Wednesday, October 31, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: Breaking Josephine by Brooke Stanton #GIVEAWAY

Breaking Josephine
Brooke Stanton
Publication date: November 1st 2018
Genres: Adult, Historical, Romance
From an award winning and #1 bestselling author comes a “HOT, sexy, and sinfully delicious historical romance!”
Widower Jack Harrington needs a young man to work on his farm, what he gets is eighteen-year-old Josephine Taylor—a spirited young woman from Manhattan. Stubborn and willful, Jo tests Jack’s limits. But soon the struggle between them awakens a passion neither can resist. Giving in to temptation could mean the ruin of Jo socially and the destruction of Jack’s carefully guarded heart. Do they have the courage to fight against the restraints of society and fall into the intoxicating embrace of love…

Jack closed his eyes and took in a long slow breath. But his attempt to regain control failed. In a swift movement, his hands circled under Jo’s thighs and lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his waist.
One of his hands cupped her buttocks, holding her up, while his other sailed up her spine and over her neck. Their lips were a breath apart, and for a moment they stayed like that, breathing each other’s air.

Their heartbeats galloped together under the thin fabric of their clothes, and Jo didn’t know where hers stopped and his began. Her eyelids grew heavy, and she shivered at the temptation that was offered up in his sweet lips so close to hers. How quickly she forgot the inappropriateness of what their kisses had led to in the past. But her mind was a fog of want and desire, and propriety was as far off as the moon.

Her tongue flicked out, grazing his lip, and it was all the encouragement Jack needed. His mouth captured hers, firm and moist, and she sighed. Her tongue moved in an urgent rhythm against the velvety meal he offered up in his sweet mouth.

She felt him harden under his trousers, and Jo’s hands twitched, instinctively wanting to draw his desire out. Jack gripped her under her thighs and carried her across the barn, pressing her against the wall. Confidence lurched in Jo and she slid her legs down to stand.
She satisfied her twitching hands and placed them on top of the bulge that strained the fabric of his trousers. He groaned in her mouth, and the encouragement of his response thrust her desire forward.

Author Bio:
After her own misadventures in New York City, LA, and London, Brooke Stanton now lives in sunny South Florida. She's an award-winning author who has contributed to Natural Awakenings Magazine, wrote a column for, and is the author of The Bloom Sisters series. Visit her website
Get a FREE copy of the prequel, IGNITE, here:



Tuesday, October 30, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: Pierced by J.A. Huss & Jonathan McClain #GIVEAWAY

J.A. Huss & Johnathan McClain
(Tall, Dark, and Handsome #2 (Sexpert #2))
Publication date: October 30th 2018
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Romance

I’m a just an erotic woman who likes control.
And edgy sex.
And hard men.
At the same time.
So starting an outreach class at the TDH community center to teach other women how to put the dom in dominatrix was inevitable. Even if I was only doing it to use my boss, Pierce, as my submissive example and pay him back for humiliating me in front of the whole world last summer.

I regret what I did to Myrtle. She’s the best assistant I’ve ever had and I’ll play along—for now—because I want to make things right. But… come on. Me? A submissive? Ha. Myrtle Rothschild might have the upper hand at the moment… but I’m bringing my A-game. I’m gonna take back control.

She can wear her hot, thigh-high latex boots. She can crack that whip all she wants. Hell, I’ll even let her leave marks.

But I’m about to school Ms. Rothschild in the art of who’s the boss.
And she’s about to get Pierce-d.
“Knock, knock?”
I look up from my computer and see Pierce, standing in the doorway of my office.
“Can I come in?” he asks.
“You’re the boss,” I huff.
He smiles. Tightly. Like he’s unsure how to proceed.
It’s just all so different.
“Uh… so how’s things?’
“Things?” I ask, raising one perfect eyebrow. “Do you have a specific example of said things?”
“Well, no,” he says, coming inside to take a seat in front of my desk. “Nothing specific. Just… wondering if you have time for a special project.”
We both look at my desk. Which doesn’t have a single file on it. Not even one sheet of paper. My Post-Its pad is still crisp and every pencil in my little pencil can is sharp. I think it’s pretty obvious that I do nothing in here all day.
But I’m still angry at him. So if he thinks I’m gonna be the first to admit I don’t actually have a job to do and I’m just wasting corporate money, he’s mistaken.
“I’m pretty busy,” I say.
“Yeah,” he says, sighing. “I know. And I don’t want to take advantage or anything, but I could use your help.”
I have my reading glasses on, so I do that head-tilt thing where you look down your nose at someone. “With what?”
He looks around. Plucks a pencil out of the pencil jar. Taps it to his head as he thinks.
He doesn’t have a project for me. He just wanted to come in here and feel me out.
We both know this.
But then he gets an idea. I swear I can see the little light bulb go off in his head. “The Halloween party.”
“What about it?”
“We… need… well…”
“You don’t have a project for me. And I don’t even have a job here.”
“Of course you do! You’re the VP—”
“Of social media, I know. The little plaque outside my office says so. But we both know there’s no social media department. Not to mention, I’m not even on social media and have no idea how it even works.”
“You don’t have socials? How did I not know that?”
“Well, you did think I was the Sexpert. So I’m just going to assume you don’t actually know anything about me.”
“How can you still be pissed at me? It’s been months! I gave you a promotion, and an office, and—”
“Again,” I say, putting up a hand to cut him off, “I do realize all that. And once again, it’s all meaningless. You don’t even know what a social media department does.”
“It’s not meaningless.” He tugs on his suit coat. “And I’m well-versed in socials. I was Snapchatting just last night.”
“With who?”
“Uh…” He looks over his shoulder, like he needs a second to think, then says, “Valerie. She’s my chat friend now.”
“You know I can tell when you lie, right? Your left eye does this little wink thing every time.”
He huffs, then leans forward in his chair. “How long will you continue to do this?”
“Do what?”
“Punish me.”
I laugh. Stop. Then laugh again. It’s a little bit of a guffaw with a healthy dose of maniacal thrown in for good measure. “This is not me trying to punish you, Pierce. This is me biding my time.”
He lifts up one eyebrow. “Biding your time until… what?”
“Until I have the perfect diabolical plan to pay you back.”
He sits back in his chair, breathes deep. “So that’s what you need? Payback?”
“I was publicly humiliated. A woman doesn’t just get over it, Pierce.”
He winces when I snarl his name. “You hate me.”
“People look at me funny now, you do realize that?”
“Look at you funny how?”
“Like I’m hiding some secret sexual fetish side.”
“Aren’t you?”
“What do you want?”
“I mean, you do come off as… kind of a…”
“A what?”
“You know. Like you’re into the whole Red Room spanking thing, right?”
“Anastasia Steele? You’re comparing me to Anastasia Steele? Please.”
“Well, you wear those tight pencil skirts… and those sexy secretary glasses. Plus, I know you read that smut in here. You don’t even use an eReader. Everyone can see the covers. I used to have little Christian Grey fantasies when you used to look at me. Before… ya know, you decided to hate me.”
I laugh. And it’s not even maniacal. It’s real.
“Why is that funny?”
“My dearest Pierce,” I say, still chuckling, “you are no Christian Grey. If anyone is Mr. Grey in this relationship, it’s me.”

Author Bio:
Two accomplished writers come together to create unforgettable sexy romance. JA Huss is the New York Times bestselling author of 321 and has been on the USA Today bestsellers list twenty-one times. Johnathan McClain is a veteran actor and writer whose work, either performed or written, is probably airing on at least one of the channels on your television right now. You can contact them on their website or find them at their social links below.
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Amazon / Bookbub
Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / Amazon / Bookbub



Monday, October 29, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: Eight Steps to Alpha by Taylor Sullivan #GIVEAWAY

Eight Steps to Alpha
Taylor Sullivan
Publication date: October 27th 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Elliot Prescott has one question for his ultra-nerdy roommate and best friend, Fe Porto.
Why can’t he get the girl?
And she has an answer for him. Or maybe eight.
With five years of best-friend hood under their belt, they’re about to embark in the project of a lifetime.
To make Elliot alpha.
The only catch? They have just four weeks to turn the video game loving Elliot, into a cocky, sexy, tattoo clad beast Fe has read about in her romance novels.
Can they do it? Or will the flitter of love that’s been brewing under the surface finally get the kindling it’s been longing for?

It only took a few minutes before Fe was back and for Elliot to realize she had absolutely no clue how much he bench-pressed. She brought him the wrong size. In fact, she brought him shirts so small, he was pretty sure it would fit a juvenile boy. Elliot was a man, a six-foot-two, two-hundred-pound man, and there was no way these suckers were going to fit him. “Wrong size,” he said, throwing the shirts back over the door. “I need an extra-large.” He flexed his chest in front of the mirror to prove his point. Did she not see this? Did she not notice these weapons of mass destruction?
The shirt came flying back over the stall, the hanger barely missing his head by a fraction. “You wear a medium. Put it on.”
He opened the stall door, not caring he wore no shirt, and flashed her a free sample of the gun show. “Fe, come on? Are you serious?”
She smirked a little, her dimple taunting him. “Your clothes are too big, Elli. That’s part of the problem.”
He raised a brow. “This,” he argued, grabbing the shirt from its hanger, “won’t fit over my right bicep.”
She laughed, in a way too amused sort of way, then came forward, took hold of the door handle, and closed it. “Put. It. On.”
So, he did. And it wasn’t easy. It was sort of like squeezing a python into a hamster hole. But he put it on to appease her, opened the door, and found Fe, immediately covering her mouth to suppress laughter. She eyed him up and down, did the little twirl thing with her finger again, and he turned happily, because she was smiling again—and he’d do anything to make her smile.
The shirt was white, almost see through because the fabric was pulled so taught, and the sleeves were wrapped around his arms like the casing of a sausage. When he made it full circle, he found her eyes locked on the band of skin right above his waistline. The shirt was a good four inches too short, leaving his belly button, and happy trail completely exposed. He didn’t even know if she was aware what she was looking at, because she seemed as though she was in a trance. But there was no mistaking it—she was staring right there, her hazel-green eyes, like a wheat field hanging on to the barest amount of spring, stuck just a fraction of an inch above his zipper.
His mighty soldier inched toward a salute, and he turned toward the mirror. “I told you it wouldn’t fit,” he said gruffly, then closed his eyes and forcibly cleared his throat.

God damn it! Why did this happening to him? At the worst possible time? He began saying Hail Mary’s in his head and tried to calm himself down.
It wasn’t working.

“I’ll go get you a large,” Fe whispered, closing the door quietly behind her.
Good. He thought. Good.

Author Bio:
Taylor is mom of three young (or not so young) children she loves more than life. She runs them around endlessly, hoping she looks presentable enough to be out in public, and day dreams about fictional characters. Maybe she's crazy, or maybe she craves the barbie games she played as a little girl a little too much, but that's where her stories are born. It's where they blossom, and grow, and eventually breath life on the page of her stories.



Sunday, October 28, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: Nova Praetorian by N.R. Walker #GIVEAWAY

Nova Praetorian
N.R. Walker
Publication date: October 26th 2018
Genres: Adult, Historical, LGBTQ+
Quintus Furius Varus is one of the best lanistas in Rome. Tall and strong in build, fearsome in manner, and sharp of wit, he trains the best gladiators bound for the arenas of Rome. When Senator Servius Augendus seeks personal guards, he attends the Ludus Varus for purchase of the very best. He puts to Quintus an offer he cannot refuse, and Quintus finds himself in Neapolis, contracted as a trainer of guards instead of gladiators.
Kaeso Agorix was taken from his homelands of Iberia and delivered to Rome as a slave. Bought by a senator to be trained as a guard, his fate is handed to the man who would train him. Absent free will, Kaeso knows his life is no longer his own, though he soon realises the gods have favoured him when he learns his new master has a kind heart.
Quintus and Kaeso forge a bond that far exceeds the collar at Kaeso’s neck, and together they discover the senator’s move for promotion has an ulterior motive. Thrown into a world of politics and conspiracy, of keeping enemies close, they move against time to save Rome before traitors and the gods themselves see to their end.
And in doing so, see the dawn of the nova praetorian—the new guard—rise.
Kaeso was again the first to arrive in the training yard, and this pleased Quintus. “I trust the morning sees you well.”
Kaeso acknowledged this with a nod. “And you?”
“Quite.” Quintus held back the smile that threatened his lips and threw a rudis to Kaeso. “Do you favour odds against me when it is us alone? A practice round, perhaps?”
Kaeso caught the wooden sword with ease and smiled. “I have no coin and can wager only pride.”
Quintus grinned at his offer accepted. “Pride is a price we both can afford to pay.”
They stood facing each other, practice swords at the ready. Circling at first, daring to see who made move to strike. Quintus could see strategy in Kaeso’s eyes, and as the smaller man lunged at him, Quintus laughed as he deflected easily, rounding upon him to make contact at his ribs. “Leave your side open for attack like that and your innards will find the dirt at your feet.”
They circled each other again, Quintus seeing every move of foot, every flinch of muscle, every intent in Kaeso’s eyes. They struck again, countered, attacked, and defended, and Kaeso kept favouring a rounded strike. Again and again he made the same move, and just when Quintus was about to reproach him for a foolish tactic, he sidestepped, feigned defence, then moved to attack as Quintus was caught off guard.
He struck the rudis to Quintus’ ribs without force. It was a fair strike. A good strike.
Kaeso stood back, wary and fearful, and he lowered his weapon. Quintus was surprised to be hit, yes. But also pleased. He let out a laugh. “The rabbit shows cunning.”
“You are not offended?” Kaeso asked.
“Offended only at my own mistake.” Quintus’ grin widened as he raised his rudis and resumed position. “Again.”
By this time, the other five guards had appeared. Upon seeing the two men fighting, they were alarmed but soon realised it was only sport. The more the two men lunged and struck, parried and deflected, the more Quintus laughed and Kaeso smiled.
“You hold back,” Kaeso said, easily deflecting a move.
“How so?”
“If you held true concern, you would be absent a smile.”

Quintus lowered his rudis and stood to his full height, their sparring over. “And I would be a fool to think you showed full force in return also.”
Kaeso lowered his head as if to hide the beginning of a smile, but he did so without answering.

Author Bio:

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance.
She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.

She is many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.
She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things… but likes it even more when they fall in love.
She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.
She’s been writing ever since…



Thursday, October 25, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: Light Tripper by Jo-Anne Tomlinson #GIVEAWAY

Light Tripper
Jo-Anne Tomlinson
Publication date: October 23rd 2018
Genres: Cyberpunk, Science Fiction
In the 23rd century, bounty hunter, Sal Tripp is a girl with simple needs.
A decent replicated meal, a bullet-free head and keeping her ability to manipulate kinetic energy under wraps.
No easy task when your home is Morpheus, a sleazy band of planets populated by the scum of the outer systems or when your father is the infamous Morgan Tripp, a once proud pilot in the Planetary Alliance, now reduced to a drug addicted, has-been who owes credits to every gangster in the galaxy.
The upside? Light Tripper, their derelict ship. For Sal it is freedom and adventure, and when they get their hands on a new jump drive, it might even get them to Earth, which Sal has heard is beautiful and green.
That is until the day Light Tripper’s thrusters kick the bucket, delivering them right into the hands of the system’s most ruthless crime boss and crossing their path with a hardened soldier who knows far more about Sal and Morgan than he should. Then they find themselves face-to-face with the Planetary Alliance, who may not be the humble saviours the galaxy takes them for.
It’s up to Sal to clean up Morgan’s mess one more time and not get herself killed in the process. But with her powers evolving and the truths of her past threatening to undo her future, just who can Sal trust in a system where it’s every scumbag for themselves?


Author Bio:

Jo-Anne Tomlinson was born and bred in the mystical land of New Zealand.
No, she wasn't in Lord of the Rings. No, she doesn't know that guy, Steve. Yes, she has seen a kiwi and they are both powerful and majestic.

As well as writing, Jo-Anne is an inventor, currently designing a sophisticated robot that will spit out a completed manuscript based on a very vague synopsis. Unfortunately, as she hasn't even mastered the TV remote, progress is slow.
When not writing or reading, you'll find her playing video games, watching terrible movies and eavesdropping on people who argue in malls. Lastly, she doesn't mind if you call her Jo.



Tuesday, October 23, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: A Heritage of Death by Alexa Padgett #GIVEAWAY

A Heritage of Death
Alexa Padgett
(A Reverend Cici Gurule Mystery, #2)
Publication date: October 23rd 2018
Genres: Adult, Mystery, Thriller
An unconventional pastor. A brutal murder. To solve the case, one reverend will look for help from beyond the grave…
Reverend Cecelia “Cici” Gurule dreams of a bruised and bloodied woman who looks alarmingly like Cici. She’d like to pretend the dream is a nightmare and nothing more, but there are too many coincidences in her waking life to write it off. Like the baby that turns up on her porch–a baby that disappeared weeks before.
Cici and Detective Sam Chastain race to find the woman, but the killer finds her first. As the trail grows cold, Cici’s only chance to solve the mystery before she becomes the next target may be a clue left by her ghostly twin.
A Heritage of Death is the second novel in a compelling female sleuth mystery series for fans of Ruth Ware and Gilly MacMillan. If you like convention-shattering heroines, vivid Southwest settings, and a touch of the paranormal, then you’ll love Alexa Padgett’s twisty mystery.
Buy A Heritage of Death and hold on tight for a white-knuckle thrill ride today!
She opened the door that connected to the kitchen to find both her dogs waiting, tails wagging, for her. While she hugged and pet them, she talked about her day.
“Ready for a walk?” she asked.
Strolling through the streets, Cici passed a few of her neighbors and waved. The heat stuck to her skin, coating her in sweat and an unwelcome, oppressive blanket.
She watched Mona frisk around, her plumed tail wagging. Rodolfo stayed close to her side, his pace sedate, his tongue already lolling. Poor boy. Recovering from near-death took time.
She leaned over and pet his ears.
“I’m so thankful you’re still with me,” she said. He turned his face up toward hers, brown eyes sharp, tongue sliding to the back of his mouth as his canine grin spread.
She walked toward the park at the end of the street, planning to let Rodolfo sit by the side of the cottonwoods while she and Mona attempted some fetch. Mona refused to drop the ball once she collected it, instead darting to and fro, and having a delightful doggy game of tag.
Not Cici’s favorite game but Mona lived for it. They transitioned into the park area and Cici grabbed the ball from her pocket.
She threw it just as a thick wave of dizziness slammed her, causing her to shut her eyes. A strange tugging sensation rippled over her, one she’d felt before. Cici shook her head, trying to force the vision out of her mind.
“No. I don’t like that,” she murmured. “Don’t do that to me, Aci. It’s awful.”
Her sister didn’t listen—not that Cici expected her to.
Cici continued to fight, but Anna Carmen tugged at her consciousness. Come. See. You don’t have much time.
“Aci?” Cici asked, her heart aching at the sound of her twin’s voice, even if it was just in her head—in this nightmare. She succumbed to her sister’s voice, desperate for a deeper, a stronger, connection to her twin.
But her sister was gone, and Cici was back in Grace’s head, how she knew this, she couldn’t say. Just that she knew she was Grace Bruin and she was scared.
Becky finally appeared. As soon as Cici, no she was Grace . . . .As soon as she, Grace received the text, she forwarded it to Becky. She snuck out of the police building, her heart hurting for Henry, for herself, but she couldn’t let her baby suffer.
“There were lights in the cabin. And an old SUV. I think.” Becky swallowed, eyes wide in the dark. “I think it’s the sheriff.”
Grace’s heart plummeted. “Take Isabel. Get out of here.”
“I can’t leave you here!”
“You don’t have a choice. Please, Becky. Please.”
“Where can I take her?” Becky asked. “There was a Taos police car here earlier. What if all the police are involved?”
“They might be.” Grace bit her lip, tugging Isabel tighter to her chest. “Go to Santa Fe. To Reverend Gurule. She’ll figure it out. What to tell Henry and everything. Yeah. Go to her.”
“No, Gracie. I’m not leaving you here.” Large tears tumbled down Becky’s cheeks. “I’m the one who wanted to look into this. I’m the reason you’re here.”
“We don’t have time to argue,” Grace said, her voice urgent. “He’ll come back soon. He checks in often.”
“Has he . . .” Becky gulped. “Has he hurt you?”
Grace held out her daughter again. “Save her for me,” she said, her throat clogged with emotion.
“I don’t have a car seat.”
“My car does. It’s out there, right? There’s a key under the driver’s side front tire. In one of those little magnetic boxes. Henry made me get one. He was worried about those stories—you know, babies dying in hot cars.”
“Okay.” Becky sniffled.
Grace pulled the sleeping baby closer to her and kissed her daughter’s soft, sweet face. “I love you,” she whispered.
“Grace . . .”
Grace turned her face away. Tears dripped from her quivering chin. “Go!”
Becky picked up the baby and clattered up the stairs. She turned once and looked back, her eyes wide with fear.
Grace almost called her back as the fear of darkness overwhelmed her.
What would he do to her once he realized the baby was gone? That someone else knew his secret?
Grace opened her mouth, about to plead with Becky to take her, too.
Becky disappeared. The wooden doors slammed.
And the wait for the inevitable pain began.

Author Bio:
With a degree in international marketing and a varied career path that includes content management for a web firm, marketing direction for a high-profile sports agency, and a two-year stint with a renowned literary agency, award-winning author Alexa Padgett has returned to her first love: writing fiction.
Alexa spent a good part of her youth traveling. From Budapest to Belize, Calgary to Coober Pedy, she soaked in the myriad smells, sounds, and feels of these gorgeous places, wishing she could live in them all—at least for a while. And she does in her books.
She lives in New Mexico with her husband, children, and Great Pyrenees pup, Ash. When not writing, schlepping, or volunteering, she can be found in her tiny kitchen, channeling her inner Barefoot Contessa.



Monday, October 22, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: If She Were Blind by Laney Wylde #GIVEAWAY

If She Were Blind
Laney Wylde
(The After Twelve, #1)
Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing
Publication date: October 22nd 2018
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Thriller
Not everyone can get justice the traditional way—that’s where Estlyn Collins comes in. A young lawyer in Santa Monica, her “legal” service, After Twelve, works outside the courtroom to tip the scales when the justice system has failed.
For a price.
Thanks to her powerful underground network, Estlyn’s success rate is stellar, and her inbox stays filled with inquires from the desperate and vengeful. But when one of those names is a ghost from her past seeking vengeance against her, she’s shaken to her core. Off balance and scared to be alone, she makes an impulsive move for a guy. He’s a complication she doesn’t have time for, but it turns out he may also be an unlikely—if unwitting—asset.
Treading the rapidly thinning line between personal and professional, Estlyn pursues her target while outrunning the one on her own back—only to find she may be running into a lot more than she bargained for.
IF SHE WERE BLIND is the first book in the engaging New Adult series AFTER TWELVE by author Laney Wylde. Perfect for fans of the television shows REVENGE, SCANDAL, and VERONICA MARS, the AFTER TWELVE Series is a gritty social-issue drama that delivers steamy romance, intrigue, and the most bittersweet revenge plots. Estlyn’s determination to right every wrong is sure to quench your thirst for justice, yet leave you wanting more.

I glance past Dean’s shoulder as a man close to my dad’s age takes nervous steps closer and closer to Dean. Once he’s in his space, he taps his back. Dean whips around to face him. “Excuse me, are you Dean Martinez?”
His eyes are full of suspicion as he studies the stranger. “Um, why?”
“It’s Dwayne. We’ve been chatting on and are supposed to meet up here at seven.”
Dean’s shoulders slouch and his expression turns sympathetic. “Sweetie, you’ve been catfished.”
“Been what?”
“I’m Dean, but I’m not on any dating site.”
“Really? Because,” the older gentleman displays Dean’s dating profile on his phone for him, “you’re right here.”
Dean grabs the phone and starts scrolling through the profile. “‘Male seeking male, any race or religion, age fifty-five and older.’ Seriously? ‘I love me a sweaty old gay with that curly salt-and-pepper chest hair. The longer and curlier the better. I want it poking above those top shirt buttons. Oh, yeah, let it blow in the wind while we drive down PCH in your Lincoln sedan with the windows cracked. In search of someone I can raise a family of hypoallergenic, small breed dogs with, someone who doesn’t have all their original joints. I’m so over all these sexy twinks who just want me for my hot bod. Looking for a real man to settle down with, preferably in a gay-friendly, fifty-five and older community.’”
I can’t help but give Dean’s blind date a once over. The poor guy is buttoning the second to top button over his ungroomed, grey chest hair as Dean reads. His upper lip looks like the outside of a cold drink on a summer day. Dean gives him back the phone and drops his forehead into his hand. “Cal, did you let Estlyn go to the library?”
He glares at me then chastises, “Cal?”
“Yes?” How was I supposed to know she’d use a computer to catfish unsuspecting old gays?
He turns to the humiliated older gentleman with confident compassion. “Sorry, hon. My friend set you up. Best of luck to finding a man half your age to raise that family of dogs with.”

Author Bio:

Laney Wylde is enamored with all things southern California--the traffic, smog, surprise earthquakes, and nonindigenous palm trees. Consequently, it's the landscape her strong and sometimes lovable female leads paint their stories on. Her New Adult novels Never Touched and the After Twelve series are bright with provocative themes, steamy romance, and inappropriately timed humor.
When Laney isn't writing, she's singing Taylor Swift with her little boy or asking her husband not to tell her about his work as a surgical resident while she's eating. She daydreams about using her math degree to get into law school, then realizes that would be too much work and that she should just play pretend court on paper instead. While she loves a good book, nothing beats 30 Rock with a bag of popcorn and M&Ms.



Sunday, October 21, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: I Know You Like a Murder by Amy L. Sauder #GIVEAWAY

I Know You Like a Murder
Amy L. Sauder
Publication date: October 23rd 2018
Genres: Adult, Mystery
A narrator always gets to know the reader before spilling their deepest secret.
I am a murderer.
She was just a silly nothing of a girl until I made her rise to fame. A pennything.
So, reader: sit down, cozy up. I’d offer a cup of tea, but you may worry it’s poisoned, and you may be correct.
But I can’t just tell you how she died. That’s too easy. Too quick. Buckle up: you’re in for a villainous monologue.


The 5 W’s of Murder

A narrator always gets to know the reader before spilling their deepest secret.
I am a murderer.
She was just a silly nothing of a girl until I made her rise to fame. A pennything.
I imagine a dreary donut-glaze day at the station before I dropped murder in their laps. I’d like to say the coppers pounded down my door in their cliché little way, but really it was a nice rap-tap-tap. Like the children’s ditty: Skunk in the barnyard, pee-yew. Murder in the theater…for you…
Clueless buffoons, more accustomed to traffic control rather than detective work. I wasn’t considered suspect; for all intents and purposes, I was victim.
“Tell us what happened.” “Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?” “Any odd or unusual behavior?” and the kicker: “Is there anyone who would have motive?”
“Don’t we all,” I said. “Don’t we all hold a reason to kill.”
I wasn’t much help. Why would I be? I divulged a dozen motives, to bait their sniffers a million directions, all but mine.
I don’t think they liked me all that much. Whatever. I wasn’t looking to impress. I was looking to distract. Once their curiosities turned elsewhere, I could move on to tell you, my now-avid readers, the story.
My story.
Our story.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears, does it make a sound? If a person is murdered and the tale is not told, did it happen?
And so, I have found my audience. Yes, you. Won’t you read my story, sleuth it out? I take the role of murderer, now you fancy yourself a detective.
Sit down, cozy up. I’d offer you a cup of tea, but you may worry it’s been poisoned, and you may be correct. But hold it, dear reader, don’t twist your shirt in a bundle before I give you all the pieces.
What: death, cold and sudden
Where: the most dramatic place for murder, the theater
When: the top of Act III, naturally
Who: Too many names, there are too many names in the world. I only remember the one girl. Don’t be indignant when you struggle to recall names, too.
No matter. I will choose some form of name to distinguish the lot. Let’s call them:
Madame Director,
Homeless Hag,
Facilities Hawk,
Villains 1 & 2,
Shy Boy,
Makeup Artist,
and Cami’s BFF.
But the one you’re waiting for: Camille. Or Cami now, to be more relatable, more likeable. Hear the sounds roll off your tongue: the name Cami skips playfully from your mouth, while the nasal sound of Camille bodes aloof, unapproachable. The name change is product branding or whatever.
She’s a washed up writer. Now scriptwriter and also, get this, leading lady. She scooped that right up, and Madame Director allowed it even though Cami has never performed on stage.
Why: Cami got one of the useless English degrees and expected it was worth something. Interned at a publishing company, but they wouldn’t look at her manuscript without an agent; and she couldn’t interest an agent though she had an in with a publisher.
She’d tell that sob story, then with a twinkle in her eye promise that this theatrical production would put us all on the map.
But I would make her keep that promise.
Alibis are useless in this investigation, because all of us, of course, were at the theater when it happened. As for motive, don’t we all have something worth killing for?
If you were a Criminal Psychologist maybe you’d have this case wrapped up by now. Tell me, which of the listed characters am I, the murderer?
But statistically speaking, you likely aren’t a Criminal Psychologist, so here you are. Still reading. So many questions.
You know, you could hand this over to a Criminal Psychologist to solve. But I don’t think you will. Not now.
It’s not real, you say. It’s a book. And you’ll pore through this story looking for answers, intrigued by the tale, fascinated by death.
Okay, detectivize. Draw up a grid, write up characters and clues, cross off cleared suspects. Or whatever you crime buffs do. Maybe you have the cliché marker board to track your clues, or maybe you have the string linking ideas throughout a crime-solving room. You sure get off on this stuff, don’t you?
So let’s get to it. What I haven’t told you yet is How. But I can’t just tell you how she died. That’s too easy. Too quick. Buckle up: you’re in for a villainous monologue.

Author Bio:
Amy L. Sauder is a writer, educator, and creative. She has been called quirky meta mystery and walking fairytale. In her not-so-spare time, Amy coaches other writers and sells artistic fashion finds. While she has a degree in English, that has yet to land her amidst a murderous plot. Hopefully that doesn't change.



Friday, October 19, 2018

BOOK BLITZ: Subzero by Cabria Hebert #GIVEAWAY

Cambria Hebert
(BearPaw Resort #4 )
Publication date: October 19th 2018
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense, Thriller
My best friend, Liam Mattison, was born with snow in his veins.
Me? Ice.
Maybe that’s why my eyes are this color. Maybe it’s because I was born in Caribou, where there’s more snow than sun.
I always knew I had a chill within me, but after my time with the army, that chill froze over. I saw and did things most people couldn’t fathom. I made contacts with people who were more beast than man.
I came home altered, and there was no going back.
Except I did. It had to be done, and I didn’t regret it.
But now I’m thrust back into a world where people had forgotten my name. Back into a past I walked away from.
Memories of all the things I’ve done, of the people I’ve left behind, are floating to the surface.
The late-night summons wasn’t really unexpected.
The request was.
Saying no is impossible when you’re the only man equipped for the job. Saying no is difficult when what you really want to say is yes.
So here I am, past and present colliding with a woman I intentionally left behind. A woman who needs me to keep her alive.
I made a promise, and I will keep it.
Even if I die doing it. Even if it means the ice inside me goes subzero.
The gun I held with both hands hit the dirt, and I hit my knees. “Kitten,” I rasped out, shoving Liam away and reaching for her. “Kitten, honey, where are you hit?”
I gripped her shoulders and pulled her into me, scanning her face, her neck, her shoulders, panicking, searching for a bullet wound, looking for blood.
Her eyes popped open. “Alex,” she whispered.
My stare sprang to hers. “Tell me, baby. Tell me where you’re hit.”
She sighed a little and snuggled close, then suddenly stiffened and wrenched away. I went to grab her back, still freaking the fuck out, but she yelled, “I’m not shot!”
I reached for her anyway. She grasped my hand and glared at me. “Alex! I’m not shot!”
I fell back onto my haunches, still gripping her hand so she had to move a little with me. “You aren’t?”
“No.” She held her arms out. “See?”
Anger filled my throat. “Then what the fuck were you groaning on the ground for?”
Good God! She took nearly twenty years off my life!
“Because this creep threw me on the ground and jumped on me!”
Daniel came out of nowhere, grabbing up Liam by the back of his neck and putting him a choke hold.
I lurched up and shook my head. “It’s Liam.”
Daniel dropped him immediately. “My bad.”
“You’re fucking lucky you didn’t put a bullet in him,” I swore.
“Sorry,” Daniel said, sheepish.
Liam straightened his shirt and glanced at me, lifting a brow. “Kitten? Honey? Baby?”
“Fuck you, Mattison.”
He turned to Sabrina. “You have a real name?”
She crossed her arms over her chest and sniffed. “You’re bigger on TV.”
Liam grinned. “Still took you to the ground.”
“You better watch yourself.” I warned him.
Liam took my threat mildly, squinting at me. “I take it you know this little criminal?”
Sabrina gasped.
I laughed.

Author Bio:
Cambria Hebert is an award winning, bestselling novelist of more than twenty books. She went to college for a bachelor’s degree, couldn’t pick a major, and ended up with a degree in cosmetology. So rest assured her characters will always have good hair.
Besides writing, Cambria loves a caramel latte, staying up late, sleeping in, and watching movies. She considers math human torture and has an irrational fear of chickens (yes, chickens). You can often find her running on the treadmill (she’d rather be eating a donut), painting her toenails (because she bites her fingernails), or walking her chorkie (the real boss of the house).
Cambria has written within the young adult and new adult genres, penning many paranormal and contemporary titles. Her favorite genre to read and write is romantic suspense. A few of her most recognized titles are: The Hashtag Series, Text, Torch, and Tattoo.
Cambria Hebert owns and operates Cambria Hebert Books, LLC.



Tuesday, October 16, 2018

BOOK REVEAL: Stolen Goods by Kay Marie

Stolen Goods
Kay Marie
(To Catch a Thief #2)
Publication date: January 7th 2019
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Catch Me If You Can meets Tangled in this funny and feel-good romantic comedy, new from bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis, writing as Kay Marie.
Addison Abbot is a dreamer—she dreams of owning her own cake shop, of traveling the world, of finding Prince Charming. But when it comes to actually following any of those dreams, she’s a little, well, stuck. So when a devilishly handsome stranger saves her from two robbers with guns and pulls her into the adventure of a lifetime, she’s determined to find her fairytale ending—until she realizes he’s the most wanted criminal in America, that is.
Thaddeus Ryder was just another run-of-the-mill international art thief until his latest heist went south. Now, his face is on every news station, his name is making headlines, and his partner is working for the feds. Talk about a bad week on the job. His only option is to flee the country. But when hitmen for the Russian mafia interrupt his getaway, Thad gains an accidental companion—a baking beauty who might be too tempting to resist.
When a girl good meets a bad boy, sparks are bound to fly. But this conman is about to discover the only thing he can’t steal is her heart…
Sequel to:

Author Bio:
Kaitlyn Davis, a bestselling author with over a quarter of a million books sold, writes young adult fantasy novels under the name Kaitlyn Davis and contemporary romance novels under the name Kay Marie. Publishers Weekly has said, "Davis writes with confidence and poise," while USA Today has recommended her work as "must-read romance."
Always blessed with an overactive imagination, Kaitlyn has been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. When she's not daydreaming, typing stories, or getting lost in fictional worlds, Kaitlyn can be found playing fetch with her puppy, watching a little too much television, or spending time with her family. If you have any questions for her--about her books, about scheduling an event, or just in general--you may contact her at:
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