Thursday, October 31, 2019

BOOK BLITZ: On His Bended Knee by Shanae Johnson #GIVEAWAY #PurpleHeartRanch

On His Bended Knee: a Sweet Marriage of Convenience series
Shanae Johnson
(The Brides of Purple Heart Ranch, #1)
Publication date: October 11th 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance, Western
She needed a place to stay. He needed to save his ranch. Together they just might make a home.
Sgt. Dylan Banks lost more than just his leg in the war. His fiancée and family turned their backs on him as well. Now, he’s determined to create a safe place where wounded warriors like himself can heal. But a hidden zoning law requires all residents of the Purple Heart Ranch to be married. To save his dream, Dylan and his men will have to tie the knot—but can a man with such deep scars inside and out believe in love again?
Maggie Shaw lost both her job as a veterinary technician and her apartment on the same day. Who knew her unreasonable landlord would kick her out for being four dogs over the one pet limit? Now, she and her gang of special-needs dogs are in trouble. Fate puts her in Dylan’s path with a proposal that seems too good to be true—but can her heart bear a loveless marriage of convenience?
Dylan yearns to reach out for Maggie’s healing touch, but he keeps his distance, convinced his wounds are too deep for her embrace. Maggie sees past Dylan’s injuries, but if she fails to capture his heart they both could lose it all: her beloved animals, his ranch, and each other.
Find out if love can truly heal all wounds in this light-hearted, sweet romance of convenient arrangements that unfold into lasting love. On His Bended Knee is the first in a series of marriage of convenience tales featuring Wounded Warriors who are healed with the power of love.
Only 99¢ for a limited time!
The complete series:
“Wives? As in married? To women?”
“Unless there’s something about you that we should know, Ramos.”
Xavier Ramos reached over and tried to smack Reed Cannon in the head, but the other man raised his prosthetic arm to ward off the attack. There was nothing wrong with his reflexes. Ramos’s flesh hit Cannon’s metal and Ramos winced.
“Can’t we get the zoning changed?” asked Sean Jeffries. He had his sunglasses off now that they were all inside one of the ranch’s barns.
The men had converted the old barn into a gaming room complete with large flat screens, an old-fashioned record player and tape deck, and every gaming console including an antique Atari which Rees had brought back to life with his techno-genius.
“It would be a long process,” said Dylan. “And in the meantime, we’d all have to leave the ranch while the powers that be waded through all the red tape.”
The men were lounging in recliners or sitting on bar stools, but an anxious hum went around the room. The ranch was their haven, their home. Even for those who had somewhere that they could go, leaving was not an option.
Unlike with Dylan, Jeffries’s family hadn’t rejected him. They called the ranch on a regular basis. It was Jeffries who didn’t want them to see him. It wasn’t just the scar on his face that shamed him. He suffered from PTSD and was prone to flashbacks. He could be taken back to the war-torn deserts of the Middle East when he slept, or with loud noises he could readily identify. The men surrounding him knew how to manage his episodes. But Jeffries was terrified of hurting someone he cared about. And so he stayed away from his family and wouldn’t receive their calls.
“Aren’t you all missing the obvious?” They all turned to Reed and waited for his revelation. Reed took his time. The man had a bit of the flare for the dramatic at times. “We just need to get married.”
Eyes and heads rolled as everyone turned away from the proclamation. Except Fran.
“It’s not a bad idea,” Fran said. “People do it all the time. For green cards, for financial stability, some fools even do it for something called love.”
Dylan had been such a fool who wanted to get married for love. Or what he thought was love. He had no idea where the plan came from as his own parents hadn’t been in love.
Catherine and Charles Banks had married for social standing. The irony was that they couldn’t stand each other. Though the rest of society would never know it. At parties, they put on a show of devotion and compatibility. They used to put on the show at home for Dylan when he was a kid. But they soon stopped caring about what he saw behind the closed doors of their many homes, which they often occupied separately.
“Who would want to marry a bunch of broken soldiers?” asked Sean.
“Hey, we’re not broken.” Dylan almost believed the words coming out of his own mouth. “We served our country. We are highly skilled. We are loyal, dedicated men.”
Though the speech was impassioned, the faces around him looked doubtful.
“Frances might have a point,” said Xavier, using the feminization of the name to get under Fran’s skin like they all did from time to time. “There are a lot of hard-up women out there. Some probably need a place to stay, money in their pocket, or just a good lay.”
Now it was Dylan who rolled his eyes and neck at the preposterous direction the discussion was taking. He needed his men to focus on viable solutions to this very real problem. But the other men were listening to Xavier’s nonsense.
“Dr. Patel is always saying we need a good woman to heal our hearts.” Reed picked up the gauntlet of the insanity. He was a romantic at heart and still believed love was waiting to come into his arms. “Maybe now’s the time.”
“Patel had an arranged marriage,” said Fran. “And it worked for him.”
“This is the Wild West,” said Reed. “This kind of stuff happened here all the time. Remember the Gold Rush Brides?”
“That was California,” Sean said. The man was a walking encyclopedia. “You mean mail order brides.”
“It would be email now,” said Fran. “No one uses the postal system.”
“We are not finding women on Craig’s List,” said Dylan, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut in exasperation.
“Then how are we gonna stay here?”
Dylan wasn’t sure which man said it, but he knew they all were thinking it. He opened his eyes and faced the room full of men. They’d looked to him for leadership when they were in combat, and they looked at him the same way now. How would they win this particular war on the home front?
“We’ll petition the court,” said Dylan. “I have a few contacts in the government.”
“We have more recruits coming in a couple of month. What are we gonna do with them?”
Dylan didn’t have an answer for that. He didn’t know how he would take in another wounded soldier only to potentially turn the man away. As he prepared to turn around, a flash of fur ran through the room.
No, ran wasn’t exactly the right word. Two front paws ran. The two back paws were not there. Instead, two wheels acted as legs that the little dog used to propel himself onward.
Dylan wasn’t the only one who spotted the animal. The other soldiers turned and stared at the creature. The dog stared back. It also slowed down as it looked up at all the big humans eying it.
The dog had had a grin on his face, but under the close scrutiny, his muzzle closed. He pulled his lolling tongue back into his mouth and let out a low whimper.
Dylan bent down to be on the dog’s level. He rested on his good knee, which was a difficult feat for him after a long day. But he had to get a closer look at this dog and his apparatus.
The dog made a slow beeline for Dylan. Dylan put his hand out to the dog. The dog gave the back of his hand a tentative sniff and then a lick.
Who would do such a thing as to take a dog’s hind legs? But more importantly, who would take the time to make a contraption that gave the animal back a semblance of the life he once knew?
“I’m so sorry,” said a feminine voice. “That’s my dog.”
Dylan looked up into the face of the woman. She was dressed in a T-shirt and jeans. Her hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail. She wasn’t wearing a lick of makeup. She looked fresh, clean, capable.
She marched into the room, not like she was on a catwalk, but like she was on a mission. She reached for the dog and he saw her hands were un-manicured. When one of her rough fingers brushed the skin of his forearm, Dylan felt a spark. His breath caught and so did hers.

Author Bio:
Shanae Johnson was raised by Saturday Morning cartoons and After School Specials. She still doesn't understand why there isn't a life lesson that ties the issues of the day together just before bedtime. While she's still waiting for the meaning of it all, she writes stories to try and figure it all out. Her books are wholesome and sweet, but her heroes are hot and her heroines are full of sass!
And by the way, the E elongates the A. So it's pronounced Shan-aaaaaaaa. Perfect for a hero to call out across the moors, or up to a balcony, or to blare outside her window on a boombox. If you hear him calling her name, please send him her way! 



Wednesday, October 30, 2019

BOOK BLITZ: Princes of the Lower East Side by Meredith Allison #GIVEAWAY

Princes of the Lower East Side
Meredith Allison
(A Scalisi Family Novel, #2)
Publication date: October 28th 2019
Genres: Adult, Historical, Thriller
Mia Scalisi returns in this highly anticipated follow-up to Blood & Whiskey!
Sicily is a paradise on earth Mia Angela Scalisi doesn’t want to leave, but after over a year of peace, obligations—like being Hyman Goldberg’s It Girl at his new nightclub—call her back to New York City.
But everything she’s known in New York has changed…and that might even include the men she once thought were her friends.
When a new, ambitious gangster threatens to take over the old neighborhood, bringing devastation to the poor families who live there, Mia can’t ignore the bonds that tie her to the underworld way of life that killed her brother and set her upon a merciless, bloody path of revenge.
With her brother’s widow, her niece, and a mysterious, devoted bodyguard at her side, Mia must reclaim her position as head of her dead brother’s business, establish herself as the reigning queen among the princes of the Lower East Side, and make the ultimate decision: who lives, and who must die.
Gloria said, hands on her hips. “You promised my husband to watch out for me and Em, but he would want me to watch over you, too. You need someone to look after you, Mia. To care for you. Even if you don’t think you need anyone.”
“I have Paolo.” Mia had asked him once if he’d known what she’d done in America. He understood English, so she spoke both Sicilian and English to him. Paolo had responded with a single, firm nod. And that had been the only time they had discussed it—as much of a discussion as could be had with a mute man.
When she’d announced to her family two weeks ago that she was returning to New York, there seemed an unspoken understanding Paolo would also make that trip. Nevertheless, Don Catalano, who had made the arrangements for her, had told her in no uncertain terms the fierce Sicilian man would be accompanying her as her bodyguard and remaining by her side in New York.
She had come to appreciate his silent presence, his protective hovering. It was hard to understand why he had chosen her to devote himself to, but it wasn’t a gift she was interested in questioning.
“I don’t trust Paolo,” Gloria said. “How do you trust a man who can’t talk?”
“I find him the most trustworthy of men for that reason alone.”
“You can’t travel and live on your own with a man you’re not married to,” she insisted. “You’re still just a young girl, after all.”
“I’ll be twenty-three in September.”
“You are a child,” Gloria repeated softly.
Mia smiled, a little bitterly, down at her small case of cosmetics, dropping the envelope on top. When she was a child, she’d lost both of her parents—her father to a heart attack when she was just a toddler. Her mother had died in a terrible fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, leaping from the top of the building in order to avoid being burned by the flames. Mia and Nick had been forced to hustle the streets, begging for handouts, learning poker to swindle the gangsters, stealing food, freezing nearly to death in their filthy tenement. She’d become a vaudeville performer, because young girls telling raunchy jokes to older men made money. When Nick had been drafted to the war, she’d worked a dozen hours a day for an abusive woman in a dress factory, just to keep a little food in her stomach. She’d known more about being an adult at twelve than most women her age knew now. Once she might have been proud of that, but now, it only made her sad.
Finally, she looked at Gloria. “I haven’t been a child for a very long time.”

Author Bio:
Meredith Allison has embraced her nerdiness from youth, with minor jaunts of attempting to be "cool" during high school and college. Spoiler alert: she was unsuccessful at fooling anyone. After this dark period, she returned to the light, embracing her bookish nature and penchant for action and horror films, bloody survivalist video games (she's looking at you, Resident Evil and Call of Duty) interspersed with the occasional sweeping fantasy adventure RPG (Final Fantasy, anyone?). Along the way, she developed her knack for storytelling, which began when she was a mere child-person many moons ago.
Meredith is a writer (and reader) of many kinds of fiction, but in particular spy thrillers, military-esque suspense, and historical crime. A native of Lincoln, Nebraska, she is by proxy a Huskers fan (GO BIG RED!), as UNL is her undergraduate alma mater, and moonlights as an obligatory Blue Jays fan due to completing her graduate MFA studies at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.
When she emerges from her writing cave, blinking in dismay at having to be exposed to the cruel light of day yet again, she can be found romping with her two Pomeranians, serving her overlord cat, hanging with her husband, battling it out with the undead or practicing a new kind of magery on her PlayStation, or simply huddled in a dark corner somewhere with just enough light to read a favorite book. Other interests include baking, cooking, and blogging about new restaurants.



Tuesday, October 29, 2019

BOOK BLITZ: Shopping for a Baby's First Christmas by Julia Kent #GIVEAWAY

Shopping for a Baby’s First Christmas
Julia Kent
(Shopping, #15)
Publication date: November 27th 2018
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance
My mother wants all her kids and grandkids to spend Christmas Eve at her house and wake up on Christmas morning together.
Sounds reasonable, right?
And it would be.
If it weren’t my mother.
My husband, Declan, is protesting any involvement, though he’s openly intrigued by the idea of claiming his territory by suggesting we have sex in my childhood bed.
And by ‘suggest,’ I mean make a series of really hot offers that make me whimper when I have to say no.
Wait – why am I saying no again?
Mom has turned her house into a Christmas showcase that makes Frankenmuth look like the picked-over clearance rack at Target on December 26. You know those crazy people on Etsy who make felted gnomes out of belly button lint and use … a certain kind of hair… to make thatched roofs on little decorative elf homes?
Those people are saner than my mother.
There is no force of nature stronger — and more emotionally volatile — than a fifty-something grandmother determined to create holiday memories.
Wait a minute. Maybe there is.
My husband.

Only 99¢ for a limited time!

“Mmmmm,” I hear myself purring as I open my eyes in the big king-size bed at our Victorian B&B here in the Berkshires. A bed that I can stretch out in, because I smell coffee from afar and Dec isn’t between the sheets.
Neither is our seven-month-old daughter, Ellie.
I have the entire bed to myself. I might be married to a billionaire, but when you’re the mother of a clingy baby, this right here is true luxury.
A whiff of cinnamon accompanies that coffee and now I wonder if I’m dreaming. My naked body rolls against the high-thread-count Egyptian cotton and my legs are smooth. As I stretch, I realize my nipples are free. No one is touching me.
This must be a dream.
In real life, there would be a baby babbling “Da da da da da” in tones that either mean happiness, terror, hunger, or plain old pay-attention-to-me-now-because-I-am-the-center-of-the-universe, you-underling.
But not now.
In real life, there are always busy fingers exploring my ears and pulling my earrings and poking into my my mouth when I try to talk on the phone.
And in real life, little teeth bite down, hard, when my milk runs out.
So I must be dreaming, because as I open my eyes, a handsome, hot, endlessly naked man is smiling at me, hair tousled over his forehead as he holds two steaming mugs of coffee and says in a low, happy voice, “You’re up!”

Author Bio:
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Julia Kent writes romantic comedy with an edge. From billionaires to BBWs to new adult rock stars, Julia finds a sensual, goofy joy in every contemporary romance she writes. Unlike Shannon from Shopping for a Billionaire, she did not meet her husband after dropping her phone in a men's room toilet (and he isn't a billionaire). She lives in New England with her husband and three sons in a household where the toilet seat is never, ever, down.



B@@K REVEAL: All of Him {A Single Dad Collection}

All of Him: A Single Dad Collection
Publication date: November 29th 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

A broken relationship.
A mother’s death.
A mistake made.

Each of these men are struggling to put their lives back together. Whether it be from the loss of the woman who blessed them with their children or a decision made in the heat of passion that changed everything, all they know is they have to try — for their children and for themselves.
From these amazing authors comes “All of Him: A Single Dad Collection.”
Before Her by Anita Maxwell
When Jenny arrives in River Falls, a sleepy little town in Montana, she sets herself on a mission to find a job and a place to stay for a few weeks. After traveling the west coast for the last couple of months, she is ready to chill and get some cash behind her before she leaves on the next leg of her journey.
Enter the Lonesomes with their gorgeous twin baby boys. The three rugged cowboys steal her breath away and the little boys steal her heart. Before she knows it, she’s agreed to be their nanny for a few weeks while they look for someone permanent.
But something Jenny didn’t know when she first entered River Falls was that the town was built on a polygamous way of life. Once the Lonesome brothers set their sights on Jenny, there is almost nothing that will stop these sexy single dads from making her their own.
This is a Reverse Harem story, light on steam, but heavy on tension and angst.
The Baby Drop Off by Kelsie Rae
I’m not father material. Hell, I’m not boyfriend material, either. I’m looking-for-a-good-time material with a side of no-strings-attached.
But when a baby shows up on my doorstep with a note saying I’m the father, everything changes. With no other options, I reach out to my neighbor.
Tasha is the girl-next-door with a side of sugar who’s nice enough to step in as a nanny while I figure out what to do with a freaking kid. I never thought Tasha was my type until I see her loving on my baby.
As lines start to blur, and rules get broken, some secrets stay hidden that hold me back from creating a life I never knew I wanted until it was tossed into my lap.
I just wish I could convince her to give me a chance, but she won’t even let me try.
Only the Lies by Elle Thorpe
Him: Six foot, four inches. Thor look-alike. Kickass black belt ninja man, and gym owner.
Me: Barely five foot. Resembles an overstuffed dumpling. Semi-decent receptionist of the office across the road.
Match made in heaven? I think so. Which is why I get to work early each morning, and stare longingly out the window, desperate for my daily glimpse of him.
The man doesn’t know I’m alive, and I don’t have the lady balls to do anything about it. Until the postman delivers the gym’s mail to my office. It’s the perfect excuse to strut over there and introduce myself, right?
When he mistakes me for someone else, I’m so blinded by his abs that I don’t correct him. And now he’s calling me someone else’s name, and I don’t know how to turn this around apart from to bolt back to my desk with my ass jiggling behind me.
I never expected he’d follow me.
Or anything that happened next.
Broken Down by Paige Taylor
As a teacher, It’s Savannah Torvel’s duty to make sure every student is given the best possible chance at education. When a little girl starts acting out, and calls to the parent go unanswered, it’s perfectly acceptable to storm the parent’s workplace and confront them, right?
Broken Down follows the story of Savannah and Mason Bell, two people whose lives keep intersecting. Will they embrace fate or risk disrepair?


BOOK BLITZ: The Traveler by Shannon Nemechek #GIVEAWAY

The Traveler
Shannon Nemechek
(Chimera Rebellion, #1)
Publication date: December 5th 2019
Genres: Adult, Romance, Time-Travel
As a self-professed book nerd, Army Major Katie Butler has hunted many rare books in her lifetime.
While on leave in Savannah Katie visits with a voodoo priestess who tells the story of Eleanor MacAllister and a long-lost book, claimed to be cursed. With her curiosity piqued,
Katie is determined to find the lost book and reveal the secrets it holds.
What she finds could change everything.
Swept back in time, Katie suddenly finds herself immersed in a country at war with itself. Determined to find her way back home, her plans begin to change when she meets the dashing Confederate officer, Captain Colm O’Donnell.
Captain O’Donnell despises slavery and when his father leaves him the family plantation, Colm immediately sets out to make changes. Having devoted his life to military service and his family’s plantation, Colm has very little time for anything else. With his country embroiled in war, he has even less free time.
Until he meets Katie Butler.
Convinced the pretty young woman with sable hair and big blue eyes, is a spy, Colm is determined to find out the truth.
Will their secrets destroy the love they have found? Or, will they find a future together?

Author Bio:
Shannon is a USA Today Bestselling Author of over 18 novels and novellas.
Shannon started her writing career while still serving in the US Army.
Shannon grew up in Macomb, IL where she graduated from High School in 1987 and soon after joined the US Army. Shannon served from 1987 to 2015 during Operation Desert Storm and during Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In April 2015 Shannon retired from the US Army with 23 years of service as a Unit Supply Sergeant. She is a mother of 4 children and a grandma to 2 beautiful Granddaughters. She has been married 26 years to her husband, Ken. They reside in Staunton, IL a small town along Old Route 66.
Shannon is an award-winning author of multiple novels and short stories. She is best known for her Military Romance series A Warranted Series.


Monday, October 28, 2019

BOOK BLITZ: Under His Skin by J.V. Speyer #GIVEAWAY

Under His Skin
J.V. Speyer
Publication date: October 26th 2019
Genres: Adult, LGBTQ+, Romance, Suspense
A brilliant scientist out to save the world. A jaded agent looking to save the one he lost. And a conspiracy that spans oceans, reaching into the deepest parts of American national security.
Lennon is a genius. He’s devoted his energy and his time to designing products to save lives. He’s gotten rich doing it, too. This time he’s created something to revolutionize war, crime, and policing – a bullet that heals. He’s on top of the world and the one thing he needs is someone to share it with. The one he loved disappeared without a trace years ago, and until he gets closure he can’t commit.
Ben is an agent with an agency so secretive for years people didn’t know it existed. He screwed up years ago and fell in love with the man he was supposed to be guarding. Now his lost love is in danger again. He’s developed a product bad actors all over the world will want to get their hands on. When Ben’s superiors order him back to Lennon’s side, he goes without hesitation. There’s only one catch – Lennon can’t know he’s there.
When one of those bad actors strikes, all the rules go out the window. Can Lennon overcome his mistrust once he knows the truth about Ben? When the enemy turns up the heat, will Ben manage to save Lennon from people who want him to kill?
Ben checked his look in the mirror. Everyone had their “thing,” something that would throw the entire meeting or experience off for them, and there was nothing that could rescue it. For Ben, it was talking to someone who had food stuck in their teeth. Anyone reporting to him knew that they needed to clean their teeth before stopping in for a meeting.
Ben’s commanding officer, Agent Dickinson, had a thing about people’s ties. They had to be perfectly straight and not askew in any way. Ben could remember coming out of a fight with a spy from a drug cartel, trying to make an immediate report to Agent Dickinson, and getting dressed down because his tie was crooked. Ben had been bleeding from a stab wound at the time. Agent Dickinson had been so distracted by the messy tie he couldn’t see the blood.
Ben wasn’t bleeding now. He had no legitimate excuse to be slovenly. He straightened his tie and brushed a few pieces of lint from the jacket as well. Then he headed out to go and face Agent Dickinson.
Dickinson waited for him in his office. A giant American flag stood behind him. Dickinson wasn’t usually that guy. They all knew where they were and who they were working for; they didn’t need to be clubbed over the head with it every time they walked into a room. The ever-present flags had come in with the new administration. Every room had to have a flag now. It was a mandate. Every room had to have a flag, and every lapel had to have a flag pin. Apparently the new president thought people would get confused without them.
“Siddown, Kellogg.” Dickinson drummed his fingertips on the desk for a moment and then he sighed. “It looks like we’ve got a burgeoning situation in Boston.”
Ben felt a twinge in his heart, but he ignored it. An agent wasn’t supposed to get twinges in his heart. An agent shouldn’t have felt anything for someone in his charge to begin with. Besides, Lennon had almost certainly moved on a long time ago. He probably had a movie star partner now. Maybe he’d married a model. Maybe they stood around looking gorgeous together on the red carpet.
“Kellogg!” Dickinson slapped his hand on his desk, making Ben jump. “You paying attention or you going to sit there and gather wool on the taxpayers’ dime?”
“Sorry sir.” Ben straightened up and forced his brain to focus. “Just trying to think of which Boston situation you could be referring to.”
Dickinson acknowledged Ben’s point with an incline of his head. “That place always was a hotbed of sedition. I’m talking about the ongoing operation at Interior, Inc.”
Ben had been trained to show no reaction to any stimuli, so he was able to keep his face neutral and relaxed when his supervisor mentioned Lennon’s company. Ben had very carefully not followed the company’s progress, at least not where anyone could track him. He didn’t want to get bitter toward the Agency. “I’ve been kept in the dark about the operation at Interior, sir.”
“And for good reason, too. You’ve been kept in the dark because you couldn’t keep it in your pants, and don’t think I’ve forgotten that.” Dickinson waved a finger at Ben. “But it’s been a good decade since then. With any luck, the threat can be neutralized without any issues at all. No one will ever need to know you were involved.”
Ben couldn’t help but close his eyes at that. He didn’t have any choice about it, of course. An agent couldn’t choose his assignments. It seemed egregiously cruel to put him on an assignment this close to Lennon and not let him speak to or see his old lover, but the Agency didn’t choose its assignments for the agents’ benefit.
He opened his eyes again. He would do what he had to. He knew Dickinson wouldn’t ask it of him lightly. “Okay. What’s the threat and what’s behind it?”
Dickinson nodded once, a little bit of grudging pride showing through in the gleam of his eyes. “You know what Interior does, correct?”

Author Bio:
J. V. Speyer has lived in upstate New York and rural Catalonia before settling in the greater Boston area. She has worked in archaeology, security, accountancy, finance, and non-profit management. She currently lives just south of Boston in a house old enough to remember when her town was a tavern community with a farming problem. (No, really. John Adams complained about it. A lot.)
When not writing, J. V. enjoys watching baseball and seeking out all of New England’s creepiest spots. Her Spawn has turned her into a hockey enthusiast. She can be bribed with gin, tequila, and cats.



Sunday, October 27, 2019

BOOK BLITZ: The Assassin and the Soldier by Carly Morgan #GIVEAWAY

The Assassin and the Soldier
Carly Morgan
Publication date: October 22nd 2019
Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction
Has she finally met her match?
During a time of political unrest, convicted assassin Kaelia gets a chance to win back her freedom on a reality TV show competition. Released temporarily from prison, the twenty-two-year-old is given fancy digs in a hotel and her very own personal trainer, Callan.
But Kaelia is harboring a secret: she isn’t like other people. Spliced with the DNA of some of the most predatory animals on the planet, Kaelia was grown in a lab as an embryo and possesses heightened strengths and abilities. She’s confident she will win the competition, and can do so without the likes of Callan Merone ‘training’ her.
But Callan, an ex-soldier for the totalitarian political party that imprisoned her, happens to have the very same secret. Eventually fed up with Kaelia’s arrogance and devil-may-care attitude, he turns her over his knee. For the first time in her life, Kaelia realizes there is someone in the world who can overpower her – and the idea is more arousing than she ever thought it could be.
Publisher’s Note: This steamy dystopian romance contains elements of power exchange.
“Stop, stop!” she cried at last, and her hands flew back to cover her hot bottom, the backs of them crisscrossed over one another across the center, forcing him to pause her spanking. “When will it stop?”
Suddenly he recalled what she had asked him earlier regarding the duration of her spanking, feeling immensely satisfied. Instead of the bratty tone she had taken before, this time, her words echoed with pleading forlorn desperation. Callan had a very strong hunch she’d never felt so overpowered and humiliated before in her life. He wondered if she’d had enough, after all, a wavering heat rose off her bottom and it was obviously tender to the touch. But no. This was the part when her lesson would really begin.
Gathering her wrists in one of his hands, so incomprehensibly large in comparison to her own delicate fingers and slender palms, he tucked them both away between his belly and her side, holding them there. Then he repositioned her, as she had flopped around quite a bit during her struggle to escape her spanking. Clutching her around her tiny waist, he propped her up on one leg while he clamped the other one down over her thighs, feeling her whole body tense in response. Then he lifted her bottom up higher, so that the rest of her hung at an even more severe angle, and bent low over her back to speak.
“It will stop when you learn how to be a good girl,” he said, his voice low and nearly taunting. His fingers grazed over her bottom, so very flushed and warm with heat, and then found them hovering over the hem of her panties again. Oh, modesty be damned, after the way she had acted, she very much deserved this spanking on the bare. With one swift tug, he whisked those panties down over her plump cheeks, leaving them to bunch into the crevice around her thighs.
Her whole body bristled as Callan took in the wonderful sight of her wholly naked ass, admiring the color he’d put on there with new appreciation. Her bare cheeks clenched and relaxed, driving him crazy with a desire he’d never truly known before. Suddenly, he couldn’t control the vision of his penis, hard and fully erect, plunging deep in-between those two, quivering cheeks. Callan could just barely see the soft lips of her vulva, slick and glittering with moisture. His breathing quickened and he was pretty sure he felt hers do the same.
“No,” she started to say, her voice barely a squeak, but Callan cut her off as he smashed his hand down over her pink, swollen cheeks, distracting himself from where his mind was attempting to go. He spanked her as if he were hammering a post into the ground, alternating his smacks to cover her whole, jiggly backside, and then concentrating on one spot for several moments to really drive the lesson in, listening as her cries intensified during those intervals. The pink shade very quickly gave away to a muddled maroon, and Kaelia wailed long, guttural, piteous sounds of remorse.



BOOK BLITZ: Storm by Giulia Lagomarsino #GIVEAWAY

Giulia Lagomarsino
(Reed Security, #18)
Publication date: October 23rd 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Storm is book 18 in the Reed Security Series and should be read in order.
I had one job, get Jessica “Rabbit” Finley to sell her property to Reed Security. I could do that. I was Army Strong. Hell, I took down bad guys for a living. I could handle this sexy vixen. No problem. Except, she’s a little crazy. She thinks that there are ghosts on her property, and she has the men at Reed Security believing her too. But then I found out her history and it had me wondering….Was she really crazy?

I’ve never known who I really am. My family history has been contorted into something that I can only hope to unravel in my lifetime. But then I got a clue that led me to buy this creepy insane asylum. I was told there were answers here and I’m finding them, along with ghosts that still haunt this estate. There’s an upside, though. There’s a sexy man here to keep me company. But the closer I get to finding my answers, the closer I get to being locked up in the asylum myself.

“Can I just point out that she’s not actually my woman?”
“Yeah, she should be my woman,” Tony grumbled.
“Can we please forget about the fucking thumb war? Face it, you lost. You won the battle, but lost the war. It’s over for you.”
“I wouldn’t be too confident right now if I were you,” Coop said. “I think right now she’d take Tony Tacos over you.”
“There has to be some way to prove to her that it was a one time mistake. Okay, let’s just say that I wanted help getting her back. How would I go about this?”
“Well, you have to prove to her that you are good in bed,” Hunter said. “You are good in bed, right?”
“Well, it’s not like I’m gonna prove it to you,” I grumbled.
“He’d be the one you’d go to,” Cap chuckled. “Hey,” he said, holding up his hands as Hunter advanced on him. “Wax jobs, watching people fuck, thongs, pedicures, and hot tubs. I’m just saying.”
“That wasn’t all me,” he growled.
“Doesn’t matter. Enough of it was,” Cap laughed.
“Can we get back to my issues?”
“You know what you need?” Coop said. “You need a sex tape.”
“Excuse me?”
“Yeah, you know, to prove that you can do it the right way.”
“And who exactly would be filming this? And who would it be with?”
Coop scratched his jaw and shrugged. “Okay, well, unless you have any in storage, that won’t work so well, but there’s gotta be something you can do that will show you’re not a total douche in bed.”
They all stood there staring at the ground in thought. “Really? Maggie went to you with this issue and this is who you brought me?” Cap opened his mouth to speak, but I held up my hand to stop him. “You could have brought me Sinner, the lady killer. You could have brought me the man who made his woman think he was a superhero. Hell, you could have brought me the stalker, but no. You brought me the guy who won the thumb war, but still lost the girl. You brought me the man who has a sixteen year old, but no woman. And you brought me the man who fights with his woman for a living.”
I turned and headed for the door, determined to figure this out on my own.
“Hey!” Cap called from behind me. “I showed up.”
“Yeah, the man that’s hanging onto his woman by knocking her up repeatedly. Don’t think that’ll work here.”

Author Bio:
I'm a stay at home mom that loves to read. Some of my favorite titles are Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and Horatio Hornblower. I started writing when I was trying to come up with suggestions on ways I could help bring in some extra money. I came up with the idea that I could donate plasma because you could earn an extra $500/month. My husband responded with, "No. Find something else. Write a blog. Write a book." I didn't think I had anything to share on blog that a thousand other mothers hadn't already thought of. I decided to take his challenge seriously and sat down to write my first book, Jack. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed writing. From there, the stories continued to flow and I haven't been able to stop. I hope my readers enjoy my books as much as I enjoy writing them. Between reading, writing, and taking care of three small kids, my days are quite full.



BOOK BLITZ: Masks by Kenzie Macallan #GIVEAWAY

Kenzie Macallan
(Art of Eros #3)
Publication date: October 22nd 2019
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense
Betrayal can be born from the deepest love and blind trust.
Raquelle struggles as an artist to escape the shadow of her famous father. After his mysterious death, she’s convinced she needs to play in a game of deceit. Spying on her powerful client, she paints a face of betrayal that leads to a chilling discovery.
Michael appears to run the investment firm but acts as his father’s pawn. When the company is investigated for fraud, his father goes missing. Left in charge, he uncovers the shocking truth, forcing him to make a life altering decision.
Lives collide on a course driven by fate.
The tables turn on betrayal.
Her deception pales in comparison…
Misha crept into her room and watched her chest move up and down. He wouldn’t leave her side now. Guilt caged him. If he had made the right decision none of this would have happened. Her injuries fell squarely on his shoulders. His father never would have put his sons or his mother in harm’s way. He was always in control of every damn decision he made. Misha would make this right with her and make sure she was never harmed again.
He sat down in the lounger next to her bed. She looked like an angel. Blue light from the monitor glowed on her as she lay curled up. She looked even smaller, like a child in need of a good night’s sleep. He reached out to move the hair off her cheek. She stirred and rolled onto her back.
She rubbed her eyes. “Hey, what are you doing here?” she said with surprise.
“Where else would I be?” He required no answer.
She tilted her head and stared at him. “You have my fur baby, so I’m told.”
“Yes. Titus is fine. But I couldn’t do it without Jonas’s help. I don’t know anything about pets. I never had any growing up. I remembered his stuffed elephant and bones. That seemed to calm him down.” The events of the day were starting to catch up with him too.
“This is a big deal for you. You should feel proud. Tell me what happened.” Her eyes got droopy.
“Maybe tomorrow, malen’kiy. You need your sleep. I’ll be right here if you need anything.” He kissed her forehead.
“What? You’re staying here? In my room?” She sounded alarmed.
“This chair becomes a lounger so I’m all set.” He patted the armrests.
She curled onto her side and tucked her hands under her head. She reached out to him. “Thank you,” she whispered.
He took her hand and kissed it. “Go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”
He pulled his shoes off and sat back in the recliner. His thoughts traveled back to the reason he’d never had a pet: his father wouldn’t be able to handle it. God forbid he and his brothers had something to look after, something they could love and care for. He had ended up taking care of his mother. He wasn’t sure that counted but he did his best. His life revolved around numbers, education, and discipline. There was very little room for play and fun.
He looked at the beautiful creature next to him. She seemed to have cornered the market on fun, his exact opposite. There would be a trade. She would teach him how to have fun and take care of a pet and he could teach her discipline.

Author Bio:

Kenzie's overactive imagination led to her first book TRUTHS in the "Art of Eros Series". She lives in New England with her husband. Dogs, baby elephants, and pigs are her animal loves. She can't cook but can bake up a storm. She's also a fitness fanatic.
Fortunate enough to have traveled all over the world to places like Africa, Greece, Switzerland, Holland, France, England and, of course, Scotland. Edinburgh is one of her favorite places. They have all added to her storytelling and she looks forward to adding to her adventures.



Saturday, October 26, 2019

BOOK BLITZ: A Ghost of a Chance by Debbie Cassidy #GIVEAWAY

A Ghost of a Chance
Debbie Cassidy
(The Nightwatch #1)
Publication date: October 22nd 2019
Genres: Urban Fantasy
They say the dead don’t speak. That’s a lie. They speak to Kat Justice, but most of the time, she chooses not to hear them.
I’m a Nightwatch agent, a nightblood charged with enforcing the supernatural laws. Humans can’t know the shit that goes bump in the night is real. It’s sweaty, tough work, with crappy pay, but I love it.
Things would be perfect if not for my secret.
Pureblood Nightbloods can’t see or hear the dead. The fact that I can exposes my mixed breeding. I’m not meant to exist, and if the council find out about my secret it’s the executioners block for me.
Keeping a lid on my ghost whisperer ability is a must.
So, when my gramps orders me to head to the arse end of nowhere, a nowhere that just happens to be the most haunted place on the bloody map, I’m a little confused.
This transfer doesn’t jive with trying to keep the ghost chat to a minimum.
But with my golem partner and gargoyle companion in tow, I’m sure I can figure out why I’ve been sent to this weird coastal town. I mean, they even have a ghost bar.
You’d think the local souls would be eager to chew my ear off, right? Wrong.
For the first time in forever, the dead aren’t talking.
Now I need to know why…
A kick ass Urban Fantasy Adventure filled with fey, demons, vampires, gargoyles and golems.

Author Bio:
Debbie Cassidy lives in England, Bedfordshire, with her three kids and very supportive husband. Coffee and chocolate biscuits are her writing fuels of choice, and she is still working on getting that perfect tower of solitude built in her back garden. Obsessed with building new worlds and reading about them, she spends her spare time daydreaming and conversing with the characters in her head - in a totally non psychotic way of course. She writes Urban Fantasy, Fantasy and Reverse Harem Fantasy. All her books contain plenty of action, romance and twisty plots.

