K.N. Banet
(Kaliya Sahni #1)
Publication date: March 13th 2020
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy
Kaliya Sahni.Tribunal Executioner. Bounty hunter. The last nagini.
Her reputation is larger than the desert she lives in.Dangerous. Irresponsible. Antagonistic.When a friend asks her to look into a supernatural bounty on a human, Kaliya finds herself taking the first steps into a conspiracy that had been in the shadows for nearly a decade. Too intrigued to get out before it’s too late, she dives straight into the deep end, ready to discover the truth.When the mysterious bounty takes a personal turn, she knows there’s no turning back, no putting the lid back on the box.It’s all or nothing in her world and Kaliya doesn’t like to lose.
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“Why did you even come here?” I demanded, not moving.
“To see how my favorite Executioner was doing,” he said with that cold smile he was known for. “I figured if you saw me here first, you would be less inclined to try to kill me on the streets and lose your job. Consider it a courtesy call. I’m in Phoenix for work and would like to finish it and leave as soon as possible.” He turned and walked out of the bar, leaving me standing alone, everyone watching me.
“Kaliya…” Paden’s warning tone came out. “Maybe you do need to just head home and stay out of this.”
“Funny. I was thinking I needed to join this little hunt for a stupid human. Ten million is good money.” I grinned over my shoulder. I never gave Sinclair a free pass. He was in my city, and I was going to win this time. Less than twenty-four hours back in Phoenix, and things were getting interesting. This seemed like it was going to be the most fun the supernaturals of Phoenix were going to see for at least a decade.
Sinclair, The Board, Mygi Pharmaceuticals, and one human stuck in the middle of it.
“You could lose your job,” Paden reminded me, walking close to say it under his breath. “Kaliya, they warned you off Sinclair fifteen years ago, the last time Cassius was able to get him to stand in front of the Tribunal.”
“He’s in my city,” I reminded my friend. “He wants to play? We’ll play.”
I walked out. I didn’t intend to follow Sinclair, but I needed to get home so I could start hacking into Mygi’s system. I needed to know what he knew if I had any chance of beating him to the prize. If this Raphael Alvarez knew anything important to my personal case, I couldn’t let that fucking vampire make him disappear.

Author Bio:
K.N. Banet loves to read books that make people cry. She likes to write books that make people cry (and she wants to hear about it). She's a firm believer that nothing and no one in this world is perfect, and she enjoys exploring those imperfections--trying to make the characters seem real on the page and not just in her head.She might just be crazy, though. Her characters think so, but this can't be confirmed.
You can find her reverse harem works under Kristen Banet!Check out her social media to catch what's going on in the worlds inside her head. She drops teasers, new covers, and opens ARC reader slots through her Facebook group, The Banet Pride.
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