Join me today in welcoming another new author to the Renaissance Romance Publishing family and friend, Judith Ouvrard. Her debut novella will be published as part of RenRom's Beach Reads collection this July.
Judith Ouvrard
Which is your most favorite book ever?
I have plenty of favorite books. I loved Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks. I read it at least ten times. I enjoyed reading Beautiful Disaster by Jamie Mcguire. Travis Maddox is just too hot to be real. I also liked reading Thoughtless, Effortless and Reckless by S.C. Stephens. I can read about a sexy rock star anytime. I love romance. I will read anything as long as there is a love story.
Which is the best vacation you've ever had?
When I was 10 years old, I went to Cuba with my parents. It changed my life. I will always remember this trip. I met amazing friends. The beach, the food, the weather, the people, everything was so different. I hope I will be able to do that with my son someday.
Which is your favorite time of the day?
When I finally get to sit and write. It’s that simple. I love it. I need it, daily.
What kind of kid were you, naughty or nice?
I was too nice I think. I had pink hair and piercings at some point but other than that, I think I was a good kid. (Obviously!)
What kind of music do you like?
I like all kind of music. Johnny Cash, Bob Marley, Chopin, Jeff Buckley, Rihanna, Muse, Incubus. It depends on my mood. It also inspires me when I write. Music has an important place in my life.
If you were a t-shirt, what color would you be? Why?
I would probably be black or purple. Why? Black fits with everything and purple because I love it. I love t-shirts. I have tons.
If you were a cookie, which would you be?
Triple chocolate cookie. I love CHOCOLATE!
And now for a little 411 on Jude's upcoming novella Under the Sun:
Tracey had spent the last few years of her life taking care of her sick Grandmother, Beth. She loved her more than anything, and she put her own personal life on hold to give her better care.
Late spring, Beth passed away, leaving her granddaughter on a rollercoaster of emotion.
After weeks of grief and loneliness, Tracey decided to spend the summer at their cabin located in Wells Beach, Maine. The cabin was right on the beach, and offered a perfect view of the ocean.
Once she got to her destination, she met her new neighbor, Jackson Phillips. He had purchased the abandoned cabin next door. He gave her a great first impression, and she is captivated by the green of his eyes. He dazzled her by the end of their first encounter.
She had a lot on her plate; the cabin was covered in dust and the heat was overwhelming. Jackson invited her to come over to his place to have dinner. During that evening, she realized that it was now her time to live and enjoy life.
Jackson’s life experiences helped him to turn his life around. He had faced more obstacles already than most people ever have to face in their lifetime, and he shared his knowledge with Tracey in order to see her blossom.
Their attraction for each other was immediate, and love came soon after. There was nothing more romantic than the sun, the ocean and a convertible car.
Together they shared their love, their enthusiasm, and their life.
Author Bio:
Jude lives in Montreal, Canada. She is the proud mother of a four year old son, and has spent the last twelve years with her partner, Cedric. French is her native language, but she prefers to write in her second language, English. Besides working full time and being a mother, Jude has a passion for books, both reading and writing them.
Find Jude Here: