Domestic engineer, author, burgeoning editor, and quite possibly certifiable...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Passion in the Pages: BOOK REVIEW: Roulette: Love is a Losing Game by Sa...
Passion in the Pages: BOOK REVIEW: Roulette: Love is a Losing Game by Sa...: From Goodreads: "You might call me a Dominant or a Top, but really I’m just a very successful woman in my 30s looking for sexy ro...
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Author to AUTHOR Sneak Peek Sunday: Crossing the Line by Sherri Hayes
Available September 4, 2014
from Sherri Hayes
The Line (Daniels Brothers #3)
“Sorry about last night.”
Megan looked up from the stack of
baby blankets she’d been perusing. Rebecca was holding a bottle with little yellow bears in her right hand, a sheepish look on her face.
“What are you apologizing for? Ditching me, or making so much noise I had to spend most of the evening in the basement?” Megan grinned to lessen the harsh impact of her words. She wasn’t mad at her sister, but she hadn’t relished spending three hours hiding in their basement either. It wouldn’t have been so bad had she been able to talk to Paul the entire time, but she hadn’t. As it was, she’d ended up watching reruns of CSI. It was the only thing decent she could find on television.
Rebecca placed the bottle back on the shelf. “Both, I guess. I mean we didn’t mean . . .”
“You’re still newlyweds. I get it.”
Her sister rubbed a hand over her
growing belly and smiled. “It’s just, ever since I entered my second
trimester I can’t seem to control myself.”
Megan snorted. “And you could
control yourself before?”
“Okay, you’re right. Gage has
always been able to . . . well . . .” To Megan’s surprise, Rebecca
giggled. It was weird, but good, too. Her sister was happy.
“Yeah, I get it.” And Megan did
get it. Those two make-out sessions with Paul had her craving more of his
kisses. She could only imagine what it would feel like to have him
inside her . . . surrounding her.
Walking over to a rack filled
with little socks, Megan sighed. She missed sex. Battery-operated boyfriends had nothing on the
real thing.
Check Out The Rest of the Daniels Brothers Series
Behind Closed Doors (Daniels Brothers #1) Red Zone (Daniels Brothers #2)
About the Author
Sherri spent most of her childhood detesting English class.
It was one of her least favorite subjects because she never seemed to fit into
the standard mold. She wasn't good at spelling or following grammar rules, and
outlines made her head spin. For that reason, Sherri never imagined becoming an
At the age of thirty, all that changed. After getting
frustrated with the direction a television show was taking two of its
characters, Sherri decided to try her hand at writing an alternate ending and
give the characters their happily ever after. By the time the story finished,
it was one of the top ten read stories on the site, and her readers were
encouraging her to write more.
Seven years later, Sherri is the author of seven full-length
novels and one short story. Writing has become a creative outlet that allows
her to explore a wide range of emotions, while having fun taking her characters
through all the twists and turns she can create.
Connect with Sherri
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Sherri Hayes' Tuesday Teasers - Come Share Excerpts
Surreal (The Divine Trilogy #3)
BDSM Erotica and Adult Contemporary Romance
Books 1 and 2 are Available on Amazon:
For all things #DivineTrilogy, please visit the dedicated site:
#SurrealSnippet Excerpt:
There was a quiet rustle while he began loosening the laces on her dress. “Breathtaking doesn’t begin to describe how enchanting you look, A rúnsearc—like a living doll.” He ran the tip of his tongue along the back of her neck and up to her earlobe. Timid giggles slipped from her, and he sucked the tender flesh of her ear between his teeth, hypnotized by her light scent and taste.
With the back laces of her gown undone, the thin straps slipped from her shoulders then down her arms while the dress fell and pooled at her feet. Stepping from behind her, he positioned himself where he could view all of her and sucked in a sharp inhale. He would never tire of seeing all of her natural beauty on display for him.
(c) 2014 R.E. Hargrave
Check out more Tuesday Teasers at
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Author to AUTHOR Sneak Peek Sunday: The Prodian Journey by Lorenz Font
Coming soon from Lorenz Font
The Prodian Journey
First book of Path of the Guardian Series
A young adult novel
drew the curtain and I found myself trapped in the room, with only Madame Elizabeth
as my company for the next God knew how long. I glanced at the woman sitting behind
a round table covered with a velvet cloth. A stack of harmless looking cards
lay in front of her.
“Hello, young man,” she greeted with an
elaborate flair of her hand. “Have a seat.”
retuned her greeting with a tight smile then, with great reluctance, sank into
the chair opposite her. To begin with, I had no idea what the heck this tarot
and psychic crap was all about, except the possibility of predicting one’s luck
or discovering what might happen in the future. Remaining silent, I rested my
clammy palms on my thighs.
what are you looking to see? Love, adventure . . . perhaps happiness?” she queried,
spreading the colorful cards across the table in a single sweep. The cards
fanned across the surface like fallen dominoes. In perfect sync.
do—don’t know,” I stammered. A jerk shot through my tight shoulders before I
could stop it.
Elizabeth’s gaze met mine for a brief moment. Although her eyes were hidden
underneath red-rimmed glasses, it was obvious she saw my discomfort, and it put
me on the defensive. The woman was stunning in a disturbing way. It felt like
she could see right through me, as if she knew my secrets, and that in itself
was disconcerting.
studied her while she perused the cards. Her hair was tied in a loose bun on
top of her head and she wore a magician type tunic which reminded me of
mystical characters. I had the urge to roll my eyes when she began playing the
part, momentarily closing her eyes and breathing deep. Hands splayed on the
cards, she caressed each one before she finally collected the stack. Shuffling
the cards once, she then laid a few back down on the table with quick and
precise movements. With utmost concentration, she studied them, choosing one.
flipped the card for me to check. “What do you see?”
I had no idea what to look for, I stared at the card. “I see a circle with four distinct colors on
the edges.”
she dropped the card and turned another one. This time, her thin, almost
invisible brows furrowed. “With every curse comes a blessing,” she said.
The very moment she uttered those words, the
hair at the back of my neck rose and I experienced a ‘what the hell’ moment.
About the Author
Lorenz’s perfect day consists of writing and lounging on her garage couch, aka the office, with a glass of her favorite cabernet while listening to her ever-growing music collection. She enjoys dabbling in different genres, with an intense focus on angst and the redemption of flawed characters. Her fascination with romantic twists is a mainstay in all her stories.
Lorenz lives in California with her husband, children, and two demanding dogs. She divides her time between her full-time job as a hospital office manager and her busy writing schedule.
Connect with Lorenz Font
Thursday, July 10, 2014
RELEASE BLITZ: To Have and To Hold by Krissy V
Title: To Have and To Hold
Author: Krissy V
Cover By: Rachel at No Sweat Graphics
Release Date: July 10, 2014
What would you do if your best friend told you not to get involved with someone? Would you stay away?
What if you are asked to not get involved with someone who you have an instant attraction to? That makes it a bit more difficult!
Now what if you are asked not to get involved with someone who is your soulmate and you feel it the first time you meet? Would you stay away?
Kammie and Luca find themselves in this situation and they try to stay away from each other, but they just can’t help themselves.
Is it the right thing for them to do? Will it make them both happy? Or should they take the advice given to them from their best friends?
Follow Kammie and Luca on their rollercoaster ride and find out if soulmates are really meant to be together!
ADD TO GR - To Have and To Hold
BUY LINKS - Amazon Kindle

I am a mother to two young children, who in turn keep me young. I live in Dublin, Ireland but, I’m originally from South Devon in the UK. I work full time in a pharmacy and write in all my spare time: in my lunch hour, when watching TV at night and anywhere the urge takes me.
I have always been interested in reading from a young age and then 2 years ago I was given a kindle as a present and it was the best thing that happened to me. I was able to read lots of books ever week and then I started to write reviews for all the books I read.
I took this one step further and started my own facebook page – Sparkling Pink Bookshelf. I intended to upload all of my reviews for the books I read. This was purely for pleasure and then I answered a post on facebook for someone to read for reviews and thought I had died and gone to heaven. I was reading about 7/8 books a week, the kindle made this achievable. I would read at any opportunity I could, even staying up til the small hours to finish a book. I loved it.
Then one day I was asked to beta read a book – I loved this side of it, it was so exciting. I have worked with a number of indie authors and have remained loyal to a few select authors and I beta read all their books.
After a year or more of doing this, I thought maybe I could write some of the stories that were in my head and I just decided to write and see what happened. I wrote about 70% of a story and then saw a post for the NaNoWriMo competition – to write 50,000 words in 30 days, I decided that this was a challenge I wanted to take and the Til Death Us Do Part series was born.
I am always thinking of situations that can be turned into a story and have started a few stories, which in turn will be completed and released to my readers.
I love to hear what my readers have to say about my work and please find my links below:
Thank you for your support and I hope you enjoy this series of books as much as I enjoyed writing them.
Krissy V
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Passion in the Pages: BOOK REVIEW: Testing the Submissive by Al Daltrey
Passion in the Pages: BOOK REVIEW: Testing the Submissive by Al Daltrey: From Goodreads: Abby stood nervously before her Master in the classic submissive pose: fully nude, legs apart, wrists placed behind ...
COVER REVEAL: Ready to Love Again by Annalyse Knight
A Cover Reveal
Ready to Love Again
by Annalyse Knight
Release Date: August 7, 2014
Dr. Chase O’Donnell had everything a man could ask for when a tragic accident changed his life forever. Tortured by his memories, he locks away his grief to care for his two children, refusing to face what his loss has done to him and the people he loves most.
Katie’s son is a rowdy child with a good heart, so it is a bit of a surprise when Shawn befriends the quiet and thoughtful Tony O’Donnell. Tony’s love for baseball draws Shawn into his world, and from then on, they are inseparable. It is only a matter of time before they bring their parents together again in a surprising twist of fate. However, Tony’s older sister, Liz, doesn’t like the new boy who is prone to catching critters and teasing girls. Liz isn’t very happy with the idea of her father having a new girlfriend, either. Loyal to a fault and haunted by the fear of abandonment, she lashes out and refuses to accept the new woman in her father’s life.
Katie and Chase must find the strength to rebuild their lives while juggling the demands of careers and single parenthood. When Chase’s daughter lashes out, they soon discover that the price of their romance is too high. To heal his family’s pain, they both must risk losing each other. Facing unresolved guilt and anger, will they have the courage to learn to love again?

Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Addictive Lunacy by N. Isabelle Blanco BLOG TOUR {Giveaway}
Event Organized by ❤MaE Book Tours & Promo Stars Services❤
Only $0.99!
Calum Alexander lived his life one way. With purpose and moderation. Everything was set in place and everything happened according to a plan. That is, until his picture perfect engagement falls apart and his crazy brother Lucas gets him to agree to a night out. Calum is left to fend for himself when Lucas decides to bail and ‘fend for himself’ he will need to. A vivacious and obviously young Livana Payne catches his attention and before he knows what's going on, they end up talking. By the end of the night, Calum is on fire for the impish girl who's managed to ignite an inferno within him.
Yes, she’s twelve years younger and the complete opposite of what he’d imagined in his life, but he hungers for her in a way that’s frightening. Drunk and surprisingly out of control, he's dead set on his need to have her. But the moment he accidentally lets it be known that he's recently single, Livana is having none of it. There is no way she's getting involved with a man who just broke up with his fiance. No, they were going to have to wait. Calum’s need for her somehow kept growing. As the days went by and he got to know her more, Livana seemed to be stealing all of his sanity. As much as she wants to wait it quickly becomes obvious to Calum that he’s losing his grip to the monster she’d awakened within him. He’s about to lose control and when he does, he knows there’s going to be nothing gentle about what he’ll end up doing to her.
Genre Erotica/ Contemporary Romance
Publication Date September 16 2012
Compulsive Fascinations (Compulsions Book #2) Coming Soon!
You get hurt once; you assume that’s the norm. You see others suffer; you assume that’s the norm, too. At least, that’s what Livana once did. One rough go-around was enough for her. After that, she kept it simple, no strings attached. It was just easier, even necessary. Until she went out one night and met Calum Alexander, a man whose intensity broke through each of her defenses, leaving her vulnerable. Afraid to fall in love, she tries to keep some of her walls up around herself, even as Calum seems determined not to let her. Faced with a man that seems intent on possessing her, Liv knows it’s a mere matter of time before she no longer has a choice.
Genre Erotica/ Contemporary Romance
Expected Publication Date To Be Announced
About the Author
Connect with N. Isabelle Blanco!
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Monday, July 7, 2014
Out of the Box Regifted by Jennifer Theriot BLOG TOUR & GIVEAWAY
Title: Out of The Box Regifted (Book 2 in Out of the Box Series)
Author: Jennifer Theriot
Genre: Romance
Publication Date: April 7, 2014
Tour Host: Dreams Come True Promotions
With a new beginning for Olivia and Ash on the horizon, what could possibly stop them from finding happily ever after?
In order to move on, Olivia must face the haunting demons from her past life with Alan, her ex husband. Demands and more betrayals will force her to come to grips with things she couldn’t change and practice forgiveness not only for those in her past, but for herself as well.
Faced with his own hidden secrets, will Ash allow Olivia to stand by him? In the midst of happiness, this blended family will find they will also have to trust in the love and family bonds to get them through what is coming next or they will self-destruct. How long can Ash keep parts of his life hidden from those who love him?
Will Olivia be able to gain the confidence she needs to explore the new life Ash is offering while staying true to herself? Can she let go of the need to know the whole truth and be willing to trust what she’s building with Ash?
Jennifer Theriot has given us the next chapter of Olivia’s journey as she discards the meek, obedient wife role and morphs into the free spirited, determined woman who not only deserves to be loved, but commands respect from those in her life. Can she maintain her courage to seek what she needs to be free from the past, while clinging on to what Ash offered her as a future?
Lists on GoodReads that include Out of the Box Regifted:
Jennifer Theriot hails from the Great State of Texas. She is a career woman, working as CFO of a Texas based real estate investment firm. Working in her capacity as CFO, she felt something was missing and discovered her passion for writing novels--mostly at night and on weekends.
In her limited spare time Jennifer enjoys being outdoors; preferably somewhere on a beach curled up with a good book. Spending time with family and friends, watching a baseball game and enjoying a good bottle of wine are usually on her to-do lists. Jennifer is also 'MiMi' to two beautiful grandchildren and a mom to three grown children, all of whom she adores. Theriot is an admitted music junkie, loving every type of music, which takes up most of the memory on her iPhone. She listens to music from sun up to sun down and her love of music is reflected a great deal in her books.
Jennifer took a chance that there could be an interest in romance with middle aged couples who are finding themselves at a crossroads and wrote her debut novel Out of the Box Awakening, which centers on the hope of finding happiness and passion through unexpected heartache. It emphasizes the need for family and friends as Jennifer has learned in her own life. The book has been described as "Mature Sexy" by one reviewer.
Her second book in the Out of the Box series titled Out of the Box Regifted has just been released and she is currently working on the third book, Out of the Box Everlasting. 2 Novellas from her other character's POV are planned as well.
Website I Blog I @JenTheRiot I Facebook
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