Happy Re-Release Day, Lorenz Font!
Books 1 & 2 of The Gates Legacy Series
by Lorenz Font
Release Date: November 20, 2014
Genre: FICTION / Romance / General / Paranormal
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-284-6
Book 1: Hunted
Deep in the heart of New York City’s netherworld, a horrible disease is ravaging the vampire community. The VampireCouncil is on a crusade to obliterate those infected, and Harrow Gates is target Number One. The unwitting source of the plague, he suffers from the same nightmarish symptoms as his victims. The world he'd been thrust into was cold, cruel, and intent on eradicating him, and the legions of afflicted vampires he created with his bite.
A bounty hanging over his head, satisfying his hunger has become an enormous challenge for Harrow. The less he feeds, the more hideous and painful his lesions become. Constantly running for his life and learning new tricks to survive, Harrow is in no position to refuse when Pritchard Tack offers him a unique opportunity.
Pritchard not only gives Harrow a new beginning, but also a purpose and a chance to rectify the chaos he created in the vampire world. However, the multi-billionaire has an agenda of his own.
Jordan is a reluctant new vampire and a woman on a mission. After the demise of her family and her own transformation at the hands of Goran, the ruthless leader of the Vampire Council, her only focus is revenge. Constantly faced with one frustrating dead-end after another, a stroke of luck leads her to an underground facility that she suspects is the lair of the monster for whom she is looking.
Upon learning more about the truth behind the secret bunker, Jordan must fight against her growing feelings of friendship and concern for the facility’s inhabitants. One man in particular threatens to pull her heart away from her sworn mission. There is something behind Harrow’s dark lenses that unsettles the hardened female. Once again, she trembles and hungers for something other than red-stained revenge. Is love strong enough to override her hate-fueled thirst for vengeance?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRRY924x4YE&w=560&h=315]
Fanged, red-eyed creatures with a thirst for human blood? Check.
Sensitivity to sunlight and unknown to most humans? Check.
An intricately woven plot line that is sure to enthrall young and old, boys and girls alike? Check!
However, let me begin this review with one crucial warning: Don’t pull back the cover of Hunted until you are clearheaded, and will be left alone until you finish. Interruptions will not be welcome!
Hunted makes you think. This isn't a ‘sit back and enjoy the ride’ type of read; no, this is a ‘grab the reader and make them participate’ type of read. With a large ensemble of characters and multiple subplots the reader needs to have their wits about them to keep up, especially since the POV shifts throughout the book.
Font has created a new vampire world where the mythical creatures of old have been . . . revamped. The predominant change is that her vamps are not immune to disease, and her male lead Harrow Gates is responsible. With this jumping point the author begins a gradual colliding and overlapping of four distinct paths: Harrow, Jordan, Demetrius and Goran, and the Tacks. There are a number of other characters, too, but for me these were the big ones.
Harrow lives with a certain degree of guilt, and is just trying to survive when we meet him. Jordan, on the other hand, is on a course of revenge for the wrongs done to her and her family, and is willing to take down anyone that gets in her way – at first. Goran and his son Demetrius have their own silent issues with each other, but on a grander scale represent the bad guys. Goran has a fixation for red-heads, and what do you know, Jordan happens to be one! The Tacks are where the humans are introduced into the story when Pritchard Tack, billionaire, sets up a secret facility to try to help the diseased vampires of the world find a cure. Why? Because his daughter Allison is one of them.
Tack Enterprises becomes the central hub for the good guys, and where Jordan and Harrow get a chance to know each other. What follows is a humorous yet tumultuous budding romance. He’s diseased, she’s not – so until a cure is found any physical declaration of their feelings for each other is considered a bad idea. You’ll have to read the book to find out if they decide to throw caution to the wind and risk it all for love.
"Yeah, I – have no idea how I got here in the first place." Jordan sighed again. Looking over the dark horizon in the moonlight, the shadow of the lit buildings cast an eerie glow, rendering the sight haunting – foreboding, even. Somewhere out there lived the man she was looking for, the one who had altered her life forever. Haste and impatient motivation would have to take a back seat if she wanted to find him and carry out her revenge. Careful planning was in order. Taking out a man as powerful as Goran without solid preparation was suicide at best.

The thought of Harrow crept into her mind. The vision of his wounded expression never left her. It nibbled at the recesses of her subconscious, reminding her how hasty she had been and how far she had let her anger take her, when she'd dumped all her frustrations on him. She remembered with vivid clarity the wordless derision she'd felt and had manifested in her eyes; the timbre of her voice as she'd ordered him to stay away from her. Ignorance was bliss, and if she hadn't known what was wrong with him, she might still be able to keep herself aloof from the whole situation. Having learned from Allison and Pritchard what the disease was all about armed her with disgust for herself and took away the possibility of the detached approach she would rather have kept out of sheer self-preservation.
Hunted is only book one in The Gates Legacy, and so much is packed into it. I've touched just briefly on some of the many facets, but feel I should add that there’s something for everyone with this tale as long as the reader enjoys the paranormal: action packed fight scenes, tender romantic moments, bouts of humor that will leave you asking if that really just happened, questions answered and more created (it is a series after all), and for that final sweet awwww factor, there’s even an adorable, orphaned, little red-haired girl named Gail. She won the hearts of Harrow and Jordan, so I’ll bet she’ll win yours, too.
I'm a bit of a self-confessed vampire addict, and this book has trace elements that remind me of some of my favorites: Black Dagger Brotherhood, Anita Blake, and even a little Twilight. What are you waiting for? Get your copy of Hunted today (if you haven’t already!)
*Review originally posted March 2013
by Lorenz Font
Release Date: November 20, 2014
Genre: FICTION / Romance / General / Paranormal
ISBN e-book: 978-1-61213-286-0
Book 2: Tormented
Within the Tack Enterprises group of underground fighters, Tor Burns is one of the few non-infected vampires committed to saving his diseased comrades from the vicious clutches of the Vampire Council. He is the meanest, strongest and most impulsive member of the team. Having survived a vicious attack in their underground facility, he now has a new purpose: guard the irresistible daughter of their fallen leader no matter the price. Armed with an abrasive personality and fierce loyalty, Tor approaches this new responsibility with serious determination despite his reservations.
Infected and hunted by the Council, Allison Tack is unable to do as she pleases. A co-heir of the Tack fortune, this beautiful and timid vampire is guarded by those loyal to her father. A walking target wherever she goes, Allison wants to learn how to protect herself, but no one is listening. Sick of being the helpless one in the company of trained fighters around her, Allison vows to prove that she can fight alongside the best of them.
Meanwhile, the harem leader, Melissa, is hell-bent on unraveling any clue about her son Demetrius’ fate. He disappeared without a word, and time has made her desperate. Stepping up her efforts, she seeks the help of Demetrius’ son, Zane. With the additional manpower, Melissa finds the lair of the suspected vampires and wages war against them.
Thrown together by necessity, Tor and Allison can’t continue to deny their attraction to each other. Tor wants to give in to his feelings for her, but old demons resurface. Tormented by a dark secret, Tor must confront the past to prevent losing the best thing that ever happened to him.
A life must be given for a life taken. Will Tor have to sacrifice himself before Allison pays the price?
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU4RWhCR_To]
Where to begin with the second installment of The Gates Legacy . . .
WOW is as good a place as any for Font clearly hit her stride while penning this one.
Tormented continues the main story line of the war between the Vampire Council and "Team Tack"- a motley crew of vampires and humans, also known as 'the good guys,' who are out to assist the ailing vampires of the world.
We get to see how the relationship between Jordan and Harrow has progressed since Hunted, how little Gail has endeared her way into everyone's hearts, and my favorite development: how Font brought some of the side characters from book one to the forefront of book two to give them their moment in the spotlight.
I should add here that Ms. Font has drawn her line in the sand; The Gates Legacy is an adult series without question now. Not so much in that its graphically explicit in its descriptions - its not - but it does delve into well-written situations from intimate moments (Can we get a whoopi cheer for Ally & Tor? Those two definitely needed it!) to mayhem and murder.
Yes, folks, death happens. Characters die, but the story goes on.
So much is packed into Tormented that I can only encourage you to get your copy so you don't miss any of it. This was a fantastic addition to the Legacy and I await, with high anticipation, the arrival of Ascension.
Font's style is engaging, action-packed, and heartfelt. She writes from within her soul, and I foresee great things coming from her in the future.
Five well-deserved pearls for Tormented!
What are you waiting for? Get your copy NOW.
**Review originally posted October 2013

Lorenz Font discovered her love of writing after reading a celebrated novel that inspired one idea after another. She is currently enjoying the buzz from her vampire novels
Hunted and
Tormented, the first and second book of The Gates Legacy Series,
Indivisible Line, a romantic thriller,
Feather Light, an erotic romance and
Pieces of Broken Time, a military romance.
Lorenz’s perfect day consists of writing and lounging on her garage couch, aka the office, with a glass of her favorite cabernet while listening to her ever-growing music collection. She enjoys dabbling in different genres, with an intense focus on angst and the redemption of flawed characters. Her fascination with romantic twists is a mainstay in all her stories.
Lorenz lives in California with her husband, children, and two demanding dogs. She divides her time between her full-time job and her busy writing schedule.
Lorenz is giving away a SWAG pack as well! Enter to WIN!
Praise for Hunted
"Idea of these kind of vampires is really interesting and structure of this vampire race have so many possibilities.
I liked how there was so many amazing characters and you could fully get absorbed to minds of each of them." - Arabella, Goodreads Review
Praise for Tormented
"What a great sequel and I'm just looking forward for a third book. I'm so intrigued to see what will come next. You will love this book if you like this genre it is just that good." - FS Meurinne, Goodreads Review