My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Welcome back to the heart wrenching love story of Nathan and Lila. Can these two ever get a break?
Yes, if they’re willing to work for it, and boy howdy, has Lynn set it up so that they will be working for it.
Talk about an AMAZING ride! It took no time at all to get sucked right back into the world that Lynn first introduced us to in Breach. Her style grabs you, buckles you in, and you aren’t going anywhere until you’ve lived every painful moment, every revelation and exultation, right along with the couple who seems to have all odds stacked against them.
Readers will find this second installment of the Breach Trilogy much tamer than the first in regards to language and sex, but don’t worry, it’s not gone altogether. (Allow me to add that what she did add are true to Lynn’s steamy style—you WON’T be disappointed.) The physical encounters are toned down because that is what Nathan and Lila need; Lynn has not thrown sex in just for the sake of it. Her characters need to grow and heal individually, and together, so as much as they feel the pull and want to get their freak on, they manage to think with their brains before their desires. The reward?
Explosion. Raw energy. Pure love.
Bravo and 5 butterflies to Infraction.
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