Friday, September 29, 2017

NOW LIVE! Fire Lust is in AUDIO!


From the vocal team that brought you the erotic bestseller
La Petite Mort and Ruby Rivers are back to take you on a fantastical romantic journey. 

#ForAdultsOnly #MFF #EroticRomance

What reviewers have said about this narrative team:

"The chemistry between both narrators is also great and shows throughout their performance."

"This was my 2nd experience with the narrating duo of Ruby Rivers & La Petite Mort who did an excellent and engaging performance."

"Warning: your panties will combust in pure pleasure as you listen to this fun and kinky read. The narrators are on point with delivery this book."

L@@K at ME! 29 - The Series by Nancy Pennick #GIVEAWAY

29 - The Series
by Nancy Pennick

Saturday, September 9, 2017

NEW RELEASE: Seek by Anne Conley

SEEK IS HERE!!! I cannot tell you how long I've been working on Zack's story. For the most part, he's become my problem child, and I wanted to do his story justice in so many ways.  And people have been expecting a lot from him, so I didn't want to disappoint. Who's ready to find out about Zack and Bonnie? Second chance romance? Yes, please!!!

Zack’s always been the funny guy, but with the deterioration of his sight and the loss of his father, the laughter has begun to dry up. Having recently discovered he has a brother due to his father’s infidelity, he’s questioning everything he thought he knew. To top it all off, the epic brush-off from Bonnie Pierce a few months back has Zack feeling less than a man. 
Bonnie thought she’d feel better about herself after giving Zack a taste of his own medicine, but all it did was stoke an old flame, bringing up feelings she probably shouldn’t explore. When she ends up embroiled in his current case, they both realize their pasts are about to set their worlds afire. 
The guest house behind Simon’s home has become her gilded cage, and Bonnie resents her brothers’ overprotectiveness even though they mean well. When Zack stumbles upon her horrific secret, she has no choice but to turn to the man she’s always loved.
In the end, Zack struggles to be enough of a man to protect the woman he has finally gotten a second chance with, even though he can’t see her.

Barnes and Noble- 

“Come on, it’s the best way to do this.” Zack was wheedling, his voice loud and a bit high-pitched in the din of noise.
“NO. I am not pretending to make out with you.”
Turning, she saw Zack and his friend standing outside a club, not ten feet away from her. The Wave. It looked like a nice place with a group of people in front of it. Zack and the other blond stood off to the side, ready to kick each other’s asses.
She approached them, knowing exactly what was about to come out of her mouth, as well as all the consequences, but not caring either way. She and Zack suddenly had unfinished business.
“I’ll do it.”
Zack’s shoulders slumped as his mouth turned down. She couldn’t tell if he was relieved or not. “Bon-Bon, this isn’t the place for you. You need to go home. Seriously. Some shit’s about to go down.”
Taking a step forward, she said, “So fill me in. I want to help.” He was still sporting the erection, and something about that made her giggle.
“Not a laughing matter, Bon-Bon. This isn’t time for games.”
Suddenly angry, she started shouting at him. “I kno that, Zackary Gale Ward!” He cringed at the use of his middle name, but she needed him to know she was serious. “I want to help. I’m here, I’m
willing to make out with you, and I’m not going home. I haven’t been out of my tower in months and I need to do this. You understand?”
“Do you even know what we’re doing?” the friend asked.
“Making out?”
She nearly laughed at his reaction—face purple and fists clenched—before he turned to Zack. “Dude, y’all are perfect for each other.”
She swallowed. Zack had told him about her. A million questions started swirling around in her brain. What did he say? Is he mad? Does he realize how wrong he was? Is he sorry? Does it matter?
“What are we doing?” Bonnie asked.
Zack nodded to his friend. “Go out on the corner and whistle if you see anything.” He turned to Bonnie, his voice a low growl. “A little recon before we go in. I need your eyes.”
She got it. He knew he was being followed. And whoever the guy was, he had something to do with the job, whatever that was.
“I kicked his ass for you,” she said proudly, as Zack was advancing on her like a predator stalking prey. She tried to blow it off, but the way his eyebrows raised at her words gave her a thrill.
“The guy following you. I laid him out in an alley behind the burrito place.”
Then he was upon her, his body pressed against hers until she was flat against the wall. “Tell me you didn’t engage him.”
“No. He engaged me.”
“Christ, Bon-Bon. Quinten will kill me if he realizes you’re in this.” His mouth was hot on her ear, and she squirmed, despite the seriousness of the conversation.
“Me, too.”
Zack gripped her hips and pressed into her with a groan. “What a way to go. Eyes peeled, princess.”  **

Are you stalking me EVERYWHERE?  
Do you love the Pierce Securities?  Would you love to be a part of news, exclusive teasers, and general shenanigans?  Join my reader group on Facebook!  

About Anne:

Anne has written her entire life and has the boxes of angst-filled journals and poetry to prove it. She’s been writing for public consumption for the past several years. Currently, she has four romance series. In Stories of Serendipity, she explores real people living real lives in small town Texas in a contemporary romance setting. In The Four Winds, she chronicles God’s four closest archangels, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael, and Michael, falling in love and becoming human. In Pierce Securities, she gives us Ryan, Evan, Miriam, Zack, Quinten, and Simon. Her newest series, Book B!tches, is all about a group of women in Mystic, Texas who get into all sorts of shenanigans. She lives in rural East Texas with her husband and children in her own private oasis, where she prides herself in her complete lack of social skills, choosing instead to live with the people inside her head.

PreORDER BLAST: The 12 Slays of Christmas {Boxset} #GIVEAWAY

Genre: Holiday Mystery

Friday, September 8, 2017


REJOICE! The children are back in school.

For those who live to are some awesome books provided by the incredible authors who wrote them. All in celebration of the new school year.

While a few of these books might be oldies, but goodies...others could be new and fresh off the presses.

Relax and find your new favorite author.

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Science Fiction in traditional literary terms is a literary or cinematic genre in which fantasy, typically based on speculative scientific discoveries or developments,environmental changes, space travel, or life on other planets,forms part of the plot or background.

Please enjoy these books that focus on sci-fi and all its sub-genres. The list is available in alphabetically order by title.

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win an Amazon Giftcard.

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What do you do when the world as you know it ends? Run! A perfect life slides into despair when a trusting neighbor whispers a warning, and Mike and Laura Davis’s world crumbles. Dreams and goals come to an abrupt end, but a new existence waits in the future. Survival depends on the ingenuity of family and friends. First, they must hide in a safe place.

Sci-Fi/Time Travel

Are you sick of US politics? Afraid of what will become of America because your chosen candidate didn’t prevail? Do you believe the world is doomed now that King Donald has claimed the Oval Office throne?

Refresh your spirit and allay your fears by laughing along with what Mark Twain might have written about today’s political falderal.

“Entertaining.” –Publishers Weekly.

WINNER 2016 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Gold Medal for Science Fiction & Fantasy.

Morgan le Fay, sixth-century Queen of Gore and the only major character not killed off by Mark Twain in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, vows revenge upon the Yankee Hank Morgan. She casts a spell to take her to 1879 Connecticut so she may waylay Sir Boss before he can travel back in time to destroy her world. But the spell misses by 300 miles and 200 years, landing her in the Washington, DC, of 2079, replete with flying limousines, hovering office buildings, virtual-reality television, and sundry other technological marvels.

Whatever is a time-displaced queen of magic and minions to do? Why, rebuild her kingdom, of course—two kingdoms, in fact: as Campaign Boss for the reelection of American President Malory Beckham Hinton, and as owner of the London Knights world-champion baseball franchise.

Written as though by the old master himself, King Arthur’s Sister in Washington’s Court by Mark Twain as channeled by Kim Iverson Headlee offers laughs, love, and a candid look at American society, popular culture, politics, baseball… and the human heart.


In a world ruled with military precision, a misspoken word has the power to generate enough rage to turn life upside down in the story of a post apocalyptic world on the brink. Steve Manos and his family live in Europe Town, a segregated area where people of European descent live in the Coalition; formerly the United States. The necessities of life are minimally met by the government and everyone works for the good of the leadership. Life for the people is almost intolerable, but that is when change happens.


Scarlett Lewis doesn’t realize the United States is succumbing to a horrific pandemic. Until Scarlett begins to notice the bizarre events occurring around her . . . Travel with Scarlett on her perilous journey as she discovers the dark fate of the human race. Along the way, she meets other survivors who may not have her best interests at heart. With hope as her last weapon of defense, Scarlett must learn how to survive in this creeper-infested world without sacrificing her own humanity.


Carla Simon is a best-selling novelist besieged by death threats and lawsuits because her stories keep turning out to be true. She is considered an extraordinary researcher, uncovering facts unknown by field experts.


In a single month, Alisha Kane has gone from a wealthy debutante to street girl to scavenger. While testing her new flying skills in the Cully Canyon, Alisha incurs a near-death crash landing. She’s “rescued” by a colonel of the SkyRyders and her life changes forever.

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RELEASE BLAST: Dear Diary, by Susan Horsnell

by Susan Horsnell

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


REJOICE! The children are back in school.

For those who live to are some awesome books provided by the incredible authors who wrote them. All in celebration of the new school year.

While a few of these books might be oldies, but goodies...others could be new and fresh off the presses.

Relax and find your new favorite author.

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Romance in traditional literary terms is a narration of the extraordinary exploits of heroes, often in exotic or mysterious settings. The term romance has also been used for stories of mysterious adventures, not necessarily of heroes. These adventure romances usually are set in distant places.

Please enjoy these books that focus on romance and all their sub-genres. The list is available in alphabetically order by title.

Don't forget to enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win an Amazon Giftcard.

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Contemporary Romance

Air Force Captain Stephanie Tyler's sole duty is to fly overseas to war torn areas of the world to retrieve and escort the bodies of fallen soldiers back home to the United States. It is a tough and emotional job but she is honored for the privilege. Her duty also helps her to escape her past and her failed marriage. But those flights have become increasingly more dangerous and she is forced to have a partner accompany her. Much to Stephanie's surprise and dismay, she is partnered up with her ex-husband, Captain Douglas 'DA' Aston. From the moment DA enters the scene, he irritates her. It could have something to do with the fact he slept with her best friend while she and DA were married. As they go on several missions together, Stephanie is forced to be courteous and professional with DA even though the very sight of him irritates her beyond comprehension. Then, Stephanie's cheating, husband stealing, ex-best friend is killed in Afghanistan and Stephanie and DA must escort her body home. While executing this difficult duty, a myriad of conflicting emotions makes Stephanie ponder how short life really is . . . and to question her own ability to forgive.

Contemporary Christian Romance

Top Journalist and corporate climber McKayla Buchanan is sent to a remote California mountain camp for inner-city, at-risk teens. Accustomed to political and high-society assignments, she is suddenly a fish out of water. At Camp In As Much, she meets eight hostile and distrustful teens, assorted volunteers, rescued horses—and Clay.

Clay Michaels is the man who founded Camp In As Much and made it the success it is now. His hope for the highly recommended journalist is to come and write a feature to send seeds out to form other camps like his nationwide one. He never considered the reporter would turn out to be a lovely woman, or for him to have such an attraction to her.

Between McKayla’s worldly experience and Clay’s strong faith, they form a partnership to help with the endless challenges of the kids.

While McKayla’s assignment is supposed to be temporary, it isn’t long before she and Clay are each wishing it could last longer. A serious situation will force McKayla to decide if she can give up her worldly ways and place her faith in the same higher source that Clay does.


Catherine “Cat” Warner has problems. The profits from her inns are down. The pressure from her parents is up. Her love life is non-existent. But Cat did manage to get the attention of tough, powerful, gorgeous hotel magnate Ty Orland. Unfortunately, his interest in her is for all the wrong reasons. Instead of wanting Cat, this debonair CEO only wants her land—a parcel he desperately needs for his next big development deal. Too bad, it’s not for sale. A people pleaser by nature, Cat knows to stand strong. If she caves in to the demands of this sexy, alluring man, it will be her own neck on the line.

Ty Orland has a lot of things going for him. Success. Power. Respect. Unfortunately, he’s also got an old chip on his shoulder and a new financial nightmare. His development deal is going down in flames—and fast. His only way out is if Cat sells him her strategically located parcel. But romancing the land from her is not easy when love gets in the way. The woman is as beautiful as she is beguiling. And Ty no longer knows which prize is more valuable.

Romantic Comedy

The year is 1969. Though there is war and unrest in the world, on August 15th, on a farm in upstate New York, a little concert will go down in history as the most famous music festival of our time: Woodstock.

It also happens to be the day Bonnie McMillan and Peter Hampton meet and begin their free-spirited love-filled journey with each other. What happens at Woodstock stays at Woodstock, right? Nope!

Fast forward forty-seven years. Bonnie unexpectedly passes after a night of hot sex and is whisked up to Purgatory, ‘The Green Room’ as they call it. Bonnie’s best friend meets her at the pearly green gates and the fun begins, from body sculpting to channeling.

Follow Bonnie on her erotically incorrect quest to re-connect with the love of her life. Or at the very least, make sure the sex toys are hidden before the kids start sorting through her things!

Contemporary Romance

Kate Willowbrook dreamed of a life filled with beauty –– a man who loves her, friends, and a home. At eighteen, Kate's dreams were replaced by nightmares when she witnessed a crime. Kate fled, never settling down and never trusting anyone until at the age of the thirty, she discovers the small town of Lakes Crossing and CEO, Noah Reed. When Noah’s wife was killed in an accident, his world exploded. Noah settled for an empty, loveless life until the day he met Kate. When he learns about Kate’s past and finds she is still in danger, Noah takes over, becoming over-protective—to the point Kate feels stifled and controlled. As Noah and Kate struggle to put the past behind them and find a balance that fulfills both their needs, they learn that there are no guarantees in life, but in Lakes Crossing they have been given a second chance at love.

New Adult Romance

"As the bassist for the band Caged, the last three years have been one, long non-stop party. Sure, I’ve had some regrets. Everyone does. But getting trapped in a relationship isn’t one of them. I know good and well what happens when the attraction fades. I’ve seen it first hand. Love is a zero sum game, so why play? As long as I’m upfront about my feelings, no one gets hurt. Besides, I’m never in one place long enough to worry about tomorrow.

That is, until the band decided to take an extended hiatus in our hometown. That’s when I met Melody Sullivan. She’s the full-package. Whip smart and beautiful, with enough determination to take on anything life has in store. And the best part? Melody shares my philosophy on the fleeting nature of attraction. She doesn’t buy into the whole “happily ever after” crap anymore than I do. We’re perfect for each other. For now. And now is all I want.

With the expectations off the table, I can let my guard down and enjoy her company until the spark dies. And we both know it will. In a week, or a month. But until then, we’ll just keep having fun. The good kind, with lots of sex and no strings attached. And when it’s time to move on, we will. No drawn out goodbyes and no remorse.

That’s the plan, at least."

Contemporary Romance

She's just the kind of drama...

Interior designer Bertie Anderson has big dreams for her career, and they don't include being stuck in her hometown of Harmony, North Carolina. One last client, and Bertie is packing up her high heels and heading for her dream job in Atlanta. But her plans are derailed by the gorgeous new owner of that big old Victorian she's always wanted to renovate...

He's vowed to avoid...

For retired tennis pro Keith Morgan, Harmony is a far cry from fast-paced Miami-which is exactly the point. Keith is starting a new life for himself and his daughter Maddie, and he's left the bright lights and hot women far behind. Bertie's exactly the kind of curvaceous temptation he doesn't need, and Keith refuses to let their sizzling attraction distract him from his goals. Keith and Bertie both have to learn that there's more than one kind of escape, and it takes more than wallpaper to turn a house into a home.


Justine Montgomery, daughter of a divorced beauty queen and TV magnate, is a tabloid disaster after her infamous sex tape. She’s so desperate to help save her family’s home she turns to her deal-making dad. Can she prove to him she’s cut out for a career in television or will she lose it all?

Sawyer has his own past and a successful career is his only goal. Seeing Justine fail would mean the promotion of a lifetime, but things get complicated when he develops feelings for her. Suddenly, the lines between work, life, sex, and love are blurry.

They will have to overcome the bitterness of a rejected ex, the controlling actions of her father, and the half-truths they’re telling one another to forge a lasting partnership both on the job and off the clock.

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