Wednesday, March 31, 2021

B@@K REVEAL: JT's Mission by Rosie Jarvis #PreORDER #GIVEAWAY

JT’s Mission
Rosie Jarvis
(Valhalla Warriors, #2)
Publication date: April 17th 2021
Genres: Adult, LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance

Wouldn’t you like to be the filling of a biker sandwich?

John “JT” Myers hasn’t been on Earth since he ascended to Valhalla during World War II. Things have changed in his absence, now there are cell phones and things called tablets. But JT has changed too; like accepting his attraction to men. When Kit Billups needs a bodyguard, he’s more than willing to protect the gorgeous singer and put his life, and heart in danger.

Art “Growler” Breckenridge serves Odin in the Valhalla Warriors on Earth and isn’t a stranger to the carnal delights it offers. He’s Pan, proud, and likes to take care of his lover. Daddy isn’t just a word, it’s a way of life for Growler. When Kit needs protection from an unknown stalker, Growler steps up but is blindsided by his growing feeling for the singer and his fellow biker, JT. He may be immortal but the danger stalking his boy just may kill him after all.

Kit Billups is a fallen country music star who shot to stardom overnight but fell just as quickly when gossip, bad decisions, and rumors hit the press. He’s working hard to rebuild his career and win back his fans when strange accidents put his life in jeopardy. Seeking help, his manager hires the Valhalla Warriors to look out for his client. But the danger to Kit reveals secrets that may tear him apart and take the life of the men he’s in love with.

JT’s Mission is a 50+K, MMM, motorcycle club romance with an age gap, size difference, Caregiver/Daddy/boy, and hurt/comfort.

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Author Bio:

As an author, I'm looking to bring my readers joy. The Valhalla Universe is full of Amazonian Warriors, Valkyrie, gods, goddesses, war heroes who ride motorcycles, and the humans who love them. The Valhalla Warriors is an LGBTQ Series that is insta-love, low angst, light kink romp of fun and steam.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

BOOK BLITZ: The Truth About Princesses and Dukes by Bianca Blythe #GIVEAWAY

The Truth About Princesses and Dukes
Bianca Blythe
(The Duke Hunters Club #6)
Publication date: March 30th 2021
Genres: Adult, Historical Romance

Princess Aria has been exchanging letters with the most marvelous man in the world. Perhaps her true love is somewhat aged, and perhaps she didn’t feel fireworks when they met briefly at a ball, but she is certain now that there is no man as wonderful as the Duke of Framingham. She is overjoyed when he proposes marriage.

When Rupert’s cousin, an elderly duke, tells him he’s fallen in love with a beautiful woman and needs someone to write letters on his behalf, Rupert reluctantly agrees. His cousin claims he is eager to wed her. On his wedding day, Rupert learns that the duke plans to toss her off his balcony so he can marry his mistress. The duke just wants the princess’s money, and Rupert knows he has to rescue her.

Princess Aria is astonished when she is kidnapped by a young man. She’s in love with the duke—after all, he’s sent her such wonderful letters for weeks. Soon, though, they are on the run together to London. If only Rupert were the man who’d sent her such lovely letters.

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“You should not be here.” The princess raised her upturned nose and sniffed. Rupert may as well have been an unpleasant scent wafting from a cow-filled pasture.

“And you should not be murdered.”

She fixed her eyes on him. Unlike her demeanor, which was cold, as if she’d been raised by glaciers and polar bears, her eyes were a warm honey color. Something in Rupert’s heart clenched, but he shook the emotion away.

In her letters, she’d been warm and playful, but now when he was speaking with her, her demeanor was frosty. His very presence repulsed her, and his throat tightened.

He was not going to muse about her undeniable beauty. He was absolutely not going to ponder her golden skin, her large dark eyes or her upturned nose. He was not going to think about her curly dark hair, and he certainly was not going to ponder the glossiness of her strands. He had the definite sense that touching her hair would be wonderful indeed.

But Rupert was not going to think about that. She was a princess, a duchess, and worse—his cousin’s wife. It didn’t matter how curved her waist was, how alluring her long delicate neck was, how intriguing her collarbone and sloped shoulders. He forced himself not to gaze at the ruby pendant that hung from her neck. Thinking about her ruby pendant might draw his attention to her beautiful face, or worse, it might draw his attention to her deliciously curved bosom. That generous slope was most intriguing.

But Rupert wasn’t going to think of her breasts, and he wasn’t going to ponder their shape, and he certainly wasn’t going to muse about what they might feel like in his hands. He wasn’t going to imagine trailing kisses to her waist, and he wasn’t going to imagine stroking her flat belly. He absolutely was not going to imagine any of her lower region, even though her legs were long, and even though they might feel quite good wrapped around him.

No, Rupert wasn’t going to think of those things, no matter how much his heart hammered, and no matter how appealing her jasmine and violet scent was.

He was going to stop her from being murdered.

“Look,” Rupert said hastily, “I know this sounds mad.”

“Mad?” She huffed. “Even asylum dwellers would find it challenging to say something of equal absurdity.”

“I know,” Rupert said. “I know. But it’s—er—true. Absolutely true.”

For a moment the princess hesitated. She had to believe him. She’d spent the day married to his cousin—that might be sufficient reason to believe.

“Why are you saying this?” she asked finally.

“I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He glanced at the window. “Or more accurately, I don’t want to see you get flung from the balcony, and I don’t want to hear my cousin tell others that you slipped in an unfamiliar environment.”

Her face paled. “He wouldn’t do that.”

“He said he would do that this very afternoon.”

Author Bio:

Born in Texas, Bianca Blythe spent four years in England. She worked in a fifteenth-century castle, though sadly that didn't actually involve spotting dukes and earls strutting about in Hessians.

She credits British weather for forcing her into a library, where she discovered her first Julia Quinn novel. She remains deeply grateful for blustery downpours.

After meeting her husband in another library, she moved with him to sunny California, though on occasion she still dreams of the English seaside, scones with clotted cream, and sheep-filled pastures. For now, she visits them in her books.

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BOOK BLITZ: Alien King Crashes the Wedding by Becca Brayden #GIVEAWAY

Alien King Crashes the Wedding
Becca Brayden
(Lumerian Knights #1)
Publication date: August 7th 2019
Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction

Art dealer Sasha Montgomery is both nervous and thrilled to be invited to the Caldorian Earth Base for her best friend’s wedding to an alien warrior. One, she’s never seen an alien up close, and two, she made a promise to be there, no matter how much the idea of being surrounded by hundreds of huge alien warriors frightens her.

She thinks she’s got it all under control, until Dagan, the groom’s best friend, crashes the wedding. He’s smoking hot—way too hot to be an alien—and determined to seduce her.

Sasha gives in to passion with unexpected consequences. Ancient power rises in response to their new-found bond, and the once innocent Sasha discovers that Dagan has been keeping secrets. He’s not just another warrior, he’s a king, and the power rising between them hasn’t been seen in a millennium.

Sasha must learn to control the force clawing its way through her body…or destroy them all.

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“And finally”—he sighed—“where is my woman hiding? She skipped out right after dinner again.”

Falden tapped his earpiece and requested the whereabouts of the young woman who would perhaps, one day, be his queen. “She is heading outside with a towel. Cassiel says she’s headed in our general direction. He and Vander are following behind.”

“There are a lot of hot tubs and a large pool out here. I don’t want her stopping at one of those,” directed Dagan with a growing smile. “Make sure she makes it all the way over here.”

“Understood,” Gareth said, a smile in his voice. He passed the order on to Cassiel before they re-activated their acoustic cloaking devices, leaving Dagan alone once more. Dagan trusted them implicitly. They would make sure she made it to him safely and none the wiser. They had been with him for years and knew he didn’t have casual relationships. They knew what was at stake for him.

The moon was a bright crescent overhead but the sky was overcast. She would barely have enough light to make her way to him. Dagan closed the lid on the box of glowing maju stones, one of Caldor’s preferred sources of energy, so that she would be less likely to see him before climbing into the hot tub. It was frigid and the hot water quickly turned to mist in the cold winter air, further obscuring his presence. Maybe if she couldn’t see him very well she wouldn’t be so afraid of him, thought Dagan. She could let down her guard and start to trust him. It was a solid plan and he relaxed in the water, content to wait for his little human to come to him.

He wouldn’t have to wait long, he decided, after hearing a large splash followed by a woman’s shriek, then a short time later another splash and more screaming. He chuckled softly. Sometimes, it was good to be king.

Author Bio:

Becca Brayden spends her days writing and her nights dreaming up her next hot adventure with even hotter alien hunks. A Colorado native, she has lived in New Zealand, Florida, Alabama, Kansas and loves to travel in direct proportion to how much she hates to cook. Chocolate makes her happy, licorice makes her cringe, and despite the cult following - she hates pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice lattes. (More for you!) Natural wanderlust has given her a deep love for Mediterranean food and a bookshelf filled with everything from philosophy to sexy romance.

She believes that if we are to save our great planet and all its amazing inhabitants, we must put aside our differences and collectively work together!!

You can catch her enjoying a cup of hot cocoa at her website

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Monday, March 29, 2021

BOOK BLITZ: Protector by BJ Wane #GIVEAWAY

BJ Wane
(Doms of Mountain Bend, #1)
Publication date: March 31st 2021
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense, Western

Deputy Sheriff Shawn McDuff can’t figure out why the new teacher in Mountain Bend seems so familiar, but Lisa Halldor’s evasive answers to his inquiries confirms his suspicions they have met before. When he sees her struggling to focus and respond during a scene at his private club, he intervenes and finds himself as drawn to Lisa’s submissive nature as he is determined to unearth her secrets.

Lisa never forgot the teenage boy who came to her rescue the first night in a new foster home, but she never imagines a nameless, faceless stalker will send her fleeing to his hometown for safety twenty years later. When it becomes obvious Shawn’s memory isn’t as acute as hers about that night, she keeps that fond memory to herself.

A threat against Lisa’s life forces the truth from her, but will Shawn’s protectiveness be enough to save her from a person so determined to see her dead? Shawn’s long ago vow to keep Lisa safe is put to the test as he works fast to make sure she hasn’t come into his life again just to be taken away by a madman.

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“Hello again.”

With her heart thumping overtime, Lisa gazed at Shawn McDuff over the hood of her car. He regarded her with a quizzical expression, and her mouth went dry, her palms turning clammy as she took in the late-day bristles darkening his jawline and the tilt to his head. She couldn’t help thinking about him this past week, recalling his potent stare, broad shoulders, and imposing height, and wishing she’d impacted his life as much as he had hers.

“Sorry. I didn’t notice you. Hello, Sheriff.” Lisa waved her hand toward the schools. “What brings you here?”

“Deputy Sheriff. A tussle between two high schoolers that revealed the pot they were fighting over. Their parents just picked them up.” He strode around the car and reached past her to open her driver’s side door, his thick forearm brushing her hip. Ignoring her hasty sidestep, he leaned on top of the open door and asked, “How are you liking it here?”

Lisa took a deep breath, forcing herself to get her act together. She’d never stuttered over a man before, and usually enjoyed getting to know new people. Even though they’d met before, they’d been so young, and it was such a long time ago, and under difficult circumstances. It was dumb to be hurt he didn’t remember her, and likely not in her best interest if something she said or did reminded him. His stay in that foster home must have been longer, and worse than the few hours of her memory. She doubted he would appreciate the past showing up on his doorstep.

“I love it. Everyone has been so nice, and welcoming, but I really need to get going. I have an appointment to look at a rental.”

Shawn nodded, stepping out of her way. “That would be the Zimmermans’ place, right? I ran into Drew yesterday.”

She stood close enough to glimpse his eyes under his hat, warming from his intense focus. “How did you know I was staying at their B&B?”

He shrugged. “I asked about you. You’ve made quite a change with your move from Arizona, Ms. Halldor.”

Her shoulders went rigid at hearing that, the thought of someone, anyone, prying into her life rubbing her wrong after all the grief she’d suffered from picking up a crazed stalker. “Yes, well, sometimes change is good, or necessary. If you’ll excuse me.”

Shawn tipped his hat, his tone a shade rougher as he said, “I hope it’s a good move for you. Get those tires replaced soon.”

Author Bio:

Author of sizzling hot romance with a touch of suspense. Long and Short Reviews erotic romance of the month winner for Hannah and the Dom Next Door and gold star recipient for Amy's Redemption. I live in the Midwest with my husband, love dogs and enjoy reading and working puzzles. We have traveled extensively throughout the states, Canada and just once overseas, but I now much prefer being homebody. My favorite genre to read is suspense.

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Sunday, March 28, 2021

BOOK BLITZ: Apocalipstick by Lisa Acerbo #GIVEAWAY

Lisa Acerbo
(Hell in a Handbag, #1)
Publication date: March 24th 2021
Genres: New Adult, Post-Apocalyptic, Young Adult

Life is bad after the apocalypse . . . the undead just made it worse.

“My dreams pre-pandemic included a high school graduation party before attending college and marrying an attractive future lawyer. Instead, I’m praying for a long, sharp knife and a big gun to survive the undead.” —Jenna

Jenna Martin lives in a world gone insane after a mysterious pandemic kills much of the population. Being alive after an apocalypse is bad, but it is made worse when the multitudes killed by the disease return ravenous for human flesh. Jenna, in serious trouble and pursued by undead, heads to the safest place available, a cemetery.

Ready to give up, she finds the strength to persevere for one more night and meets a group of survivors willing to take her in. The group caravans to Virginia, where they plan to inhabit an isolated inn called High Point, but the undead are always close behind. Packs of zombies, known as Streakers, attack, leaving Jenna and the other survivors battling for their lives and racing toward safety.

Once safely isolated at the inn, the group rebuilds society and Jenna begins a relationship with Caleb. Although he withstood the virus, he has not come out unscathed. He and some others now labeled the New Rave have changed into what many would call zombie kin—vampires. Jenna’s falls hard and fast for Caleb, which causes more problems that she ever expected in the fledgling society. But there are worse things than vampires and zombies searching for her, and they arrive at the inn’s door ready for destruction.

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Glass shattered in the next room and footsteps crunched over the broken splinters. What had once been a tall, middle-aged man in a business suit, was now a bloated corpse in rags crusted over with blood and pus. The baked-by-the-sun Streaker wore a wrinkled face with the consistency of an old raisin. His right arm hung limply, dislodged from the socket, but both hands made continual grabbing motions.

Lacking any grace, the creature staggered to the bedroom door and stopped. It sniffed, searching out its next meal. Blood poured from Jenna’s lip, where Tundra had hit her. She wiped it away, then retrieving the piece of wood. Sensing the movement, the Streaker turned its undead eyes on her. Some of its skull had been torn away, exposing the rot. It lumbered and stumbled over the chair in its path, giving Jenna desperate seconds to ready herself. Arm raised, eyes dead and unblinking, it came, dancing with death. It reached out to grab her.

Jenna ducked, then swung low and hard. “I must have gone brain dead. I can’t think of one good zombie joke right now.”

The creature staggered back, but then surged forward. Jenna rammed the edge of the board into its stomach.

“No comeback from the undead. There’s a no brainer.”

It writhed against the constant pressure of the wood. A trail of intestines spurted out, staining the tattered remains of clothing. Jenna gagged at the stench.

“You, my good sir, are too gross for words.”

The undead groaned, plowing forward. Decaying brains leaking from its nostrils and eyes.

“That all you got for me?” She stepped back, hoisting the board, and swung. The head of the creature flew sideways, but it continued forward, emaciated fingers scratching. She drove the Streaker over to the left with a repeated, steady swing. The wood sank into a shallow layer of skin covering the undead’s overripe, bloated belly.

Upon Caleb’s return, he moved to Jenna’s side. She stepped back and leaned against the window. Caleb, hatchet in hand, forced the Streaker into a corner. A noise at the window had her spinning around. A hand shot through the glass and into the room to claw at Jenna’s face. Outside in the darkness, lifeless eyes found her. The undead rammed against the window, spraying glass. Jenna stepped away, and seconds later, a loud crack caused splintered wood and glass to fall to the floor along with pieces of the zombie’s fingers. With a catatonic stare, the Streaker pushed through the opening, tearing its flesh against the jagged edges of the frame.

Jenna flashed back to the cigarettes and matches she saw in the room. Fire was exactly what she needed now. She searched for the matchbook that had laid on the floor, but the room was in disarray thanks to the fight. Something bumped behind her, and panic rose inside her. Dropping to her belly, scanning the floor, her fingers reached under the bed.

Author Bio:

Lisa Acerbo is a high school teacher and adjunct faculty at a local community college. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, daughters, two dogs, and horse. When not writing, she mountain bikes, hikes, and fosters dogs.

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Saturday, March 27, 2021

BOOK BLITZ: Temptation by Marla Holt #GIVEAWAY

Marla Holt
(Lightning Crashes #1)
Publication date: March 23rd 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Broke and widowed, Rachel Ferrer has already lost so much that when her tarot reading roommate pulls The Tower card, Rachel isn’t phased. What are upheaval and chaos when the worst had already happened? When Rachel’s late husband’s childhood best friend, Nicolas, reappears in her life and brings a handsome friend along with him, Rachel forgets the cards. She takes a chance on Blake even though she can’t stop thinking about Nicolas. It isn’t settling if the person you want is married, right?

Nicolas Rivera has always been a man of faith. His marriage and his job at the church have been his pillars, but when the foundations of both begin to crumble, doubt and a forbidden attraction tempt him to seek comfort in the one woman he shouldn’t go anywhere near.

Nicolas and Rachel have been on the periphery of each other’s lives for years, but as circumstances push them together, lightning crackles between them. WIll they be able to resist the electricity or will they get burned by Temptation?

Temptation is the first volume of The Lightning Crashes Duet. Volume one is a slow-burn forbidden romance that ends on a cliffhanger. Volume 2, Absolution, will be available April 20th, 2021, complete with all the happily ever afters.

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“Gabe hated smoking.”

The voice came from her left, encroaching on the tiniest little bit of peace Rachel had had in days. She knew who she would find when she opened her eyes. He was the other reason she was outside. He and his friends had been in the restaurant, in their usual front-side booth for almost two hours, and the entire time she’d felt watched. She hadn’t been able to decide whether it was Nicolas or Blake who was staring at her. Maybe it was both of them. Shiny Guy had found every excuse he could to approach the bar, even asking her if she happened to be in charge of reservations. She’d barely kept from laughing in his face. The idea of managing the busy restaurant’s events on top of everything else nearly made her head explode.

Rachel opened her eyes and raised her head without adjusting her posture and took another drag from her cigarette blowing the smoke in his direction before she said, “Oh, so we’re talking about how you knew my husband now?”

He ducked his head and sat down on the nearest bench, about ten feet away. Good. He should keep his distance. “I never wanted to put you on the spot. I’m sure it can be a difficult subject.”

Rachel narrowed her eyes at him. “Or you didn’t want to be held accountable for not being there when he was sick. Or after.”

Nicolas sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his palms open. “We went down two different paths. I stayed here. Stayed with the church. Gabe . . .” Nicolas trailed off as if he expected Rachel to fill in the blanks as to what it was that Gabe had done. What he’d studied, the profession he’d chosen, the beliefs he’d adopted after he’d left evangelicalism behind. Rachel didn’t give him anything, and eventually Nicolas said, “Well, he moved on.”

Rachel snorted. “And left us all behind.”

“Is that how you see it?” Nicolas asked.

“It’s not really any of your business, actually.” She ducked down and grabbed her tomato juice before her stomach caved in on itself. “Was there something you needed?”

Nicolas cocked his head to the side and clasped his fingers. “I’m not a threat, Rachel.”

She knew her skepticism shone across her face, as bright as a lighthouse beacon warning sailors of cliffs, but she couldn’t help it. Everything about this man spelled trouble. Maybe he wasn’t aware of it. He definitely didn’t understand how broken she was. Or of the way she longed to use him and discard him. It was dark and lurid, the pull she felt toward him, and something Rachel would never give in to. There was no pretending her husband was back, not even for a second, even if the temptation had kept her awake more than one night this week.

“Our children are friends. You’re volunteering at the church. I’m a regular customer of yours. We could be friends.”

“I’m thankful that Oscar has a friend like Asher,” she said, watching as triumph lit his eyes. She allowed herself a twitch of a smile before she slammed the door on that. “But I don’t have time to indulge your guilt for not being a better friend to Gabe while he was here. If you’ll excuse me.”

Rachel snubbed the cigarette out on the ground and stood to flee. Only Nicolas was by her side before she could take her second step, his fingers closing on her elbow—not with any force, but enough of a touch to stop her in her tracks. Enough for her to feel the heat of him. Enough for the potential energy to crackle between them like lightning.

Time stood still even as Rachel could feel the Earth rotate around them. Rachel could predict the ecstasy of his hands on her body, the taste of sweat on his skin as she licked up his neck. The tangy flavor of herself on his lips as he kissed her. The press of his fingertips into her hips as he positioned her in his lap and the delicious completion as his cock slid inside her.

The heat of it could burn her alive if the guilt didn’t get to her first.

When she could move again, Rachel met Nicolas’s eyes and recognized the yearning. The desire. And the guilt. All there, a reflection of everything she’d just imagined, sparking in the way he was looking at her.

“Rachel, I—”

But Rachel couldn’t stay to hear anymore. She shook off his hold and stepped out of his reach. “I can’t,” she said and fled back inside before she could do something stupid like beg a married man to kiss her.

Author Bio:

Marla Holt believes in second chances, romance, and the radical notion that everyone deserves a happily every after. She's living her own fairy tale, writing contemporary romance novels in her Kansas farmhouse with her husband, three boys, three cats, and flock of imaginary sheep. Follow her at or on Instagram as @marlaholtauthor

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BOOK BLITZ: Blood by Ivy Nelson #GIVEAWAY

Ivy Nelson
(Diamond Doms #1)
Publication date: January 13th 2020
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Elijah Barrett fell in love with a stranger in a nightclub.

After a brief encounter he can’t get this angel out of his mind. But then she walks into his office for a job interview.

Turns out she’s no angel, but the daughter of the man who killed his mother.

His need for revenge has him offering her the job. Lust drives him to take her to Solitaire, the elite BDSM club he runs. Love makes him question whether revenge is worth it.

Holly Sutton thinks her father hung the moon and can do no wrong.

That couldn’t be further from the truth.

When a dream job with Billionaire Elijah Barrett falls into her lap, she jumps at the opportunity to spread her wings. Now she’s face to face with the dark-haired stranger she’s been fantasizing about since their nightclub encounter.

That’s how she wound up in his bed and at his side as his personal assistant.

There’s just one problem, he hates her father and wants him in prison, she just can’t figure out why.

Faced with the realization that she may not know her father at all, she must decide if love or loyalty will win.

Book one in the Diamond Doms series will have you begging for more. Get started with your copy today!

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As the doors slid shut, the space seemed tiny. Elijah dominated the space. Holly felt her pulse picking up speed as he tapped his badge on the pad next to the bank of numbers. The top floor button lit up with the scan of his card and the elevator began the slow ascent to Elijah’s kingdom.

Holly looked down at her shoes and did her best not to blush. A moment later, she cleared her throat and raised her head, but he was staring at her intently, so she quickly dropped her gaze again. Dang it, why did she have to be so attracted to him?

“So, you still feel it too,” Elijah murmured as he tapped his card on the elevator wall again. The car came to a stop and Holly jerked her head up. What was he doing?

“What did you do that for?” It came out a whisper.

“We clearly need a minute,” Elijah said, closing the space between them.

Holly stuttered and gave up trying to speak as Elijah brushed one long index finger across her lips.

Author Bio:

Ivy Nelson is an emerging contemporary romance author, hopeful romantic, and passionate advocate who is versed in all things steamy, sultry, and sensual. It all started back when she read her first steamy romance novel at the age of fourteen. From that point forward, it became her favorite genre--one she wanted to write in herself someday. Sylvia Day's writing style cemented that passion, and gave her just the inspiration she needed to be an author herself. In December of 2018, Ivy published her debut novel, Power Desired at the age of 32.

Most recently, Ivy completed the "D.C. Power Games" series and the prequel to her forthcoming "Diamond Doms series" titled "Hard" (currently available for pre-order). In a not-so-distant past, she was a student affairs professional at a university and earned her political science degree, which explains her politically-driven romance debut.

When she isn't penning steamy scenes or attending writing conferences, you can find this contest-winning karaoke singer and bookworm passionately supporting human rights or growing her Sims 4 empire. She is also a wine aficionado and certified whiskey taster (no really, she has the certificate to prove it). All that aside, Ivy loves spending quality time with her amazing son and husband of three years at their home in Houston, TX.

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BOOK BLITZ: I Put a Spell On You by Sarah Vance-Tompkins #GIVEAWAY

I Put a Spell On You
Sarah Vance-Tompkins
Publication date: March 23rd 2021
Genres: Adult, Fairy Tales

“Being a modern-day fairy godmother isn’t all ‘bibbidi bobbidi boo,’” the legendary Lilliana Willowbrook says. “It’s hard work, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. We don’t handle cash, jewelry, real estate or revenge.”

AVIANA WILLOWBROOK had no idea that her mother is a living legend until the day the tattered old copy of “The Fairy Godmother’s Rulebook” arrived in the mail on her twenty-first birthday. Estranged from her mom, and living in Beverly Hills with her father, her stepmother and two super-achieving stepsisters, Aviana is unhappy and directionless.

Hotel heir NASH NOLAN isn’t content to use his family’s fortune, instead he’s used his computer knowledge to create a successful travel app. He’s not the kind of guy to wear his heart on his sleeve, Nash is immediately attracted to Aviana’s confidence and kindness.

But everything changes when novice fairy godmother Aviana is tasked with sparking a romance between Nash and her wicked stepsister. Will she use her powers to help Nash and her stepsister find their destiny, or will she use her pixie dust to find her own happily ever after?

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The next time I stirred the house was still and dark. The Fairy Godmother’s Rulebook was open next to me on the sofa. Mesmerized by the pattern of lights dancing across the ceiling from the pool in the backyard. I came to the dawning realization I wasn’t alone. Someone was in the house with me.

Maybe I was dreaming, but every time I came to full consciousness I had the terrifying feeling of being watched. I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t. It was as if I’d lost the use of my limbs. I drifted in and out of sleep. Then a shadow moved over me and soft hands brushed against my face. I couldn’t move and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t make a sound.

“Look at her ears,” a man said in a hissing whisper.

“She’s almost reached full maturity,” a woman whispered in response.

A pair of hands gently pushed my hair back over my shoulders. A hand lightly touched the skin on my back, gently moving over the raw, bumpy skin protruding out of the middle of my back.

“She’s fledgling. It won’t be long now,” a woman’s voice whispered. “No more than forty-eight hours.”

I struggled to become fully awake, but couldn’t move. It was as if I was drugged. I laid on the sofa paralyzed with terror and fear until I slipped back to sleep.

Author Bio:

Sarah Vance-Tompkins received an MFA in Film Production from the University of Southern California, and went on to work in feature film development in Hollywood. Prior to film school, she wrote and produced radio and television commercials. She grew up on the shores of Lake Michigan, and now lives in Southern California with her husband and a glaring of unruly cats.

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Friday, March 26, 2021

BOOK BLITZ: Heart and Seek by Luna Joya #GIVEAWAY

Heart and Seek
Luna Joya
(Legacy Series, #4)
Publication date: March 23rd 2020
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

Is their chance encounter a witchy second shot at love? Or just another score?

Ruby Donovan is a lot of things—paramedic, single mom, Legacy witch. The one title she never wanted? Senate heir. But that’s exactly what she’ll become unless she can find a loophole fast. It’s just her luck that the man who steps in to help her is the one who crushed her heart so many years ago. There’s no way she’ll give him a second chance to do that.

Treasure hunter Diego Benitas has no interest in witch politics. But he does have a significant interest in Ruby. He always has. Keeping her safe and helping her find what she’s looking for shouldn’t be too hard. Convincing her to let him into her heart again? That might be the toughest assignment he’s ever faced.

It’s not long before Ruby and Diego realize how much danger their search has stirred up—and just how much they need each other. With enemies closing in from all sides, can they survive long enough to find their way to happily ever after? Or will the odds keep them apart forever?

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“This store is right over a fault line,” she said.

“It is?” Because he couldn’t think of a damn thing to add to a geology discussion right now.

She bit her lip. “It sings to me.”

As her simply being did to him. He made a non- committal noise.

“We managed to kiss without a single tremble.” She trailed her hand along his jaw, tapping the divot in his chin beneath the facial hair. “Not even a rumble.”

Totally untrue. She had cracked his resolve and his heart all over again.

He pushed overgrown black curls out of his face to reveal familiar brown eyes, blood along one cheek to mirror a scar on the other, and a beard covering the cleft on his chin. The one deep enough to nestle the tip of her little finger. Like the dimple had been cut for her. Crash.

Or at least she’d called him Crash when she’d been a lovestruck teenager with a crush as dizzying as these staggering cliffs on a boy from East Los Angeles. Of the millions of people in this city, why did it have to be Diego Benitas, war hero and heartbreaker?

Author Bio:

Luna Joya writes sexy hexy romances in the award-winning Legacy Series.

Fluent in sarcasm and penal code, Luna prosecutes by day and writes at night. She loves history, especially Los Angeles and Hollywood lore.

A survivor of traumatic brain injury with steel body parts, she lives in SoCal with her combat veteran husband and their two-pound terror of a rescue pup.


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BOOK BLITZ: The Final Dawn by Jess Anastasi #GIVEAWAY

The Final Dawn
Jess Anastasi
(Atrophy #5)
Published by: Entangled: Amara
Publication date: March 22nd 2021
Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction

Rian Sherron is a lot of things. Captain of the spaceship Imojenna. Ex-war hero. Ex-assassin. For years, he’s traveled from one end of the galaxy to the other, both trying to escape his demons and get revenge on the shape-shifting aliens responsible for his slow demise into hell.

That all changed the day Rian rescued an Arynian priestess from slave traders. Ella Kinton is everything Rian both fears and admires. Ella is everything he never let himself admit he wanted. Together, they must face a harrowing choice—come together and defeat Reidar, or fall apart, leaving the universe in total chaos.

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Author Bio:

Jess has been making up stories ever since she can remember. Though her messy handwriting made it hard for anyone else to read them, she wasn’t deterred and now she gets to make up stories for a living. With a multi-award-winning science fiction romance series to her name, her books feature larger than life heroes with relatable vulnerabilities who find themselves in situations that push their resolve to the limit. Jess is a tea-addict who loves loud music, dancing in her kitchen and a good book on a rainy day. A fangirl at heart, she probably spends too much time watching too many TV shows. Jess lives in regional Victoria, Australia.

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Thursday, March 25, 2021

B@@K REVEAL: Wet & Reckless by Samanthe Beck

Wet & Reckless
Samanthe Beck
(Private Pleasures #4)
Published by: Entangled: Brazen
Publication date: May 10th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

She’s a walking, talking disturbance of his peace…

When former Navy SEAL West Donovan trades covert ops for small-town cop, he craves calm and order. Rescuing a sexy, law-bending hitchhiker during a rainstorm raises his gut-level trouble detector—plus a few things south of his gut—into the red zone. He vows to help this particular tumbleweed find her way and keep it professional, but when she becomes his downstairs neighbor, professionalism is sorely tested. He’s got red lingerie infiltrating his laundry, sultry songs invading his bedroom, and suddenly he’s the one in need of rescue.

Aspiring singer/songwriter Roxy Goodhart ventures to Bluelick, Kentucky to outrun her latest mistake. It’s a doozy, involving a lying ex-manager, a dire lack of cash, and a teensy bit of grand larceny. Landing in the long, strong, entirely too tempting arms of the law is no way to keep a low profile while she re-builds her “L.A. or bust” fund. Taking an apartment that—oops—puts her under West…er…in his path every day doesn’t help. Testing his impressive reserve is beyond reckless, but she’d love to test it…all…night…long.

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Author Bio:

Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her long-suffering husband, Charles, and their turbo-son, Hud. Throw in a furry ninja assassin named Gander, a few hundred Nerf blasters, one electric guitar, (with amp!), get the picture.

When not dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks ways to get her characters to happy-ever-after, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with ASMR podcasts.

Connect with Sam via her website at to check her progress on that never-ending quest, or to get the latest on her upcoming books.

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B@@K REVEAL: Make It Burn by Jessie Harper #PreORDER

Make It Burn
Jessie Harper
Publication date: April 8th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Nothing can douse the flame of something meant to be…

Hadley Crawford was going to have it all—and finally show everyone she was more than they’d given her credit for. Then the boy she thought loved her walked away and her dreams of college evaporated. But that was years ago, and Hadley’s been making the best of a bad situation—until Cooper Allen comes back to town.

What do you do when the woman of your dreams unexpectedly comes back into your life? Pretend you don’t remember her, obviously. Cooper let Hadley go for her own good and making her hate him is the only way to keep that plan in motion. He’s not in a position to give her what she deserves and nothing’s going to change that. No matter how hard that is to swallow.

But when Hadley and Cooper are forced to work together to make both of their dreams come true, the old sparks resurface. Can they trust each other enough to let the old hurts go? Or will the past be too strong to overcome?

No matter what, it’s going to burn…

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Author Bio:

Jessie Harper writes steamy, contemporary romance with a slightly Southern flavor. Originally from Nashville, Tennessee, she has lived all over the world--from Europe to Asia. She currently resides in Park City, Utah with her husband, three children, and more rescue animals than she ever intended. She appreciates a nice glass of whiskey, homegrown tomatoes, and well-delivered sarcasm. She hopes to never have to "bless your heart.”

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BOOK BLITZ: Royally Drained by Fritzi Cox #GIVEAWAY

Royally Drained
Fritzi Cox
(V.I.L.F., #1)
Publication date: March 23rd 2021
Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance

From jilted princess bride to a revenge plot fit for a king, this charming couple is royally screwed …

As I lived my best royal life, my only job as a princess was to find and marry a handsome prince. Too bad Prince Theo turned out to be more of a toad.

After I began losing my powers, he lost interest in our upcoming wedding. Not only did Theo leave me at the altar, but he also banished me and my merry band of misfits from the Kingdom of Poppycock forever.

Talk about a walk of shame!

From enchanted castle to crumbling cottage, I’m now stuck in Morningwood, struggling to plot my next move.

This strange little town, full of mischief and magic, is the perfect place to hide while I practice my spells and hopefully regain my powers.

What could possibly go wrong?

Other than accidentally summoning a mysterious male vampire who throws me off my quest and gets my blood boiling in all the right places.

And my blood is exactly what Vail and his brotherhood need for their top-secret laboratory.

Who would have thought my charming royal genes could help their dangerous mission?

As long as Vail keeps his fangs to himself, we won’t have a problem.

His hands though?

That’s another story entirely.

My taste for revenge is strong, but his taste for me is stronger.

Could this be my fairy-tale ending? Or am I destined to live a nightmare?

Author’s note:
Royally Drained is a paranormal romcom with a few dark themes. This is book 1 in the VILF series and ends with a cliff-hanger.

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I had a suspicion that my magic faded with age, like estrogen, draining youth and power from my body, turning me into an old crone soaked in wine, and leaving me with an excessive amount of bitter baggage. At least, that was how I felt at thirty-one, past my prime. I’d stupidly wasted my youth on a man who put off marrying me for so long, only to dump me at the altar and banish me from his life and his kingdom, all in a matter of minutes.

I groaned, settling down onto a tree stump caked with a questionable fungus. The drizzle of rain dissolved into a mist, wrapping around me in a blanket of wet gloom and matching my mood. Anger bubbled inside me like a cauldron of witch’s brew, ready to explode and destroy its next victim.

Could this be early menopause? I thought with a sudden pang of panic.

“Ahem,” I cleared my throat and shook the thought from my head, determined to focus on something I’d not tried yet—the darker creatures of the forest.

My spells usually involved singing birds, cuddly bunnies, and doe-eyed deer. But there was one time, a while back, I’d accidentally summoned a rabid alligator. Of course, I’d hidden up in a tree until he left, but I always wondered if my charms could be used for more than sweet, princessy qualities, as my ex used to put it. You know, those things I’d lost when I became a worthless humanish bag of bones.

Fa-la-la-la, rawr, la-la-la,” I tried, bellowing out the lowest spooky tone I could.

But nothing happened.

“I said, fa-la-la-la, rawr, la-la-la!” I screamed into the clearing, but only the windswept leaves echoed back.

I scuffed my boot into the dirt, kicking a pebble across the way before taking a deep breath and trying again.

La-la-la, rawr, la-la-la.” My voice rang out as it had years ago when my magic was strong and powerful enough to command an army of squirrels, nibbling the ankles of all my enemies.

A blanket of clouds thickened overhead, forming a sinister chill in the air. The hair on the back of my neck prickled. I had a feeling I wasn’t alone anymore.

La-la-la, rawr, la-la-la,” I sang again, louder.

Footsteps, much heavier than a bunny’s, pattered behind me. I stood up and threw my hands in the air, still singing and ignoring the feeling of someone watching me. I twirled, singing in harmony with the wind in the trees, the drizzle of rain, and the low hum of the clouds growing overhead. My senses awakened to the natural life around me, and for the first time in a year, I felt whole again.

I spun around the clearing, singing my heart out and skipping through the mud until—as my luck would have it—a man, not a beastly creature under my command, walked into my life.

“You rang,” said a deep voice behind me.

I turned to see a tall, dark figure stepping out of the shadows. His mouth curled, as if on the edge of laughter, displaying a glimpse of two deadly sharp fangs.

“Holy shit. I summoned a vampire.” I stood frozen, unable to look away.

Author Bio:

Fritzi Cox is a dark soul with a wicked sense of humor. She regularly bathes in the blood of her enemies while sipping champagne and hashtagging her vibes. She's fond of plotting mayhem, writing spellbinding twists, and tickling her readers with an over-the-top sense of humor. Rumor has it, her alter ego, Kat Addams, is her spirit animal. Or is it the other way around? Either way, expect Fritzi to keep you on your toes!

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