For Authentication Purposes
by Amber L. Johnson
Release Date: March 5th , 2015
Published by The Writers Coffee Shop
Genre: New Adult Romance / Contemporary Romance / Romance Erotica / Humor
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-387-4
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-387-4
Available from: Amazon, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, and TWCS PH

Dawn Sims has made a name for herself writing romantic fiction online. When she's pushed to try her hand at publishing, she thinks she has everything figured out. The only problem? She's never been in a relationship, especially one that has led her to finding The Big O.
So much for writing what you know.
Warner Green has had Dawn in his sights since she walked into his class in seventh grade. She broke his teenage heart not once, but twice, so seeing her in his night class at the local community college was an unexpected surprise.
Accidentally reading her bad erotica on her laptop was a blessing from the Smut Gods themselves.
It's clear she has no idea what she's writing about, but Warner does. In fact, he knows so much that he's willing to offer her his services. The deal is simple: teach the good girl from high school everything she needs to know to write from experience. If he gets to live out a fantasy or two that he's been harboring for almost a decade, then there's no harm in that either.
The lessons turn more heated, and Dawn begins to question where Warner has learned his skills, but he's not ready to talk, until his past comes back to haunt him at the worst possible time.
It shouldn't matter when it's for authentication purposes only.
“Come on. Say it. I know where you’re going.”

Shifting a little to look at him, I resisted the urge to kick him in the nuts and lick his neck at the same time. I mean he looked pretty hot sitting in my chair eating that muffin. Stupid handsome face and fornication hair paired with what I assumed were dirty jeans and a plaid flannel.
“Fine. I’m going to buy a vibrator with the money you gave me. Happy?”
His smile was in full force now. “Hell yeah, I’m happy. Ecstatic, even.” He chewed around the pastry in his mouth and laughed. “I’ll come with you to make sure you get the right one.”
“Oh, hell no. Being with you in a porn shop is on my list of Things to Never Do before I Die.”
~~My Review~~
With each book of Ms. Johnson’s that I've read, I've only become a bigger fan of hers. Saying that, this book wasn't my favorite and up until the end, I thought I was only going to give it a four, maybe a four and a half. It just didn't have ‘the feels’ that ensnared me the way Eight Days a Week and Maybe did . . . until the end. Given what the main story line of this book is, she couldn't have ended it more perfectly.
Once I closed my Nook, I sat back to try and gather my initial thoughts so I could write this review, and something dawned on me. While the idea behind the story wasn't Nobel Peace Prize worthy, it was still well-written, it made me laugh and squirm, it drew the ‘awws’ from me at the cheesy-sweet moments, and was completely different from Johnson’s other works. For that, I bumped my judgement up to five stars. Johnson doesn't rehash the same romantic HEA with different names and settings. No, each of her stories is unique, thus showcasing her talent.
Warner Green comes across as your smooth-talking, know-it-all dreamboat. However, as For Authentication Purposes unfolds, we find a man with a sweet center who is more unsure of himself than you ever would've guessed. Dawn Sims is your classic awkward girl who finds confidence hiding behind a pen name and sharing her ‘naughty writing’ online in free forums. When Warner stumbles across some of her writing, the teasing flares to Defcon levels. Unexpected by either of them, so do the sparks.
Somehow Ms. Johnson has taken a story that, at first, seems to be sex-driven, and woven a tale of sheer delight. You’ll laugh, you’ll roll your eyes, you may even get a little teary-eyed, but I also dare you not to get a little hot under the collar once Wardo’s sex lessons begin with his Bunny (fap, fap, fap, fap). In the end you’ll be left smiling and with a feeling of all around satisfaction. Grab a copy of For Authentication Purposes, a refreshing beverage, your favorite blankie, and settle back for an afternoon of reading. You’ll be glad you did.
**I was given an ARC by the author and TWCS Publishing House in exchange for an honest review.**

Be sure to look for Amber's other books!
Praise for For Authentication Purposes
"Hot! Great UST, very funny, and I loved the characters. Another great one from Amber. " - Andrea
Thank you, darling woman, for your honest review and for taking your time to read FAP and be part of my blog tour!