify, though. What I do, it’s not just reading. It’s taking the words the authors have trusted me with and bringing them to life. Making each character real and distinct in the listener’s mind.”

As he spoke, Gypsy noticed a vibrancy she hadn’t before, a passion. Perhaps there was more to Hyde Johnson than she’d first thought.

“So, you’re kinda like a one-man band?”

“Sure. I guess you could say that.”

A thought occurred to her and her cheeks warmed as she asked, “Do you, ya know? Make the sounds and stuff, too?”

Now, he really laughed. “Well, that depends on what ‘stuff’ you’re referring to, but yes, I do some of that.”


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#ContemporaryRomance #NarratorRomance #HardHeadedLovers #FightingAlcoholism #OvercomingLonliness #TBR #ArtistWandererCrazyLove #HydeAndGypsy #WANTED #onSALE #InternationalGiveaway

B@@K REVEAL: A Collection of Scars by Heather Hataley

A Collection of Scars
Heather Hataley
Publication date: Fall 2021
Genres: New Adult, Speculative Fiction

Yonah has a life-changing decision to make.

Ever since she was sold into slavery and separated from her brother and sister, all she’s ever wanted was to reuinite with them. But Yonah grapples with an unwilling attraction to her temperamental master, Naris, who has swiftly fallen in love with her.

Whispers of rebellion can be heard throughout Harasa and the slave population wants to see an end to their subjugation. Yonah has an opportunity to do her part, which will threaten her relationship with Naris and potentially hinder her ability to find her brother and sister.

Can she find the strength to defy her master?


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BOOK BLITZ: Limitless by Kaylene Winter #GIVEAWAY

Kaylene Winter
(A Less Than Zero Rockstar Romance, #2)
Publication date: June 23rd 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

“She snuck up on me and stole my heart…”

Friends with benefits, that’s always been my relationship speed.
My band Less Than Zero is set to conquer the world.
Nothing and one is going to tie me down.
Except ethereal animal lover, Alexandria LeRoux, made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.
Our secret, spontaneous global hookups are decadent, erotic, extraordinary.
For the first time in my life, I picture my future with her.
Until one fateful night threatens to destroy my chance forever…

“I’ll travel the world for him…”

I set out that summer with only one goal in mind.
Conquer sexy Viking drummer Jace Deveraux before he left on tour.
Our first time was so sublime, it ruined me for anyone else
What’s a girl to do? Enjoy him in as many countries as possible, that’s what.
Now, he says he wants a future.
But I’m tired of putting my own dreams on hold for the band.
Unless we can find a compromise, things aren’t looking hopeful.

Our lives orbit on different courses.
But gravity always seems to pull us back together…

Will Alex leave Jace when a blast from his past threatens all they have built?
Or will Jace take matters into his own hands?

LIMITLESS is a steamy, whirlwind, playful, rollercoaster, round-the-world romance…with horses, drums and a bit of social media thrown in for good measure.

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“Please tell me there are beers here.” Without thinking, I ripped off my sweaty t-shirt and grabbed a replacement LTZ shirt out of my bag.

“Um, yeah. Over there.” Alex’s eyes were transfixed at my bare torso as she pointed toward the deck.

“Great. Well, let’s go.” I gestured, flexing my biceps. She quickly looked away, embarrassed at being caught ogling me.

Externally, I kept a neutral face but internally I was secretly pleased that she liked what she saw. Having a hot, young woman like Alex find you attractive wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Even if I’d never do anything about it.

We headed toward the makeshift bar on the deck. I grabbed a Manny’s and she grabbed a Coke.

“Sucks that me and Zoey can’t drink in front of all of the parents.” Alex pouted. “God, I can’t wait to be twenty-one. Or to be somewhere it doesn’t matter.”

“Ah, it’s not all that different.” I laughed.

“How old are you?” Alex asked.

“Twenty-three.” I smiled. “Too old for you.”

God, her eyes were the most amazing combination of blue with dark flecks. Her skin a smooth, caramel-colored tan with the slightest pink tinge on her cheeks. With only a hint of mascara and lip gloss, she was quite possibly the most naturally gorgeous woman I’d ever seen. Girl. Not that I’d ever, ever, ever do anything about it.

“True, you’re an old man.” Alex’s eyes crinkled when she laughed. “You’re practically retirement age.”

“Ha ha.” I grinned.

“So, Zoey and Ty have really hit it off.” Alex gestured over to where our friends were tangled together, giving each other googly eyes. “They’re a little over the top.”

“Ty’s never had a girlfriend before, so she must be pretty cool.” I knew how girls worked, especially best friends. I wasn’t going to give up any intel to Alex on my man Ty.

“Was that redhaired girl at the club your girlfriend?” Alex cocked her hip and pulled a long drink on her soda. I couldn’t help but watch her lips as she took a swallow of her Coke, thinking that she was more beautiful than the models who usually advertised the beverage. Again, not that I’d ever do anything about it.

“Um, no.” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Hmmm. She raised her eyebrow back at me.

“We’re leaving on tour for six months.” I sputtered.

“Uh huh.” She held my gaze.

“She’s not my girlfriend.” I huffed. “Now is not the time for a girlfriend.”

“I said the same thing to Zoey.” Alex looked at me directly. “She’s going to college in the fall, it seems a little irrational to get serious about a dude this summer.”

“Well, I like to tend my own garden. Ty can tend his.” I glanced around, not super interested in the way the conversation was heading.

“Fair enough.” Alex took the hint good-naturedly, absentmindedly playing with a few of the bangle bracelets on her wrist. “I’m not going to college, I want to travel the world. It’s pissing my dad off to no end.”

“Really? Where will you go?” I was genuinely surprised, figuring Zoey and Alex were attached at the hip.

“Everywhere! That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about. I figure if I can get a good following on Instagram, maybe I could even start funding my travel that way.” She gestured excitedly. “I know it will take a few months, but maybe you know some shortcuts or ways to get there faster.”

“Hmmm, well, I have a marketing degree but in real life I’m not an expert at all. It’s been a bit of trial and error with the LTZ account. Basically, it’s all about watching your analytics and seeing what is working and what isn’t and just doing more of what resonates.” I explained.

“Well, it will be a piece of cake then,” Alex said sarcastically.

“Look, I can help you get started, I’ve discovered a few shortcuts.” I took another pull of my beer.

“Oh, for the love of God. Get a room,” Alex muttered when her attention was diverted to the show our friends were putting on.

Ty and Zoey were full-on making out in the middle of the backyard and everyone was trying to avert their eyes, which was nearly impossible. I started laughing. Clearly, they didn’t care at all who saw. Why should I?

“Well, Alex the adventuress?” I nudged her with my shoulder. “Are you gonna stare all night or should we figure out a way to make you famous?”

“Yes, please. I’ll need a project because I’m pretty sure that I won’t be seeing much of Zoey for the rest of the summer.” Alex laughed.

I couldn’t help but flash her a smile, hoping my dimples were on full display. Chicks dug my dimples.

“So, um, Jace, just so you know I don’t want to be another annoying Instagram model. No cheesy, posey, pouty stuff. I mean, I’ll do what I need to do, but I want to find a clever way to travel and also raise awareness about animal rights.” Alex said as we walked over to an open bench seat.

“Piece of cake.” I followed her. “No fish lips, only fish.”

Author Bio:

When she was only 15, Kaylene Winter wrote her first rocker romance novel starring a fictionalized version of herself, her friends and their gorgeous rocker boyfriends. After living her own rockstar life as a band manager, music promoter and mover and shaker in Seattle during the early 1990's, Kaylene became a digital media legal strategist helping bring movies, television and music online. Throughout her busy career, Kaylene lost herself in romance novels across all genres inspiring her to realize her life-long dream to be a published author. She lives in Seattle with her amazing husband and dog. She loves to travel, throw lavish dinner parties and support charitable causes supporting arts and animals.

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BOOK BLITZ: Imprisoned by Bella Emy #GIVEAWAY

Bella Emy
(The Everyday Heroes World)
Publication date: June 24th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

I met her first.
I loved her first.
But my best friend swept her away, and since then, my heart’s been imprisoned.

I promised myself I would let my feelings for her go, let all of her go, and let them live their happily ever after.
But now he’s gone, and I’m left picking up the fractured pieces of her broken heart.

Suddenly, my life’s been derailed, thrown off course, off track.
I promised myself I wouldn’t let my feelings for her come surfacing back.

But seeing her again?

I don’t know if I can keep that promise.
She’s thrown me off the path I set forth for my imprisoned heart.
But now, am I forced to break that promise I made to myself so long ago?

Bella Emy’s Imprisoned is a steamy second chance contemporary romance written in K. Bromberg’s Everyday Heroes Worlds Project.

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Author Bio:

Bella Emy is a USA Today Bestselling Author.

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She loves all books, but her favorite genre to read, as well as write, is romance. Bella loves creating heartbreaking stories that will deeply touch her readers, but in the end, a good HEA is usually the turnout.
Whenever Bella is not typing away on her computer with a nice hot cup of coffee, she loves spending time with her family and friends. Her favorite places to go are the movies, the beach, or just on a good plain old road trip. Some of her must haves are coffee, chocolate, pizza, music, & movies.

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Sunday, June 27, 2021

BOOK BLITZ: Rycks by Marteeka Karland #GIVEAWAY

Marteeka Karland
(Black Reign MC, #1)
Publication date: June 11th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Lyric: I’m in so much trouble. My orders are to find the highest ranking member of Salvation’s Bane or Black Reign MCs and sleep with them. Worm my way into their bed for longer than one night so I can take back information to Kiss of Death. Little did I know I’d find the one man I could never forget. The man who broke my heart six years ago and left me to fend for myself against a ruthless club who would break me the first chance they got.

Rycks: The second I saw here I wanted to punish her. Lyric ran out on me six years ago. Not that I’d given her any reason to stay. Now, she waltzes back into my life with an agenda I can’t figure out. When I do, I can’t decide what to do. The truth is as scary as it is infuriating. Lyric is my torment. She’s sent to me as bait in a bigger plan I can’t fathom. Mainly because I’m too distracted by what she reveals. Now I’m questioning my loyalties to both her and my mentor, El Diablo. She pulls at my need to protect at the same time she might just prove herself to be a traitor.

WARNING: Contains scene of violence, explicit language, and adult situations. Rycks is the first book in the Black Reign series. While you can read it as a stand alone book, you may better understand the characters and situations if you read books in the Bones MC and Salvation’s Bane MC series.

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“Look. I can’t stay here past tonight. But if I go back with something that looks important, you could control the information I’m giving them.” Was it my imagination or did he look disappointed?

“I don’t like it. I’d have to discuss it with Thorn, and he’d have to decide what you tell them, but it’s not something I want to risk.”

“It’s the only option I have.”


“I’m sorry?”

“Why do you have to go back, Lyric. You’re here with me now. You’re safe.”

“All you need to know is that I have to go back. I want to go back.” If the look on his face was any indication, I’d just thoroughly pissed Rycks off.

“You’re staying. End of discussion. You want to go back, you tell me why.”

“It’s personal. That’s all I’m saying so don’t ask again.”

Rycks sighed and reached for me to pull me onto his lap, straddling his hips. He stood up and turned to sit in the same chair he’d plucked me out of. Those strong hands held me still. Like I’d dare move.

“Are you telling me you want to go back to that lot? They’ll use you until there’s nothing left. I’m surprised they haven’t already. You’ll die in that place if you go back. You have to know that.”

“No. I don’t know that. Dangling information from someone high in rank at Black Reign would keep them off of me. Plus, they need me working at my job in the city. It’s the only way they’re able to get their information.”

I tried to ignore how good it felt to be in his arms again. Rycks was my first lover. He’d made me feel special despite his refusal to keep me. Even that had been because he’d thought any danger I faced wasn’t anything like what I’d face with him. I had no idea if he’d been right, but I knew where I was now was as deadly dangerous.

“You’re a damned fool,” he snapped. Then he did something unexpected. He slid his hand into the hair at the back of my head and pulled me to him. “Girl, I’m surprised they let you leave at all. Surprised they haven’t already made you a whore in the most violent way possible. It would be Rat Man who’d start with you. You know that, right?”

I shivered. Rat Man. Even saying his name gave me the creeps. The man knew no depravity he didn’t indulge in. If there was a repugnant sex act out there, chances are he’d done it.

“Yes. I can see you do know. I can also see you’re afraid.” He sighed, loosening his grip on my hair, but not letting me pull away from him. “I suppose that’s something.” With a sigh, he pulled me to him until my head rested on his shoulder. “You’re going to be a problem, I can see. Not sure the word brat even covers you.”

“Why would you call me a brat?” Maybe I was, but it was only because, for some reason, I felt safe to let that side of myself out when I was with him. Sure, he tried to come across gruff and dangerous – -and I was sure he was under the right circumstances — but I knew in my heart he wasn’t like anyone at Kiss of Death. He was a protector first. A killer only when someone he was responsible for was threatened.

“Because you’re testing me when you should be following orders.”

“Never been much good at following orders.”

“I can see that. Also,” he said, taking a deep breath, “you’ve got to tell me why your family went missing from Ismay. And why you’re the only one of them ever to turn back up.”

Author Bio:

Romance author by night, emergency room tech/clerk by day, Marteeka Karland works really hard to drive everyone in her life completely and totally nuts. She has been creating stories from her warped imagination since she was in the third grade. Her love of writing blossomed throughout her teenage years until it developed into the totally unorthodox and irreverent style her English teachers tried so hard to rid her of. Now, she breathes life into faeries, space hunters, werewolves, vampires, shapeshifters, and a few just plane ole ordinary people. She loves to see the awkward, self-conscious band geek get the captain of the football team and make him beg for it.

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BOOK BLITZ: The 7th Lie by Tamara Grantham #GIVEAWAY

The 7th Lie
Tamara Grantham
(Chronicles of Ithical, #1)
Publication date: June 15th 2021
Genres: Adult, Science Fiction

Agent Sabine Harper is thrilled to receive her first mission—until she learns what it is. Turns out, all she has to do is save the world from certain destruction. And she has two weeks to do it.

Sabine survives her grueling training by the Vortech Agency, but now she must protect the world from a devastating solar flare by finding seven energy stones—cerecite. If she refuses, they’ll terminate her father’s life-sustaining cancer treatments.

Sabine is transported to an isolated civilization hidden beneath a dome. She assumes the identity of the invalid prince’s caretaker and finds herself strangely attracted to the prince. But she’s perplexed by this strange island’s many mysteries. The air smells mechanical. Every blade of grass is identical. The island’s dimensions are bigger than they should be. What Vortech told her may not be true. She may not even know where she really is. And someone doesn’t want her to leave—at least not alive.

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Freezing wind gusted as I stepped outside the facility. I pulled my hood over my head and followed Agent Logan through the snow.

“You ready?” he called, his frame hidden under bulky layers of clothing and a gray overcoat, a red-letter V stitched over the breast pocket.

I hesitated before answering. I’d spent half my night wondering if I’d made the right decision by staying. Finally, I’d sent off a quick message to Dad, telling him I loved him, I would come back. I was sorry about Mima June. My emotions were too raw to know what else to say.

“I’m ready,” I called back.

“You got everything?”

I straightened my backpack’s straps. If he was asking if I had all my material things, then the answer was probably not, as I was famously lousy at remembering everyday things like a toothbrush and underwear. If he was asking if I had everything in my head—all the knowledge of Champ Island, the Bering Sea, the weather patterns, the gateway cave, the dome and the little information we knew of what was under it—then the answer was yes. I hadn’t spent the last six months of my life in training for nothing.

“I’m good,” I yelled back.

He nodded, then sat on his snowmobile, pulled his goggles over his eyes, and cranked the engine. The roar mingled with the howling wind. I cast one last glance at the facility.

The stark metal building loomed against a churning white sky. A single red light flashed from the antennae reaching up into the storm, as if it were a beacon screaming for help. I wasn’t sure it had stopped storming since I’d arrived half-a-year ago. I’d had no idea what I was getting into.

My nerves on that first day had been unbearable. After joining Vortech and making the cut to elite status, they’d sent me here to the top of the world, to a tiny, unknown island north of the Russian mainland. A place filled with mysterious sphere-shaped boulders that pocked the unforgiving landscape.

That’s when I’d learned about the dome, and my Kansas way of thinking—of Earth and everything in it—had been shattered forever.

After cranking my snowmobile’s engine, I pushed the throttle. Snow spewed behind me as I sped forward and followed Logan. I allowed myself to revel in the rush of wind, the crispness of the air, and the taste of ice on my tongue, something unfamiliar after being trapped inside the facility, with only a few trips to the outside world on my survival expeditions.

We sped past the wreck of the old immigrant’s ship. Weathered wooden planks comprised its hull. In some places, the boards stuck up like the bones of a whale’s skeleton. Whatever storm had pushed it to the top of the world must’ve been massive in scope.

The ship conjured images of the pages of a book I’d read as a child. The Lost Shipwreck of Champ Island. The book opened as if I were reading it again. Black-and-white photos and their captions popping out at me. How the ship got here is still a mystery. The immigrants’ disappearance is a mystery, too. After fifty years of study, scientists are beginning to fit the puzzle pieces together. No bodies were recovered, and in extreme temperatures such as those found on Champ Island, their remains would’ve been easily preserved. Some scientists believe they may have found a cave to take shelter in, yet no evidence of such an event has been recorded.

Beyond the ship lay an expanse of snowy wasteland. I dodged sphere-shaped boulders, some as small as ping-pong balls, others larger than my snowmobile. A blanket of white covered their tops, as if to hide their secrets. Lines of text from the Atlas of Champ Island jumped out in my mind.

Perfect spheres don’t exist in nature. Scientists have discovered the boulders were formed by water. However, because of the extreme temperatures, there are no recorded civilizations living on Champ Island, and no conclusive evidence that the spheres were formed by human hands.

Ice crystals crunched under our snowmobile’s skis, bringing me from my thoughts. I shook my head. Sometimes this photographic memory thing was a pain. I couldn’t stay focused on anything long enough before a book page hit me out of nowhere, and my concentration got jerked from one idea to another.

A howling wind echoed through the expanse. This far away from civilization, I imagined what it would feel like to be a shipwreck victim out here alone, with the screaming wind and the numbing cold. Where would I have gone from here?

The void of white faded with the setting sun, leaving the world drenched in gray. As we approached the substation, only the blinking red lights gave any indication we were near the bunker. The roaring engines grew quieter until we shut them off, leaving me with ringing ears in the sudden silence.

Logan removed his goggles. “You good?”

“Fine,” I called back.

We got off our snowmobiles and headed for the entrance. I flexed my stiff fingers. Despite my gloves, the cold managed to seep through, straight to my bones, until numbness settled inside.

The black metal hatch loomed, a block letter ‘V’ etched into the plate. We trudged through the snow until we reached the keypad. Logan removed his gloves just long enough to press his thumb to the fingerprint pad. A red laser scanned his finger, then the pad turned green, and the hatchway opened.

Snow particles blustered around us. I stepped onto the metal grating and inside the bunker, then I walked with Logan down a metal staircase, our footsteps echoing with hollow clangs. The door sealed shut above us. Panic of being caged in weighed heavy in my chest, but I gripped the railing.

Author Bio:

Tamara Grantham is the award-winning author of more than a dozen books and novellas, including the Olive Kennedy: Fairy World MD series, the Shine novellas, and the Twisted Ever After trilogy. Dreamthief, the first book of her Fairy World MD series, won first place for fantasy in INDIEFAB'S Book of the Year Awards, a RONE award for best New Adult Romance, and is a #1 bestseller on Amazon with over 200 five-star reviews.

Tamara holds a Bachelor's degree in English from Lamar University. She has been a featured speaker at multiple writing conferences, and she has been a panelist at Comic Con Wizard World speaking on the topic of female leads. For her first published project, she collaborated with New York Times bestselling author, William Bernhardt, in writing the Shine series.

Born and raised in Texas, Tamara now lives with her husband and five children in Wichita, Kansas. She rarely has any free time, but when the stars align and she gets a moment to relax, she enjoys reading fantasy novels, taking nature walks--which fuel her inspiration for creating fantastical worlds--and watching every Star Wars or Star Trek movie ever made. You can find her online at

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Saturday, June 26, 2021

B@@K REVEAL: The Perfect Play by Cookie O'Gorman

The Perfect Play
Cookie O’Gorman
(Southern U O’Brien Brothers, #2)
Publication date: July 8th 2021
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Sports

She’s playing to win.

Okay, so I probably shouldn’t have made that bet with Emmy. But come on! She was challenging me. Attract a guy in seven days? No problem.

Well…maybe just one.

The guy she chooses is her brother, Chase O’Brien aka golden-boy-Virgin and star pitcher for the Wolves. Unlike most guys, Chase seems immune to my charms—but I’ve always loved a challenge.

He’s playing for keeps.

Charlie never should’ve made that bet with my baby sister. But if she uses her magic touch to heal my arm and gets me back in the game? It’s all good.

Actually, the more time we spend together, the harder I fall. I always knew I’d recognize my soulmate when I found her—and Charlie’s the one.

Even if she doesn’t know it yet.

This new adult sports romance features a strong heroine with a soft center, a hot-bookish hero who believes in true love and a sexy set of brothers guaranteed to make you swoon.

Love is always the perfect play.

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Author Bio:

Cookie O'Gorman writes YA & NA romance to give readers a taste of happily-ever-after. Small towns, quirky characters, and the awkward yet beautiful moments in life make up her books. Cookie also has a soft spot for nerds and ninjas. Her novels ADORKABLE, NINJA GIRL, The Unbelievable, Inconceivable, Unforeseeable Truth About Ethan Wilder, The Good Girl's Guide to Being Bad,  and WALLFLOWER are out now! She is also the author of NA sports romance, The Best Mistake.

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